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Everything posted by thebes

  1. Thanks STL. Should I get new circuit boards at the same time so the speakers aren't out or service while I'm doing the new crossovers? Also, if the specs don't match up exactly do I need some sort of a meter to take some of the windings off the inductors?
  2. I was raised on the spread out sound and hey, there's nothing like five part harmony to end the day. Sweet!
  3. Had an extra glass of wine with dinner tonight (ok. two, ok three, but I'm not admitting to anything more. Was feeling in the mood for some laid back music. Launched the evening with a remastered "Tales from Topograhic Oceans" by Yes (circa 1974). Still amazed by the sound. Ok, I'm gettting to the point (see paragraph one). Sequed into a remastered Temptations "For Lovers Only" running through my newly acquired Scott 299A. Whoa, Wow, Whoa! I am now convinced that if your want soul (music that is) you need tubes. Temptations, tubes, you'll defintely will get nooky. Dat's dat.
  4. Buffy Saint Marie. I like, I like a a lot. Seriously need one for my collection. Has she done anyhting recently so I could get modern mastering?
  5. Never heard them but I know all the words to the McKenzie Brother's Oh, he's a lumberjack and he's ok". Just kidding. Sounds good I'll check it out as soon as Sargeant Preston get's Pauline of the train tracks. Just kidding again, I'm feeling puckish tonight.
  6. Just acquired them and they sound sweet, but you know. Thought it might make a nice summer project. I can solder but don't have any other electronic expertise so if somebody's already done this I wouldlike to use your specs and materials list. Thanks.
  7. Look, nobody in their right mind pays MSRP, but it's a starting point. From there it goes down. What MSRP does is set a high point beyond which you positivly know you're getting ripped off. Producers issue MSRP's as much to keep their distributors and dealers honest as for any other reason. Klipsch recently took a bold move to protect their dealer system by closing down certain dealers for illegally dumping their stuff on the internet. Yet at the same time by refusing to list an MSRP their giving a wink and a nod to the dealers to charge whatever the traffic can bear. It's a disservice to their customer base. I was recently looking at getting a mass market universal player. Went to Toshiba's web site and the press release announcing their new player had the MSRP prominently displayed. Nothing, and I mean nothing, unsual here. You shouldn't have to to do an extensive data search or buy a pricing magazine to learn such basic buying information as this. One of the principal beauties of the web for consumers is that you can learn basic information before going to the dealer and thus enter into an informed buying decision. I mean really to get this info for Klipsch you basically have to join the forum and then poll everybody on what they paid for the particular speaker they are looking to buy. Nuff said.
  8. I concur. In another post today our Moderator claims it's because it causes confusion between US and British buyers. You can bet they can figure out the profit margin on their sales overseas weather it be Pounds, Euros, Ruppes whatever. I recently was looking at some Rf 25's, 35's and Seven's. Talking to the salesman was like trying to buy an oriental rug, matress or used car. There's no excuse for this nonsense. If you're going to need to do some serious bargaining you can borrow my ex-wife. I once saw her make a Turkish rug dealer cry.
  9. Right now it's all about family. Give her as much as you can of what she gave to you. Sorry.
  10. Welcome. This is a good place to hang out. The possibilities of course are endless. In rock as well as other areas I would be looking for recordings from the last 10 years or so. I love the old music, I was at Woodstock after all, but Klipsch's really shine on the newer stuff where their clarity and dynamics really lend a presence to the music. You need some names though so here's a few. Sade and Al Dimeola for jazz, of course, John Prine country/rock,folk, Marvin Gay or the latest Temptations for soul, Marley or Toots, Saatana, Segovia, Willie and Lobo, Concrete Blonde, Colin Hay (lead singer of Men at Work), Al Jurreau, Van Morrison etc. etc. etc. Then there's the blues. Try Keb 'Mo or Doug MacLead for a more laid back presentation, or Buddy Guy, BB King for more uptempto. Again the list goes on and on, but if you got the Klipsch you got to got the blues.
  11. Welcome to the forum. You'll like it here. Don't have the Heresy's but you might try doing a search in the upper right-hand corner. I do know that many on this site have modified various Klipsch's as centers and it usually involves the purchase of something called "buck Magnets" (available at PartsExpress.com) and gluing them to the rears of your horns and tweeters so they don't warp the top of picture tube (if placed on top of tv). If you don't get some expert replies in a day or two try reposting the question in the Upgrading Older Speakers area.
  12. Wwelcome. You'll like it here. I don't have any info for you but questions like this are best asked either in the Two Channel, Updating Older Speakers or Technical Questions Forums. That's where the guys with expertise in crossovers tend to hang out. So repost it to any of those forums and I am sure you'll get some help
  13. How great do they sound? Like most cd's the older they are, the more the lack of modern mixing techniques stand out. That said, here's my offerings in no particular order: Armando Manzanero-Entre Amigos Gilberto Gil- Acoustic Bosa Nova-Sound Track Various Artists Cesaria Evora-Cape Verde Islands Strunz and Farah-Heart of the Sun Fania All Satrs with Celia Cruz Willie and Lobo-anything but especially Caliente (a recording they themselves didn't particularly like) Willie and Lobo don't quite fit the Latin jazz mode being a cross between jazz, flamenco, new world and new age but as you can tell I'm a huge fan.
  14. Welcome. I'm very new here myself but you will find the folks here are just fabulous! It's not just the enthusiasm for all things Klipsch, but the friendly hand they offer to everyone and their willingness to share the knowledge they have acquired. Of course they have absolutely no sense of humor so watch our step (heh,heh,heh). Re the Heresy's, while the consensus seems to be tubes make them sing, all the Klipsch speakers I have listened to go fine with solid state. I've run my speakers for years with all of the low end receivers (and yours does not qualify with the junk I 've used) yet still every time I really listen to them I'm almost awed by the clarity and dynamics they deliver. It's very hard to have Klipsch speakers and want to play background music because they keep drawing you in. After all, the first rule of home audio is speakers, speakers, speakers. If you're speakers are great you're music is great. The rest is nuance and largely incremental but hugely enjoyable enhancements. To some ears Klipsch can be a little harsh or in sterophile terms "bright" . This can lead to what's called "listening fatigue". To my mind, with Klipsch's that just means they are so awesome they tend to overwhelm the senses and wear out the listener. (sorta like the reaction mOOn had the first time he went to a Duran Duran concert). Lot's of good stuff to learn here and lot's of nice people but don't forget to take time to listen to the music. It will never sound as good again now that your cranking the K's. ( Hey, Dave Barry, how's that for the name of a rock band).
  15. "Will you still love us, will you still need us, when your 64"!
  16. Good one Picky and a great thread too. Compensation for the flavor of the moment (i.e. M&M) has always been out of whack when compared to the lesser known or selling groups/individuals. But while the scum often rises to the top those of us who appreciate music will go out of our way to support them. Re: corporate scumbags, I spent 8 years working on Capitol Hill and I am pleased to say I gave them fits on more than one occasion.
  17. I'm a boomer. Remember the "One Eyed Purple Peeper Eater"? How about "bubblegum" music? How about that treacle from the Beetles "I want to Hold Your Hand" recorded at the same time as the Animals are singing about a certain House in New Orleans and Them is recording "Here Comes the Night" Perhaps not the most prosiac examples available, but they'll suffice. The point is the airwaves have always been saturated with junk, and gems. In the late 60' and 70's the gems outbattled the junk. Why because the times they were a changing. For a brief time the imperative was for yhe best not the worst. The recording companies went along for the buck, the drugs and the broads. Remember "free love"? Anybody associated with Janis, or Bob or Jimmie had a ticket to ride. There was convergance of talent with a willigness to publish. That's gone. It was an abberation. Get over it. Has anybody ever heard of a struggling recording industry executive. Their focues has changed they have kids in the burbs and 6000 sq foot houses. They peddle it. People buy it. Radio is a dismal sinkhole of the bland and the flavor d'jure. What HASN'T changed is that we will always be blessed by musicians whose talent outweighs their greed, whose need to be heard outweighs their egos and whose need to express themselves ooverarches their need to conform. There are ways to do it. You know them. Go and find these musicians and enjoy and celebrate what they bring to us. Remember that we all enjoy Klipsch as a wonderfull medium to bring us the wonders of our artists, new or old.
  18. Got my eye on a Denon CD67 SE (highly rated in its day (1998 for it's price point)and am considering using it for a stereo only setup with my just acquired Fisher 500c. Any opinions? Also a little concerned because this model comes with a volumne control on the remote that apparantly resets to full on every time the machine starts up. Don't want to blow my Klipschees. I think it's bypassed if you're using the digital output but would this then defeat the idea of pairing it with tubes?
  19. thebes

    Albums for free

    Good idea. All mine are gone though. Also it appears that the link (I presume the word "Here" is the link) is not working.
  20. Good pick. Got it this weekend. Not a big aerosmith fan but this is a keeper. Great production sound too!
  21. Boy do I feel dumb. I thought I knew my way around computers, It's working fine and the gear looks great. Got to remember to clear my cache more often. Sorry.
  22. I just ran the page after typing in your home page and clicked down to sales and it's still showing your demo sale. I don't know maybe because I'm using Mozilla? Just so other folks can see what you've got up. As you know I bought a Fisher 500c today and I can only do only one thing at a time although from your decscription I am drooling.
  23. Craig, when I hint the link I get a page that is basically under construction with no specific sale items showing. Is there a secret magic handshake or something?
  24. Thanks Craig. That 's very generous of you. I will email you when the unit comes in.
  25. Thanks to your encouragement and suggestions, I just picked up a Fisher 500c on Ebay for less then two bills. Now I'm a tube head without a clue. Guy on ebay says it works, he ran it for an hour but the knobs are scratchy. Ok. First step what do I do when I get it out of the box. From noodeling around this forum and the aa forum people are suggesting that some stuff should probably be replaced right away. Your thoughts. Oh yes, electricty and me do not get along and I have no variacs, voltmeters or any of that other wierd stuff you guys are always talking about. Having recently bought a ss receiver, sub, and new speakers I'm running out of dough so keep that in mind. I will be using this for a two speaker only system coupled to Kg 5.2'2 and a cd player only. Local radio (Washington, DC) sucks and no desire to head off the the land of tape players and vinyl. Don't want to inadvertantly mess up my new baby so suggestions are more then welcome. Thanks.
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