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Everything posted by merkin

  1. When reading prescriptions you have to be careful to read every letter. There are some generic names that look very similar and have approximately the same dosage. That's why the pharmacist ask you if you know why you are getting this drug. This double checks to be sure that you have the right drug for the right condition. The only thing close to Viagra is Vigamox. Vigamox is an eye drop. Most of the guys on this forum should be OK unless you just want to make it look bigger.
  2. Ya, I want to see Jerry Garcia walk out then I'll believe the Dead came back to life.
  3. JJKIZAK wrote the following post at Mon, Apr 6 2009 7:22 AM: I hope it lets us drink beer and fart. Just Google drink beer and fart I'm sure you'll get stuff you don't want to see.
  4. Mines in the basement on a cement floor. No problem with skipping.
  5. The technics is a SL-D2 automatic with a strobe to set the pitch. It worked like a charm. I just had to remember how to operate it. The first album was Linda Ronstadt "Living in The USA" I don't know if it was because I always liked the cover with her in rollerskates and short shorts or since some how I have two copies of it so if I ruined one at start up no big deal. Next was Rollingstones "Through the Past Darkly" which was the first album I ever bought when I was in 7th grade in 1968 or 69. No 7th grade didn't take me two years, I just haven't figured out which year I was in it. This afternoon I stopped at Goodwill and picked up about 10 more albums for $13.00. Nothing great just some old rock and country rock. There was a lot of Giovani (sp) that looked in great shape there. Don't know if it is worth anything. They also had about 20 or so 78's with Lawrence Welk and Frank Yakovich polkas. They were real heavy. The store is 1/2 mile from my house so if anyone wants some of that let me know.
  6. Well I did it. The turntable worked great no problems. I was suprised at how good vinyl still sounded. The last time I had heard any of my records was through a cheap receiver and some homemade speakers I had put together. I had never heard my albums through the forte II's. I have a few in both CD and in vinyl. The vinyl seems a little mellower, if that is a word. I even found my old disc washer set up and anti static gun. Maybe I'll hit a few garage sales and increase my record collection some.
  7. I been thinking about conecting my old technics direct drive turntable. Haven't had it out in 15-20 years. When I put it away I had just put a new shure cartirige on it. I wonder if it will still work. Maybe that will be the entertainment for the evening.
  8. [:#] You said you would never tell, now look what you did everybody knows ! Why does DoubleJ know?????!!!![:#]
  9. If we didn't pay our taxes we'd be up for a cabinet post. Secretary of Sound?
  10. Quote Obama in the campaign when gas was $4.00/gallon " The problem isn't that it is $4.00 per gallon it is just how fast that the price incresed to there." Which means He doesn't mind you paying $4.00 per gallon as long as a big percentage of it is tax. Look at cap and trade, just a way to tax all energy consumption in the US. The rich the poor and everyone in between will pay as the price of all goods and services rise to cover the tax. The little secret is also that it does not cut the production of any CO2 either. There is also no definitive proof that you need to cap CO2 emission either.
  11. We have no grievance against the people that got the bonus. They had contracts signed over a year ago. We need to be mad at CONGRESS who voted for the bail out and the language in the bill which allowed them keep their contracts. Be mad at Chris Dodd senator from Conn.whose admendment in the stimulus bill that made sure that AIG had to honour those contracts. Be mad at Geitner (tax cheat treasury secretary) who just handed over 170 BILLION to this company and didn't see this in the bill. Blame Obama, he said the stimulus bill had to be passed before it could be read. Blame yourself if you voted for any of the congressmen that voted for the stimulus bill in the house or the senate or if you voted for Vladimir Obama the new Kruschev of the USA. This is the problem with socialism, when the government tries to run buisnesses they do dumb sh**. Like worring about a little 165 million when you just handed them over 93 Billion to waste as they saw fit.
  12. I agree with you. Why did we bail out the company to begin with. It should have went bankrupt but they said it was to big. So when we gave them all that money with no strings attached aren't they suppose to keep doing buisness like they were before. If they were not suppose to keep doing buisness as before then why did we bail them out? How about the 93 BILLION that went out AIG's back door to European banks. Heck a couple hundred million is no big deal. These people had the contracts for compensation, don't they have to honor them. When this government thinks it can rewrite contracts just because it feels like it cause it looks bad we are all in for a lot of trouble. They have a little step from there to tell everyone what they can earn or make. That's called socialism again.
  13. [:^)]What do you expect when the treasurey secretary doesn't pay his taxes, the head of the ways and means committee doesn't pay his taxes. Why should these guys put any more restrictions on those fat bastards if the ones in the government don't give a sh**. Sure Geitner is the only one smart enough to save us. Hell he was the head of the New York area fed when all this started down. I'm sure he will save us. Ha Ha.
  14. Yes it depends on the price points?
  15. Sent, I didn't add y mailing address so you can just contact me here.
  16. I suspect for a lot of people the bluntness of how totally full of crap these "reporters" actually are was truly breathtaking. Forget the comedy, it was one of the most extraordinary takedowns in television history - period. Yes, such takedowns happen in books, or magazines, but never on TV or in newspapers. If the WaPo or NYT could actually manage such truth in reporting they wouldn't have to worry about staying business. Amen. Not just NY times but almost all of network and cable news, and the beloved public television and radio. They have all turned from reporting to agenda based stories. That doesn't matter either side of the isle. They treat the viewer, reader and listener as if they can't come up with their own conclusions and have to be told how to think about a subject. I had a conversation with the wife of the local paper editor. She was convinced that the mass of people need to be told what to think not just what happened. When ever you try to tell people what to think you are going to input your own bias. No one can avoid bias.
  17. All I get is a box with and x in itl Is that the change?
  18. I feel for you Marvel. I wonder if all of the assets that are under management are at risk?
  19. Some of you finacial people could you explain the connection. 1. Did or does AIG hold most of these CDS. I read or saw that there are 65 trillion worth of these out there, are most of them bad? 2. Someone would have to have been on the other side of the trade, So if AIG goes down who all gets hurt. I know there are some big hedge funds that would go down also. So if they all went down right away what would have the market dropped to 6000 then instead of a slow drip down there now. 3. Would have the economy dropped immediately or just slowed down some just to where it is now any way. 4. Why won't Bernancke (sp) tell use where all the money went and to whom. We aren't just taking about the 100 billion plus we already dumped into AIG and the banks but all of the cash they printed to "infuse liquidity". I saw/read that the amount of cash infused into circulation has tripled in the last year. Where is it? It's not in my pocket or back account. 5. I own shares in several of the large name brand mutual equity funds, municiple bond funds and some regular bond funds. Do I own some of these CDS and not know it? 6. Is it time to buy some gold to bury it in the back yard, a large supply of shot gun shells and start a large garden this spring so I will have some potatoes to eat over the next winter?
  20. I know that if you search harrd enough that ther are some recipes for cat on the net. Sounds like she is at market weight.
  21. I went with Popbumpers K stacks for new crossovers. Academy's, forte II's and quartets. They sound great and are an easy update. Chris has it all laid out for you. Cost is more than just caps but I they easyness of installation was well worth it.
  22. mdeneen wrote the following post at Tue, Mar 3 2009 11:22 AM: 80% of adult Americans believe in God – unchanged since the last time we asked the question in 2005. Large majorities of the public believe in miracles (75%), heaven (73%), angels (71%), that Jesus is God or the Son of God (71%), the resurrection of Jesus (70%), the survival of the soul after death (68%), hell (62%), the Virgin birth (Jesus born of Mary (61%) and the devil (59%).How does the song go " I swear ther is no heaven but I pray there is no hell." Blood Sweat and Tears
  23. There are two clasic rock stations in my market and they are about the same. Both do late 70's to late 80's. The other stations go through rap crap or hiphop what ever, country, or easy listening. There are a couple of stations that play new wave? Since the consolidation of the radio stations there is no album rock station. I can listen to the station and about the same time every morning I can tell you the next song since they have their playlist on a loop. Get tired of hearing the same 200 songs. They had better be careful or talk will take over FM also.
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