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Everything posted by Schu

  1. welcome to the forum... CL is definitely a great way to discover and try different systems for much less money that full retail. there is so much for sale out there.
  2. Mine should be here this afternoon...
  3. would you not want to set the sub Xover/roll off at the lowest setting possible (that your mains will still cover) so there is as little interference as possible with the mains? Or do you want some over lap? which in the case of the 82's is around 33hz
  4. that is slightly worrying... OP check one thing for me please. go to c drive/windows/system32/drivers/etc/locahosts. open local hosts with wordpad and the very last thing on that list should read # localhost. if there is something other than that there, your computer is being redirected by a remote user.
  5. I think this makes sense... thanks for pointing that out.
  6. sounds a bit like an IE issue... have you thought about downloading firefox?
  7. or run in safe mode, which is what you should do anyway when you are running those virus scans.
  8. well you seem to have some size issues for your speaker choice. certainly you could have gotten a really nice 3 way floor standing speaker in used condition for $600'ish, but if your area isn't that large I guess it doesn't matter that much. Give the RB's a good listen when you get them and let us know what you think?
  9. is there or are there any issues with running your center channel vertically oriented instead of horizontally oriented? I am thinking about putting my 64 vertically because of space reasons... but there is room for it in a traditional Hor orientation.
  10. that WILL work... but it won't work the best that it could be. did I miss what type amp you have? Edit: I see it now. That's a very basic set up but should keep you entertained for some time. you may have saved a little by buying used, but if you dont want that hassle, just enjoy.
  11. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    I just made a deal for a RC64ii for $800NIB... pick it up tomorrow. Happy Happy Joy Joy Edit: Picked up!
  12. run malwarebytes and spybot in succession, then restart and run Ccleaner. that takes care of most things unless it's a redirecting virus. all are free programs. I even have good luck with MS security essentials. edit: and stay away from Pron sites []
  13. I'll let you know in a few days OP... I guess I am the first idiot to actually purchase a 115 and try and integrate it into my system. I have high expectations.
  14. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    Subday BBQ condiments!
  15. David has a whole long list of LP's... he's been putting them out in limited offereings for years now. Most of them are nearly impossible to find. http://davidlynch.com/index/
  16. you are not put on this world to "get it"... I am not even sure I need one subwoofer... why the hell would I want two of them.
  17. .we all can not live our lives via the lowest common denominator. I am sure the 115 will be more than enough for my 25'x25' room... if not, I will get something else.
  18. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    Yes sir... I am way ahead of you on that one!
  19. I just bought one... we'll see when it arrives.
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