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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. It will work, but your sub will only be getting the bass that the front left channel speaker is supposed to play. It won't be getting a complete signal.
  2. Does your receiver give you the option to choose between a subwoofer being 'on' or 'off'? Also, some receivers won't output a subwoofer signal if the main speakers are set to 'large' instead of 'small'. On my SVS I simply leave it on all the time. If I'm going to be away for a bit I do turn it off, but most of the time its on.
  3. wuzzzer

    Got my RB-75

    The RB-75s are 97dB sensitive, RF-7s are 102dB sensitive. Why would you think that the RB-75s would be more sensitive?
  4. If you're willing to spend up to $1000 on a sub it will probably overpower your RB-10 speakers. Obviously the sub has a level control that will let you adjust its output in relation to your main speakers, but I think spending that much money on a sub might be overdoing it. If you want to spend half the amount, get a Sub-12 Klipsch Synergy sub from Best Buy and you'll be listing your RW-8 on ebay in no time!
  5. Manufacturer's rated wattage has to be taken with a grain of salt. You hit the nail on the head when you noticed the difference in weight. The 2 channel receiver probably has a much higher output before it starts clipping, might be able to drive low impedences much easier and have much more headroom for dynamics. Welcome to the wonderful world that is audio. []
  6. I used to have a Rockford Fosgate Punch Power sub (one of the first ones they made) with an Alpine 1000 watt bridged amp. I wish I would have tested the SPL level that set put out. I remember one time listening to a techno bass CD that had tons of content in the 15Hz to 25Hz range and my eardrum started distorting. It sounded just like when a sub distorts bad but it was inside my ear and it hurt like crap!
  7. Whoops, maybe I stumbled across something I shouldn't have! [:$] Well, when I ordered FedEx Ground came up as "$0.00" and all the other ones were anywhere from $7.50 or so on up. {edit} I tried again and it still says "0.00" for shipping!?
  8. I just ordered 3 from the Klipsch Gear section of this site. They normally were $3.00 each but they're being cleared out at $1.50. Shipping was free via FedEx ground too! http://www.klipsch.com/products/details/bumper-sticker.aspx Thanks Klipsch!!
  9. I agree with you 100% WolfsBane. On Sunday night my wife helped me (reluctantly) adjust the phase, gain and crossover settings on the subwoofer. We watched The Incredibles and I was amazed at how much LFE information is on that DVD! I watched it at a friend's house a while back who has a HTIB setup with a boomy 'sub' that's adjusted way too loud compared to the rest of the speakers, rear speakers mounted way up by the ceiling, etc. I never heard or FELT any of the LFE information with their system, but the SVS played it loud, deep and clear. I understand what you're saying about blending as well. There's definitely more low end punch when you're listening to music but where the SVS really shines is on DVDs.
  10. What price can you get the RW12 for? That will help us know what advice to give.
  11. How exactly do you have everything wired up?
  12. My room dimensions are very similar to yours and my RF-7s are right at home! The RF-82s would be great, and RF-83s even better! []
  13. I have, but I don't really remember it. I know that Audio King in town used to have a pair of Belles and I think they had some smaller Heritage speakers too. I don't believe they ever had any Klipschorns there though. It would be nice to hear a pair of Khorns though. On second thought, maybe I should just leave well enough alone!
  14. Its always better to have 'too many' watts than too few. You'll have more headroom and power for dynamics with the amp you're considering. You will probably go deaf before you damage your THX Klipsch speakers due to input wattage. []
  15. No, I've got a line on a certain speaker that I might buy and then resell on eBay. The seller doesn't have the original boxes so I was wondering the best way to go about getting them boxed safely to ship.
  16. I bought them from someone who didn't have the original boxes and I didn't want to have to stack each speaker on top of each other in the back seat of either of our cars. They would have fit, but I was worried about damaging them by stacking them and I wanted to make sure I could get both home with one trip.
  17. What would be the best way to go about shipping speakers such as RF-7s if a person doesn't have the original boxes? Should I try and look for my own boxes or should I have someone such as UPS or FedEx box them? (Don't worry, I'm not selling mine! [] )
  18. I've noticed that on almost every CD I own some tracks can sound fantastic and then on the same CD some tracks are only mediocre. Has anyone gone through each disc they have one by one and somehow kept track of which tracks sound the best? I know for me it would take days since I have probably 300+ CDs, but it might be worth it to do it to at least my favorite CDs. It would be nice, especially when having people over and you want to demo your system.
  19. A while back I was using a Definitive Technology 15" powered sub that I had had for probably 8 years or so. It worked with my previous speakers but its output couldn't keep up anywhere near the RF-7s output. Plus, it didn't have hardly any output below 30Hz or so. It was also very boomy and almost all bass coming from it sounded the same. I sold that sub just before I went to Florida back in May so that I'd have a little more spending $$ while down there. I just started researching subs on here and on other sites and decided on an SVS. Happened to stumble across a great deal on one that was only about an hour away from me.
  20. The RF-7s are very large. I had to borrow my brother in-law's 4Runner when I picked them up since they wouldn't fit in either of my sedans. Wuzzzer is actually my brother's old nickname. One time he was playing football with some friends in the snow and he got hit hard and wanted to quit playing so someone wrote "wuss" in the snow but instead it looked like "wuzz" so people started calling him 'wuzzer.' Later on when we signed on AOL we lived in the same house so we just decided to have one account and use his nickname. Wuzzer with 2 z's was taken so we tried Wuzzzer with 3 z's and it was available. He then got his own AOL account and I just kept mine wuzzzer. From then on I just used wuzzzer for any forum or email address. His nickname became mine pretty much. []
  21. Are you talking about this line? : "The dealer also carired Klipch. He had the 901's sitting on top of a pair of Klipchorns in the dimly lit listening room with a glowing McIntosh amp driving the distribution system. I think he was trying to sell me the horns. He first demoed the horns, setting the volume rather loud. Then he switched to the 901's and watched me as the volume dropped almost to a whisper. Satisfied with my reaction, he showed me the difference in efficiency using the Mac's power meters. It was definitely dramatic. But his ploy didn't work. I bought the 901's." If so, man I thought us humans were farther along than that. [+o(]
  22. From what I heard when I listened to the RF-83s (and I'll admit it wasn't a tremendously long demo, but I got the idea), if you LOVE your RF-7s, you'll LIKE RF-83s. If you HATE your RF-7s, you'll LOVE the RF-83s.
  23. The Cornwalls are probably affecting the phase setting of the subwoofer. I would assume that since your sub is Klipsch's current top of the line Reference sub that it has some sort of phase adjustment. Best way to adjust the phase is to sit where you normally listen to bass, play some music that has very low, steady bass and have someone adjust the phase setting back and forth slowly until the bass sounds the loudest. Its possible you might also need to turn up the gain on the sub, as I can't imagine any in-wall surround speaker being anywhere close to the efficiency of a Cornwall.
  24. Thanks for the offer! My Dad's hometown is Crosby, and we try and do something up around the area each year at a resort/cabin.
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