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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. My friend just brought them over to my house today. As mentioned in my other thread he's going to be storing them at my house for a while. NO PROBLEM I told him! []
  2. LOVE em! Although, as of today I have a pair of 99% mint light oak KLF30s right next to them. WOW. Too bad they're my friend's speakers that I'm just storing for him temporarily. When he left he asked if I'll be enjoying them for him for the time being. YOU BETCHA!
  3. Yes, it was that ad. I had called the seller and asked some questions. My friend called him on Saturday and the guy said he had 2 people come over and hook up their amps and then decide not to buy them. Apparently they didn't like the Klipsch sound.
  4. She's alright with it for the most part. Sometimes she complains, then I come home from work unexpectedly and I can hear music outside with all the windows closed! I think sometimes she listens to them louder than I do! I was surprised that we watched Ep III in its entirety, too. Prior to that I had put in CDs and listened to a few tracks on each one and then put in some music concert DVDs and listened to a few tracks on each one of them too. As of tomorrow since my friend will be storing his KLF30s at my house, I'll have almost 600 pounds of speakers in my basement! []
  5. Me too! I almost bought them instead of the Forte IIs since they came up for sale at about the same time. I'm almost wishing I wouldn't have passed them up, but my friend's been through some rough times lately and he's always loved Klipsch (He's the one that got me into liking them) so I'm glad he was able to take advantage of the deal!
  6. I sold a KV1 on eBay last year for about $100.
  7. Unfortunately I didn't buy them, but I gave my best friend the heads up and he did! He called me at work today and said they were truly mint, not a scratch on them! He said they were a light oak color. He paid $500 for them! Due to circumstances beyond his control he will be storing them at my house for a while. I didn't have to think too hard about that! [6] He's bringing them to my house tomorrow. So now I'll be able to do an A/B/C between RF-7s, KLF30s and Forte IIs. I can't wait!
  8. Sometimes I close my eyes but I'll have to try the glasses off trick.
  9. Why? Especially when they're selling for $500-700 on eBay. You could always make money if you sold 'em! []
  10. Go get 'em...you'll never regret it!! [6]
  11. One thing to do that's a little tedious but might help you pinpoint the problem is to turn off the receiver and unplug the RCA cables from one of the devices connected to it. Then turn the receiver back on and see if the buzzing is still there. If so, turn off the receiver and reconnect that device and try unplugging a different one and repeat the same process. If you find the buzzing is eliminated or reduced with one of the devices, it might be a good idea to get some better quality shielded cables for it. Another thing that's helped some people is if you determine that the buzzing is coming from a certain device, plug it into your receiver's convenience outlet in the back of the unit and see if that helps.
  12. Ending tonight...bids are low so far. Don't pass this up for a second system or garage receiver! [Z]
  13. Man, I leave this thread alone for a day and its turned into Hemis and Miatas! [] Yep, pretty sure the Fortes are here to stay. Currently listening to my Pure Disco CD! Just need a disco ball and I'm set! [<)]
  14. Processing surround sound. [] They're used in case your amplification system doesn't have built-in surround decoding.
  15. I talked to my wife today about the Klipsch pilgrimage. She seemed less than enthused. I then told her that we could incorporate the pilgrimage into visiting some close friends who live in Indiana. I guess my question is, is the pilgrimage in Arkansas or Indiana? I really would like to attend this year, but probably would only be able to do so if its in Indiana.
  16. Hmm. Well, Best Buy (Magnolia) is carrying Klipsch Reference. Its all good, more people have the chance to buy nice equipment now!
  17. Wow, nice list! I just bought a DVD-A player a couple of months ago and have been dying to try one out to listen to it. I don't think I'm ready to buy all those at once though! []
  18. I've never heard any, but I bet it sounds sterling!
  19. Funny you say that, because the gentleman I bought the Fortes from only listened to classical music on them with tube amps. Although, he bought them new which was in 1992 according to the serial #. Obviously the RF series wasn't available back then. The fact that he used to have Klipschorns makes me feel good about the Fortes. He obviously has heard Klipsch's best and he loved the Fortes too.
  20. Mike, someone could have emailed Daddy Dee before you posted on here. I'm sure he's not playing favorites!
  21. They don't give more power than is listed, they just give more clean power and the power rating is rated in the amp's full 20Hz to 20,000Hz bandwidth. The way I think about it is if you're going to be spending lots of money on speakers (I don't know how much the Ultra2 system is but I can't it imagine being cheap) you owe it to yourself to seriously consider upgrading the amplification as well. You can always buy the speakers and then go from there. The Ultra2 system would be a tremendous platform to build on.
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