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Everything posted by RFP

  1. I couldn't disagree more! PM me for my AEA horror story. Robert
  2. Reviving an ancient thread ... About a year ago, I bought a Fisher 500C from AEA. I paid a pretty penny for this piece, and why not, it was represented to me to be their 'legacy piece.' And, I knew that they were good - really good - their web site told me so! When it arrived I I was initially pleased with the overall sound, but the FM tuner section was terrible. After some unproductive communications with the AEA, I sent the receiver back for repair. I should have sent it back for a refund! Anyway before packing it up, I removed the bottom of the chasssis and took a look. I was horrified by the 'quality' of work I saw. Many weeks later the 500C came back from AEA and the FM performance was really no better than it was when I first recieved it, then it very quickly quit working altogether. By now I sheepishly admitted that I hadn't done proper due diligence before buying the Fisher (there were other forum threads about poor experiences with AEA), and had failed to do ANY proper inspection when I first received it. But, my own failures notwithstanding, I had 'been had!' Through the Audiokarma forum, I quickly learned enough to know that Dave Gillespie (Atlanta area guru-technician) was my best bet at having the Fisher 500C that I thought I was buying in the first place. I had NO interest in sending back to AEA. In my opinion, the FM problems were beyond their ability to fix, AND I had no interest in more marginal work being done to this beautiful Fisher. Thanks to Dave Gillespie and the graciousness of one of his clients, Dave worked my receiver into his work queue. Upon Dave's receipt of the unit, he confirmed my evaluation of the original restorer's work; although his description of what he saw was considerably more 'gentlemanly' than mine! He refered to the work as amateurish. He was charitable, indeed. So, a couple of month's of Dave's skill and wizardry completely transformed my 500C from a good-looking-but-useless receiver into a piece of superbly functioining audio art. Dave corrected ALL of the original restorer's shoddy work and incorporated all of the mods and upgrades for which he is well known. I couldn't be happier. As Dave performed his miracles on my Fisher, he sent daily, profoundly comprehensive reports of his work, with photos. This is the way everything should work! In fairness, AEA returned a portion (16%) of the purchase price to offset the cost of competent repair. Although grateful for even that, it was less than 1/4th the cost of the repairs and modifications that I had done. I feel sure that AEA regarded the returned funds as an inexpensive way to have me just go away. Since the better part of a year had gone buy, I was glad to get what I got. Well, kind of glad. Today, I may own what may the most expensive Fisher 500C on the planet (original purchase price, plus what I HAPPILY paid to Dave Gillespie to rescue me from my own idiocy), but I am absolutely in love with the receiver now. Actually, I hold no particular animosity toward the original restorer; and I have no idea whether or not the unit I bought is representative of their work. I do acknowlewdge my own failure by getting stars in my eyes over the promise of a great piece of vintage gear, not doing thorough research, and not returning the unit upon receipt. But I really do try to approach such 'set backs' with grace and humor. That said, I do feel that AEA misrepresented the receiver as well as their own work. I am so super-fortunate to have an understanding and kind wife who supported my efforts - and the expense - to get the 500C done right, and after 62 years, she's definitely a keeper. Just like my 500C! Thanks Dave Gillespie and thanks Linda! Robert
  3. Have these been sold? I'm betting 'yes' (!)
  4. RFP

    Car Thread

    !987 Porsche 911/M491... Number 40 of only 62 made. It looks like - and drives like - it was made tthis morning. Constent 'car show' winner, and multiple Porsche Club of America show wins. I truly don't deserve it 😉
  5. OK, I popped off the back "label" and removed the screw... nothing budged! I think I'll see if I can find a JBL repair guy in the Fort Worth area; I sure don't want to mess this booger up... Rob
  6. I just noticed that one of the spring-loaded terminals gave up sometime in the recent past... the red plastic 'blew out' leaving red plastic chips and a spring in the speaker cabinet... one of the wires was left just dangling! Well, dang! I pulled out the tweeter hoping that I could make a quick repair... well, apparently not. I tried to 'unscrew' the broken terminal, hoping that I would be left with a threaded stud onto which I could simply put a washer and nut and reinstall my loose lead with a terminal on the end. Nope, the broken terminal 'unscrewed' all right, but only to the point where everything is turning. Obviously, I will have to open the tweeter up to fix this... but how do I do that? I see that there are four allen-head screws that appear to be holding the 'baby cheeks' on, but other than those, I see no other fasteners. I'm sure hoping somebody can help me with this... Thanks, Rob
  7. EZ... If you want to squeeze all the real magic out of your modded K-horns, you might consider Al's extreme slope networks... unbelievable! Rob
  8. OB was a delight... in so many ways! Like OB, I am not only an "audio guy," I am also a "car guy," and OB and I had many "conversations" about the wonderful (?) world of Porsches and Corvettes. And when I finally was ready to become a "first time" Corvette owner (after a misspent youth with three Porsches!), it was OB that steered me in the right direction. He was a treasure, I'm glad that I had the good sense to tell him so before he left us. Rob
  9. Depends on the amp. Absolutely true... And the "big bucks" spent on the "ES" networks was money [very] well spent, not "blown" by any stretch of the imagination. Rob
  10. Trachorns - It's a slam dunk..........you live in the midrange ----- Tweeters marginal Positively, absolutely 100% agree! Trachorns first, followed by ALK's "Extreme Slope" networks... tweeters pretty much last. Have a super weekend! Rob
  11. Yes the mirrors in addition to the other treatments brought the room into a very good balance. Believe it or not but again the painted sheetrock walls can reflect just a badly as a mirror which I could easily prove by removeing the mirrors. Absorption has its benefits but can so easily be overdone to the point of creating a lifeless and even irritating sound. The key was to use lots of diffusion with the ASC Tube Traps reflective sides turned in the proper directions and the QRD wood diffusers and even the large polys offered benefits easily heard in this room. The ASC tube traps can really clean up the bass and low midrange region but they can also in doing this expose a problem room mode that was masked before the clarity exposed it and if that happens a sharply tuned bass treatment will deal with that issue. I am starting to get worried about myself! All this makes perfect sense to me !! Maybe I'm not such a dullart, after all (!) Rob
  12. Josh... A 6'10" Schimmel is a magnificent instrument, indeed... how fortunate you are to have such a superb piano!! The piano in our Music Room is a Yamaha 7'6" "C7" Conservatory Grand." My wife is the only pianist is this place, though... Rob
  13. Like a couple of others, I have been "away" from the Klipsch Forum for the biggest part of the past year. As I pinged back in to try to get caught up on what's been happening among the hobby in general and Klipsch Forum members in particular, it slowly occured to me that I didn't seem to be seeing any posts by my old "Forum friend," OldBuckster. When that realization finally soaked in, I did a couple of searches, only to find that indeed he had not been posting. I wondered... and feared the worst. Only by accident did I find this thread (my "search" skills not being very good, it seems). I couldn't believe what I read. OB and I traded e-mails many, many times "off Forum" and he was always a delight! His "curmudgeon" Forum persona easily slipped away when dealing one-on-one, revealing the witty, considerate, understanding, and generous personality that was the "real" OB. He was a treasure... Like you, I will truly miss him. Rob
  14. Could you post a pic of your khorn top hats? I remember you were talking about finishing them but I missed thefinished product. Sure, Seti... here's a couple of shots of the "finished product" (gee it feels great to actually finish something!)... And here are the links to my description of the project(s)... earlier posts: ------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the beginning of the project... complete rebuilding of the "top hats" and other upgrades... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/85067.aspx?PageIndex=1 And here is the link to the completion of the Klipschorn upgrade project... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/86860.aspx?PageIndex=1 And I made some corner absorbers for above the Klipschorns... they turned out really nice! http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/85067.aspx?PageIndex=1 All the best! Rob
  15. Fantastic room... love the architecture! Tell us about the piano... do you play? Rob
  16. OK... I am way out of my league, but here goes anyway... And from the other direction (you can just barely make out he back of the chair) Stay warm! Rob
  17. Tom: Here's a link to a site that will give you a pretty good overview of what is available on the market today www.fountainpenhospital.com James What a great web site... thanks!!! Rob
  18. Beautifil, simply beautiful car!! So, you have an air-cooled Franklin and a water cooled Porsche... that's what I call 'cutting edge!' Enjoy!! Rob
  19. I've got a couple of Pelikans... love 'em both! Enjoy the search!! Rob
  20. In my 'quest' to set up a little system here in [what passes for] my 'office', I bought a Fisher 400 receiver in superb condition, and then began my search for suitable speakers. Well, yesterday, I bought a pair of Heresys. Wow, the results far, far exceed what I had hoped for! These little speakers are simply magic when fed by the modest little Fisher and its glowing tubes! I've been on Pandora.com ever since! What a delight! And a Happy 2009 to all!!! Rob
  21. Thanks so very much, GotHover, for your kind comments. Did you see the follow-up threads of how I made them even better (at least to me) in appearance? Check out... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/86860.aspx?PageIndex=1 And, finally, here are my corner absorbers installed over the Klipschorns... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/91939.aspx?PageIndex=4 Stay warm & safe! Rob
  22. James... Which is your favorite ? I like the "yellow one" a whole lot!! Rob
  23. Thanks for noticing! The wheels are not stock... they are FIKSE three-piece forged modular wheels (their "Profil-10" model). I think that they are drop-dead-gorgeous and they weigh only about half the weight of the stockers. True, the car is not a ZO6... waaaayu too much money for this old retiree!! It is, however equipped with the Z51 package. I also installed the ZO6 exhaust manifolds (actually stainless steel 'shorty' headers), ZO6 high-flow CATs, and the CORSA ZO6 mufflers... sounds simply stunning. As for the power, I'm terrified of this thing! 'Vettes equipped exactly as mine typically dyno at 430 (flywheel) HP... about 300 more than I feel comfortable with!! Don't freeze, yaw'll! Rob
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