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Everything posted by www.records

  1. Ole is just getting over the shock of losing two friends when Lars appears. He's also been to the pet shop and is carrying a paper bag, out of which he pulls a chicken. Lars grasps the chicken by the legs, holds it over his head, and hurls himself off the cliff and disappears down and down until he hits a rock and breaks his spine. Once more Ole shakes his head...."First der was Sven with his budgie jumping, den Knute parrotshooting. . . and now Lars hengliding....
  2. Moments later Knute arrives up at the cliffs. He's been to the pet shop, too, and walks up to the edge of the cliff carrying another paper bag in one hand and a shotgun in the other. "Hey, Ole. Vatch dis." Knute says. He takes a parrot from the bag and throws himself over the edge of the cliff. Ole watches as half way down, Knute takes the gun and shoots the parrot. Knute continues to plummet! down and down until he hits the bottom and breaks every bone in his body. Ole shakes his head and says, "And I'm never trying dat parrotshooting either."
  3. Two Minnesotans walk into a pet shop near Brainerd. They head to the bird section and Sven says to Ole, "Dat's dem." The owner comes over and asks if he can help them. "Yah sure, ve'll take four of dem dere little budgie birds in dat cage up dere." says Sven. The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag. Ole and Sven pay for the birds, leave the shop and get into Sven's pickup and drive to the top of some big cliffs near Brainerd Lake. At the cliffs, Sven looks down at the 1000 foot drop and says, "Dis looks like a grand place." He takes two birds out of the bag, puts them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff. Ole watches as Sven falls all the way to the bottom, killing himself dead. Looking down at the remains of his best pal, Ole shakes his head and says: "By yumpin' yiminy, dis budgie jumping is too dangerous for me."
  4. Sven and Ole are imigrating to America and are passing thru Ellis Island. Sven, he go first, to talk with the imigrations officer. The government guys says 'why are you coming to America?'.. Sven says 'I'm yust looking for a yob'. The imigration guys asks what kind of a job he had in the old country, and Sven says he was a diesel fitter. So the gov guy calls John Deer, Caterpiller, etc and finds him a job. Next is Ole. Ole says he also comes to America for a yob. The gov guy asks again, 'what kind of job did you have in Norway?'.. Ole said he worked in the pantyhose factory. So the imigration officer called Haynes, Leggs, and a few other pantyhose mfgrs, but couldn't find any jobs, so he tells Ole he's going to have to go back to Norway. Ole says 'now yust a minute here... you find Sven a yob, and I work right next to him in the old country!'.. now the imigration guy is confused, so he calls Sven over and asks just what they did.. Sven says 'well, first Ole sews the waistband on the pantyhose, then I hold 'em up and stretch 'em open and say 'Ya; dees'll fit 'er..'
  5. Depending on which subforum that interests you, I like the audioasylum. Though my main interest is in the vinyl and vintage pages. Lots of nice, helpful folks on those pages. Some of the others pages can be pretty rude and brutal. Makes for fun reading sometimes though.
  6. James, I am not familiar with your Phillips TT, but your AT14Sa is a nice cartridge. It is discontinued, but there are some original stylus still available, and I would recommend you order one while there are a few still available. http://www.lpgear.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LG&Product_Code=ATN14 But the real sleeper might be your old Lenco 75. There are lots of folks grabbing these, building a HEAVY plinth for them, reworking the idler, installing a better arm and raving about the Giant killer TT they become. There are websites describing these mods in depth, so if you are a DIY type, this would make a great project. Here is a link that was started on Audiogon almost 2 years ago, dedicated to tweaking the old Idler Lenco's which you will probably find interesting, although with nearly 3,000 posts on the thread, it will take about 2 months to read, so search google for a website. http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1075644493&read&3&4& As far as cleaning your old vinyl to hopefully get rid of those rice krispy sounds, cleaning has come a ways since the Discwasher/D4 method. Everyone seems to have a preferred method, so a search at some of the audio sites will be of benefit. My preferred method is Disc Doctor brushes, RRL (record research labs) fluids, and a RCM (record cleaning machine). I am using a homemade version of RCM which works quite well. Anyway, I hope this helps with your questions. Steve
  7. A baglady walks into a bar, removes her raincoat to reveal a flowered sleeveless summer dress. She raises her arm, showing a hairy armpit and says "Who will buy a woman a drink?" The guys sitting at the bar look towards her and then go back to their drinks. An old drunk sitting at the far end of the bar, looks towards her and says, "Bartender, I will buy the ballerina a drink." The bartender makes the baglady a drink which she quickly finishes. She again stands, raises her arm in the air and says, "Who will buy a lady a drink?" Everyone ignores her except for the drunk at the end of the bar, who says "Bartender, I will buy the ballerina a drink." The bartender says, "Why do you keep calling her a ballerina?" The drunk replies, "Any woman who can lift her leg that high, has to be a ballerina."
  8. Thebes, thanks for bumping this. I somehow missed it the first time around. Most excellent writing and those amps look awesome. Thanks again!!
  9. meagain, it looks like Kev overlooked you acceptance to buy. You might want to post in huge letters SOLD on this thread. Scream it out girl, claim your prize![]
  10. Do you wear ear plugs when you run it? [] LOL No, it isn't on for more than a few seconds at a time. I am thinking about building a horn for the vac though. THat ought kick it up a notch or two.[]
  11. For those on a budget, last year I built a DIY RCM using an old turntable, a 1HP Shop Vac with a modified crevice tool. To my way of thinking, the main function of a RCM is to suck the dirty fluid off the record and it doesn't take much engineering to accomplish. I think of far more importance is the fluid used to loosen the crud and proper brushes to get deep into the grooves. I prefer Disc Doctor brushes and Record Research Labs fluids. JMO All of the above can be had for less than $100 or so. Steve
  12. If you like the Shure sound, I think I would just get a new Shure M97xe for $57 from jacksmusicfactory. The rubber suspensions on older units can dry out, so you would be taking a chance with a cart that old. The 97xe's are an excellent cart for the price.
  13. I have a M- copy of Deja Vu on MFSL. It sounds excellent to me, though they are one of the pricier MoFi's. Steve
  14. Here are some I have enjoyed for a long time, in no particular order- Jimi Hendrix Duane Allman Stevie Ray Claptons (older stuff) Dominos and Cream stuff Joe Walsh ( I just gotta like this guy) I think I am giving away my age with this list. Steve
  15. Gilbert, that sounds great. I will look forward to it. Remind me when it gets warm enough for the ride and we can get something set up. My schedule is pretty flexible. Steve
  16. Gilbert, great looking wood you've got there. Excellent choice. If you ever feel like taking a little drive, I live about 90 minutes north of you (joplin) and if you wanna visit and listen to my system, I have an original Bluenote Cannonball Adderly Somethin Else we can listen to. I will even buy you lunch. I think you are the nearest KF member and it would be fun to get together if you want. I don't have any Klipsch speakers, but I do have some big Altecs. Steve
  17. I know what you mean about having someone over to listen to music with you. I met a guy that lives in my home town from his post over on the audioasylum. I emailed him and we got together 2 days in a row last week, 1 to listen to his system, and the next day to listen to mine. He runs a newer tube amp (Consenance Opera?) and JM Labs Chorus speakers, Nottingham Horizon, RB300, Dynavector 10x4 cart. The difference in sound between the 2 systems were night and day. His sounded really good, but he listened at very low levels. I wish he would have cranked it a bit. When he came to listen to mine, after about 20 seconds, all he said WOW!! and had a big smile on his face. He never said which one he liked better, and it really makes no difference. It was fun being able to share my system and music with someone, and fun listening to his system that was totally different than mine. Steve
  18. Before anyone can really make suggestions, give more info. What TT are you going to be using? What price range for a cartridge? Do you have a phono preamp? Will it take only MM carts or is it MC capable? Would you say your systems sound is on the dark side or on the bright side? The more info you can give, the better recommendations can be made. Steve
  19. I love the excitement of new gear. Thanks for sharing it with us. Can't wait to see the pics. I want a Blueberry badly. Maybe some day. Steve
  20. I still kick it ol skool with LOTS of cowbell.[]
  21. I just turn mine on and begin playing music. My usual listening sessions are at least a couple of hours, and many times up to 4 hours in the evening. I do notice it sounds better after the amps have been on a while, but the sound while warming up is plenty decent for listening.
  22. No problem at all Arky. Sorry for the initial confusion on my part.
  23. Ok, I called and here is an update. I made a mistake, they are RF 35's, not 7's. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention when I was there a couple of weeks ago. He still has them, they are the only set of discontinued reference line that he has left. These are floor models demo's, I think. I forgot to ask if demo's or new taken out of the boxes for display, since they are his last pair. Kind of hard to sell a pair of boxes. $650 is his lowest price. If you are interested, I can give you his phone #. Steve
  24. Will do Arky. It is still too early for them to be open, but check back about 11am and I will try to have gotten some info for you.
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