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Posts posted by wuzzzer

  1. 1 hour ago, Gilbert said:

    Thank you guys....  new PC ordered, should be shipping in a couple weeks. Only OS available for me was Windows 11, with the option to configure to emulate 10, but decided to evolve and go with 11, that little voice in my head must have been my inner Darwin that kicked-in. Don't like having to learn a new OS, supposedly not that much different and their still trying to emulate Apple OS. I survive switching from apple phone to android, so this too shall pass.


    Still researching external DAC's, thanks for the recommendation Bruce will investigate the offerings from Focusrite. The chief purpose if for listening, have a pair of decorator cornwalls that have been sitting idle for too long.

    I got used to 11 right away.  Very minor changes in my opinion that were very intuitive to figure out.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, MH797 said:

    I've got a pair of RP-280F that had the tweeters damaged by a full scale noise glitch and I've ordered new horn drivers but I don't see an obvious way to get to the back of the tweeters.

    Does anyone know what the procedure is?

    If you Google it Klipsch has the procedure on their website.



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  3. Welcome to the forum!  Unfortunately phrases like “won’t break the bank” are never helpful because only you know how much you’re willing to spend.


    The new RP subwoofers from Klipsch have received a lot of great reviews and are available in a wide range of sizes and prices.

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, Vadym said:

    Don’t buy it , it’s loosing connection with your device every single week!!!

    -You’re posting in the forum section regarding the Klipsch pilgrimage in 2020.


    -You say “don’t buy it” but then never say what “it” is.


     Welcome to the forum?  🤷

  5. 1 hour ago, Phoon694 said:

    I’m looking at a single Heresy. Figured out the serial number info, but type says “TH-SR”. Anybody know what that is? Guessing the “T” may indicate theater, and I know the “R” is raw, but no idea what the “S” is…maybe “stained” as it is black.

    SR stands for Slanted Riser.  Post a pic of the tag if you can.  Not sure on the TH.

  6. 11 hours ago, Philip McDonald said:

    Excuse me as long as you are supplying good accurate information and have 40 years of experience mainly with the heritage line and they haven’t been around for a few years so what it may be useful to someone else that that is now I know a lot of folks that were around last year that aren’t around this year Mainly just got tired of all the hype and sold everything not trying to be facetious, but there’s nothing wrong with that. All knowledge about anything at any time happy listening. 

    The person I quoted above was asking the original poster if they still had those LaScalas for sale.  I was informing them that they hadn’t been on the forum for years so chances are very slim they’ll get a response.  

  7. 2 hours ago, renewillem said:

    Hi, do you by chance still have these La Scalas and are looking to sell? Would love them, let me know if you do!

    If you’re ever replying to a thread that’s several years old and hoping for a response, it’s always good to tap on the username of the original poster to see when they were here last.  In this case the person you’re hoping to hear from hasn’t been on the forum since November 2020.

  8. 9 hours ago, adbro2003 said:

    I have a pair of Heresy's that their Type is H-ML. When I got these years ago, I never pair attention to their Model/Type number. They have serial numbers of 39R410 and 39R411.  I'm now curious of their year of manufacture and what model they actually are.  Any and all help is apprecitated!



  9. 5 hours ago, richieb said:

    Well, I of course gave Forum members first shot for the “rare as hens teeth” Klipsch Jubilee. No takers, nodda, not a single actual inquiry.

    Someone playing “scroll the interweb” saw them, swooped in and bingo - Sold. 
    This is my last weekend with them and no, I’m not having a final listen. Things come, things go. It’s just a speaker. 
    Although he is not a forum member - Enjoy them as I have. 


    Maybe they’ll join the forum.  Always good to have more people here.

  10. 8 hours ago, JJR64 said:

    I have my HT setup in 5.1.4 it's amazing sound coming from everywhere love it.

    Add klipsch R52c and R41 as front stage speakers SB 1 rRS and RTP as DA It's the best system i've owned today

    Awesome!  Klipsch really does outperform many other speakers of the same size and price range.  I’ve had my setup with 5 Heresys, 2 AW-650s for Atmos and 2 horn loaded subs for a while now and it sounds amazing.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, The Dude said:

    Am I missing something? Many people have been run off of this forum for making "Frankenstein" speakers.  Maybe I need to read up on it, but what makes this special enough to get a spot on the Klipsch home page?  Or is this an actual Klipsch speaker?  I see it was built in hope.  What was so special about this horn over many others? 




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