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Everything posted by gaspr

  1. The drawings that I made were based on the same set of drawings that you have. The changes to the motorboard are subtle...slightly harder to build. I hear your concerns about the sound that you remember... all depends on how tweaky you are willing to be. Your money....so it's your call.
  2. You might want to try doing the motorboard using this type of plan...more like how the Jube bins are built...don't know how the changes would sound tho...might be better off sticking with the devil you know??
  3. You might want to ask your local building official to have a look...unless of course you are doing all this without a permit...[:#]
  4. Good King Wenceslas The Sackville Allstars Jingle Bells Jimmy Smith
  5. This is what I imagine the top view of the II's might look like...
  6. Just another thought...the doghouse in the new Scala is probably made of 3/4" material...might account for the width difference.
  7. Hmmm...Those measurements for the new Scala might cause some problems if the sheet goods only come in 48" widths...might get around that problem by adding a "face frame" of solid wood to get to the required dimensions...I'm sure you can work it all out... Time to throw another log on the fire...and head outside to the hot tub for a bit...must remember to wear something on my head[]
  8. Your cabinet maker should have some sources for 25mm veneered MDF...might not be as costly as you think. Add some edge banding and you are good to go. I gues the only other problem that I see would be to adjust the measurements of your plans to allow for the extra thickness of your material. Sorry to hear that your weather is hot and boring.[H]
  9. I understand the desire to keep the retro look, but... Check out the thread on 2 channel "Lascala I vs Lascala II". Sounds like the change in cab material really made a significant difference in the bass thwack... Can you still get most of the retro look using MDF?? That's for you to decide. Good luck and keep us posted...pics are always welcome. Wish I could trade you weather right now...-40 C windchills the past few days...brrrr
  10. ...I think it should be spelled "mousephhhht!"[]
  11. Great idea!! Hope you don't get rid of the 19's though...those are a fantastic speaker in their own right. Are you having the cabs built using 1" MDF as is used in the new Lascala II??
  12. Nice!! Is that another version in your avatar?
  13. We need before and after pics of the "dirty mudder"[]
  14. Fini, I just remembered that I have an 80 page e-book about working with Kerdi that you might find helpful...PM me with your email address and I will send you a copy.
  15. I am just a DIYer but have had some experience with Kerdi...As to your transition question, I would simply stop the Kerdi where you are sure that you are well beyond the drain area... Maybe not needed in sunny California, but have you considered electric floor heat as well? Love helping others spend money.[]
  16. Hi Fini Nice score on the tiles!! Just wondering if you have considered using the "Schluter" system for waterproofing your shower etc... I highly recomend their products, and they go right over top of regular drywall on the walls. Won't be as cheap as your tiles tho....
  17. Ah...now I understand the purpose of the strapping and heavy duty poly on the ceiling...it keeps the load of the insulation from acting on the drywall.
  18. OK, first off, I am not an engineer, so I may be way off base here... It seems very likely that the roof trusses will hold the weight quite easily. I would be more worried that the total weight of the ceiling drywall plus the weight of the insulation, is actually being held up by a couple of large handfulls of drywall screws!!! I have seen drywall screws pull through damp drywall...make sure that you get some paint on that ceiling before the summer humidity gets to it...
  19. After your frames are all plated with copper and are nice and shiny, you might want to give them a coat or two of lacquer....they won't stay shiny for very long unless you can keep the new copper from oxidizing... Can't wait to see how these turn out...nice work!
  20. ...and an x-ray of the Lascala...
  21. Here is an x-ray of the bass bin...
  22. A great program...here is a model that I did using sketchup...
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