Hmmmmm....I don't think any competitive diver in the world would agree with that sentiment - same goes for any competitive gymnast (I don't know any competive skaters so I can't comment there). The same amount of "judging" that goes on in these sports is the same level that goes on in basketball, football, rugby, hockey, etc etc...Think I'm crazy? Go talk to some diving judges and see how structured the scoring system is. The only reason different judges give different scores is because they don't all see the same things...and that is something that happens in every sport (especially rugby and water polo, where the refs will even have the explicit option to not call something).
The thing is, a goal is a goal. The ball, puck, or other object is in the net or across the line or not. A home run is a home run. Any other judged event cannot claim this totality. A racer crosses the line before the next racer. If you want to participate in a "sport" where you must be known by the judges, pay your dues, etc. as is heard countless times in "sports" like figure skating, then go ahead and believe it is a sport instead of a combination of politics, coaches politics, international politics and oh yeah by the way performance by all means live your dream.