I personally had a Panasonic that looked just like that as a teenager. I'm not sure about the model number though.
The first Stereo my family had was made by Columbia. We probably got it sometime around 1960ish. It was two large matching cabinets, I would say about 26" wide by 36" tall by 18" deep. The cabinet tops hinged open, one cabinet had the turntable inside and the controls, the other cabinet had storage for records in the top. The cabinet with the turntable had a tube amp mounted at the bottom near the floor. Both cabinets were open at the back, and each had about 5 or 6 speakers mounted on the front baffle. The largest was probably about a 12". In the period from about 1964 to 1970 all the kids in the neighborhood used to come over to my house to listen whenever a new and exciting album came out. Most memorable was "Are You Experienced?". It seems that my parents weren't home when someone brought that over.. I'm sure the neighbors heard it too . . . [6]
I wish I could find a picture of that old Columbia . . .