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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. That sounds like Easy Rider to me. If not, it's a variation taken from it and used elsewhere. OK man, everyone knows the build up to this line but do you remember this? "I gots to know."
  2. I have the Dutch import on Phillips LP with Herbert Kegel and the Leipzig Radio Chorus and Radio Symphony Orchestra. I don't know if it is available on CD. I've heard it live more than recorded and can't say how this one stacks up. Maybe someone else has?
  3. No offense taken. I used a camera new to me. When I post the engine shot (taken on the other camera) I will try the resize gizmo. I have learned just about everything I know about computers (fits on the head of a pin) on the fly. Now I know what to look for in a file size, and even to find out what it is first before sending images . Thanks. Plus, I am really impressed that no one has suggested that I should have spent the money on separates! Basically, this deal was more tempting than any I have yet to see on that front, plus the waf is higher.
  4. Alright Thebes, I won't hunt you down and kill you like the dog you know you are this time.....(Micheal Franks, oh yeah I remember his stuff, it does tend to bring out the jealosy or something like that). I am putting forth a gift to me by my loving wife...on cd called Yes--Extended Versions:The Encore Collection. Live recorded Yes which seems to me to be a purer, cleaner Yes than the studio versions, especially regarding the vocals of Jon Anderson and the bass of Chris Squire. My Forte II's were rocking to this one. At first you might critique the compression, but fu'get about it! Just immerse yourself into the music and enjoy. A great buy new for only 7 bucks. Now send me my prize.......
  5. Thanks Dale. There are a number of sources around, usually one can find most items somewhere. Surprised to hear about an actual dealer; CA and up in the Seattle area are great places to own Alfas. The word is that in late 2007 they will return to the states with new models using Maserati dealers for distribution. ALFA=Always Looking For Another.
  6. This thread speaks to the community we share as more than just gear heads. I know that i was devastated after my first wife left me (and took my son with her), and leaned on my friends for whatever help they could provide. I learned from the experience not necessarily what I was looking for in someone, but definitely what I knew I was not looking for. Somehow this led me (or maybe pure luck plus experience) to be smart enough to know when I found her to make it work. Its been 16 years now and we still love each other and are even still in love with each other. You are right on with your comment Amy, btw.
  7. The sizes seemed right when I first posted, then would change. Thanks for the tip. Yes it is a 91 164, has a belt not a chain like the older engines, loves to scream at high revs. Lust and/or frustration, as one poster put it. Engine pic in a couple of days, nice and clean. She is now the newest car in the fleet, if you can fathom that! Klipsch and cars, how I love'em. Edit: when I click on refresh the images come down to normal size. Does this work for anyone else or just me?
  8. Most definitely done by a former owner..I'll have to look but that rim is probably the worst of the bunch, and thanks!
  9. Unfortunately the way to greater liquidity is by higher rates to keep attracting the foreign investor. The US is hostage to foreign bond holders. Sounds pessimistic even though I am in general an optimist.
  10. There are 0 guest(s) online. There are 1 of 20,671 member(s) online - oldtimer Copied and pasted at 0017 cdt.
  11. I am guilty of the naziesque opinion that people are fat because they let themselves get fat. The exception being when it is a result of a medical condition. They can get thin when they put out the physical and mental effort to get thin. It is a scientific fact that because of our genes we are predisposed to get fat in order to survive times of scarcity. This occasion simply does not occur like it did during the process of evolution. Therefore ironically it takes our genetically inherited intelligence to overcome our genetically inherited food choices.
  12. Yeah I love Sophia and use her pictures in my luggage tags, but too commonly used by other idiots like myself with a weakness for Italian cars. I'll post the engine later if anyone is interested (it's gorgeous) but it is on the other camera which is far away right now.
  13. Choices, choices. Decided I needed another car to drive like a bat out of hell. Here she is, I call her (usually) Azzurro Bello.
  14. Oddly enough I meet gals all the time who swear that "all the good ones are taken."
  15. Haven't had a hearing test lately, but between early years as a drummer, and being around airplanes for 20 years, I must have some of that high frequency loss. Also, at events like baseball games when the crowd gets loud with that multi-frequency noise one of my ears gets this rattle, like fluid being buzzed. I would like to try and hear that ring-tone that as an adult I am not supposed to be able to hear.....where should I go for a demo? --------------------------------------------------------- Not quite "deaf warmed over."
  16. Also a Yes fan for life, my wife just gave me a new cd of live versions and I love it. Probably the most live concerts of a single artist for me would be Chick Corea.
  17. I could not spell to save my life. I'm more of a calculator kind of guy. Isn't this why we have spell check? Chris Spell checkers are a good tool. The problem is they won't detect correctly spelled words used out of context, such as "there vs. their, or but vs. butt." English is probably the most imprecise language in the world, as witnessed by the amount of lawyers compared to other languages. It is also a fast changing language, causing "grammerians" to be cast as tilting at windmills.
  18. I honestly can't remember, and was probably too young to remember. Since then I can't remember not having live music in my life. Nowadays I am usually the oldest guy there when I go somewhere local, but i don't care.
  19. I had to work and miss game 7! Major bummer but bills must be paid. As for the oldest trophy, I thought the America's Cup was older, someone set me straight on this since I have no time to do the research right now. (Yes, competitive sailing is a sport).
  20. Saw JCS on stage in London in 1978 as part of a senior trip. It was a real highlight for me. They used wireless mikes on a minimalist stage.
  21. Come on up to Denton and try Recycled Books and Records on the square. More jazz than most used vinyl places being close to UNT. There is another place west on University Drive(hwy380) but is pricier.
  22. Joke---I believe it was" ____ me your majesty" from American Beauty---end of Joke. Sorry for the hijack....
  23. I tend to agree with Meagain about being un-nerved by the two footed brake/throttle technique. I also realize that done properly either method is fine for daily street driving. It bothers me when someone is riding their brake on a purist level, as well as a brake wear level. Personally, I would not teach one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator to a teen-ager still discovering coordination. I am just as bothered by the slightly resting foot on the clutch pedal, or resting the hand on the shifter. What the hell, move over, I'll drive! "People who drive automatics do not live in my house."
  24. One White Duck 0/10=Nothing at all---Jethro Tull Next: His head did no thinking His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up Rough and mice ran around on the ground He stood in a field where barley grows. ____________________________________________ "I refuse to have anything to do with a ship that is not fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."
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