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Everything posted by BLSamuel

  1. what's their slogan? Better Sales Through (marketing) Research? or something like that.... They might be right in that most of the sound of a live performance might be from the reflected sound? I really don't know... but reproducing the recording of that primarily with reflected sound would seem to be creating additional reflections and not at all recreating the performance accurately. A lot of people like Bose sound - probably because that may be the best they're heard up to then? And probably doesn't sound that bad. Just not that good compared to Klipsch. In all fairness, most speakers don't sound that good compared to Klipsch. Personally, I think our cheap little Advent Marbl speakers we use outside hold up very well (sound better to me at least) than our former neighbors' Bose outdoor speakers, the larger 2 way models that go for about $400 a pair. Hope to get some Klipsch outdoors in place by next summer. Would be no contest then but said neighbor has moved away and took the Bose with him. Will miss him, even the Bose as he occasionally played some good music. And they've got the style over substance market - as the Lifestyle systems can virtually be hidden away and are very unobtrusive. I hope RP is working on his redemption plan.
  2. Man. I wish this was something that could've been explored more.... maybe some overachieving DIYer will build their own prototype Jubilee? It does sound very promising. And I like Roy's statement "... and i got an unexpected result; what i thought i should get." I hope this is explored in the future.
  3. Like Doc says... impressions of how Palladium compares to Khorn and Jubilee. And definitely that "new cone-loaded midrange horn thing" that I think the press release describes as an inverted dome... http://www.klipsch.com/news-center/press-releases/details/klipsch-palladium-floorstander-a-symbol-of-supreme-luxury.aspx ... what are the advantages and tradeoffs in using the new midrange driver and horn? Does it allow for a narrower horn than the more standard Klipsch compression driver and horn? When can we hear them?
  4. Yes, "Same Old Lang Syne" was a memorable song. I may have paid more attention to it than most as I was in architecture school at the time. I also was particularly fond of "Leader Of The Band" that was a tribute to his father and included, albeit at a lower level, the "Washington Post March" his father had composed. May he rest in peace and jam along in heaven with those that have went before.
  5. I'm beginning to think the "flaky wax" I've cleaned out of my Custom 2 ear gels, and nozzle once early on, is really flaky little bits of dried lotion I've been using on my ears (before getting my Cusom 2) to keep them from itching quite too bad. I've had problems with itching ears long before getting the Custom 2, they don't really seem to affect the itching ears too much. I have gotten a lot better about inspecting and fishing out anything before it becomes a problem. Very small flakes can cause a raspiness, expecially if it gets beyond the ear gels down into the nozzle... I've yet (know on wood) to clog 'em up with ear cheese. Be sure to twist a bit when removing the Custom and IMAGE models and they'll be more comfortable coming out.
  6. Stocklone, I'm not sure how big a difference the separate armature makes, but it is addressed in the Klipsch Headphones / Earphones topic http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/94657.aspx . I own the Custom 2's and they do seem to have very good bass. But as DrWho stated, the seal is very important. You do have to really stick them in. I think the Custom 2 are supposed to have better bass and better highs and maybe additional filtering. I think Professor Thump mentioned that the Custom 2 rock. Read though some of his posts in the above topic or other topics. I've been using the Custom 2 for over a month now and have not been disappointed. But it did take me a while to stick them in enough to form a correct seal. See my really stick 'em in posts in the Klipsch In The Ears! topic. I think I listened to the Custom 1 prototype this summer but for only a couple of minutes and thought that it sounded wonderful. I had spent most of my time then with the IMAGE prototypes though in hindsight I should have compared all the prototypes. If the Custom 1 just aren't working, then it would probably be worth it to try the Custom 2. You might also try a PM or eMail to Professor Thump. He's a very busy guy but is very friendly and a great guy and I'm sure would try to answer your questions. Ben
  7. Jay, I'm hoping Professor Thump brought a few pairs with him and that yours will be in transit Monday..... The anticipation has got to be driving you nuts.
  8. Congratulations Professor Thump! I'm sure there are many who can't wait to stick the Custom 3 in their ears and are getting more excited now that the Custom 3 are getting ever so close to being delivered.
  9. Good luck JJ. I know all about spider infested crawl spaces as I've been rebuilding one of our bathrooms our is just plastic sheeting over the soil, a lot of clay, with a few puddles after a hard rain. Our house was built in 1980 so I hope they installed the vent correctly. Probably also means our crawl space could be a lot worse. That said, one of our toilets gets really slow when the ground gets saturated.... Things backed up twice 4 to 5 years ago but was fine after having the septic tank pumped out a second time. I agree with others, this is something it'd be best to pay someone to do but it can get expensive if you can get someone to come soon.
  10. ... well it should be pretty .. but coming with WIND, at least in Kokomo ... We might get snowed in. Getting gas for our modest 9 hp snow blower on my way home - wimpy compared to the 412 hp v8 but does a pretty good job. We get knee to thigh high drifts in front of our garage with 2" or less of snow.... [] It's about to look a lot like Christmas ...
  11. too funny .... can't wait to hear Trey's account of deer bulldoging deer are much more unpredictable than cattle I'd think ... earlier this week one of my cousin's was telling me about going out to the feedlot and finding one of her young daughters sitting happily on one of their bulls while it ate - I'd not recommend that and I think she told her daughter not to sit on the bull.... an aunt and uncle had what basically amounted to a pet deer - it's mother had been killed and they raised it from a small fawn - it even come into the house and ate cereal out of a bowl - don't recall uncle Howard ever trying to rope it - he did use her for a gun rest occasionally for target practice even then, Sunshine, as they called it wouldn't let her fawns get any closer than the edge of the yard
  12. sounds scary. yes it does - I'm envisioning a bunch of elves firing up a bunch of machinery and equipment....
  13. Jay. I hope your Christmas present from Klipsch arrives by Christmas so that you may enjoy over your Christmas break and you can post your thoughts. Stick it in your ear! (I hope you can do that soon). Ben
  14. Maybe that one's user error? That said, this used to happen occasionally to Colterphoto1. I thought he mentioned it might have had something to do with his connections being awful slow at the time.... but I think he even got 3 or more a couple of times.
  15. Regardless of how Mr Li has been able to fund his passion, and we always seem to assume the worst... this is one amazing collection and the cafe open to the public is way cool.... maybe he'll get some of the Pallasium P39-F when they come out as Klipschorns probably are too affordable? maybe he's just a guy who's done well who loves to share his passion with anyone willing to take the time - pretty much opens his home to complete strangers Thebes - if not Klipschbucks, then maybe go with the House of Thebes - recorded music when no live band, sound system totally Klipsch, music selection by Thebes ... "The House Of Thebes - We'll play anything that Thebe's wants - Don't like it, don't let the door smack you #&@ on the way out"
  16. while difficult, a tractor or a house boy can be wrapped ... a lot of wrapping if it's a very big tractor, and be sure not to wrap too tightly if a house boy so he can get some air a tractor I suppose can be found for less than the cost of Klipsch at auction the cost of the house boy, I suppose, depends on the length of stay or if he just works for food?
  17. hmmmm.... but if I'd guess and get lucky, then it wouldn't be a surprise ... and it's being wrapped there which would imply it's pretty big or Dtel is building something as part of the gift ... sent a PM with my guess
  18. Insane. His collection would be more complete with some Klipschorns. I'd be very happy with a nice man cave and whole house audio system... this is rather extreme.
  19. Very Nice! Please post the finished results. I'm not sure I'll ever post my first veneering attempt from 20+ years ago... [:$] - the contact cement and pray method... I'll have to start taking some notes and collecting info from all the great information posted here for when I get up enough courage to try again. Aside from the crack top to bottom on the side(s) and maybe top and or bottom, it looked OK - I suspect my enclosures and veneer weren't in the same environment long enough? I used cherry sheets large enough I didn't have to make any splices... not sure it wasn't more than $1 a square foot then, and definitely not as distinctive. Reminds me of the lamps my uncle used to make from wood he found walking his woods in northern Wisconsin - a fungus or something turned the wood green in places, really quite stunning and definitely very interesting.
  20. can't wait to see that thread Mdeenen in another post in this thread commented on SLOWING and ADVANCING the speed of light ... well if you can slow down and speed up light .... maybe acoustic wavelengths? Or the extreem controlled directivity (or whatever it's called) where sounds I think are outside the range of human hearing are aimed to intersect so that the sound is heard in a small area (bet that'd drive any nearby dogs crazy) which I believe is being used in walkthough types of displays... maybe that can somehow be used for bass frequencies? The Kurzweil AI site. I wonder what they've been up to lately ... I seem to recall that Mr Kurzweil (or one of the principles) met Stevie Wonder due to the speech synthesis and then developed a keyboard that sounded like a concert grand to me (and at least a lot closer to people who really know what a concert grand sounds like) my reaction the first time I heard one being used ... where's the grand piano? at a concert where they started playing and then opened the curtain very fascinating stuff here - I'll have to follow some of these links when I have time to make my head spin Visited the Wright Brothers' national monument this past July... can you imagine the look on the faces and feeling of I can't believe it but I'm seeing it the locals assisting Orville and Wilbur must've had? They had a bronze sculpture including the gentlemen that took the photo of the first flight ... imagine what was going through his mind... Yes, "That is not possible" is one of the silliest phrase in the English language ... Imagine where we'd be if everybody listened to that and just gave up.... Thankfully a few are crazy enough to say, maybe I can't do it, but I'm going to try anyway ... (sorry so the rambling 0.002 cents ... apparently it's past my bedtime...
  21. More for a whole other topic.... A few years ago when my wife managed a discount women's clothing store, the goal of one of her employee's was to have a baby, like her sister, so she could get on welfare to stay at home to take care of the baby ... working in day care she also encountered people with children who couldn't afford to work as the low paying jobs they could get required they pay child care and these people at least trying found they were better off no working... The welfare system, at the time - it's probably no better now, rewarded those who didn't want to work and penalized those who wanted to try and get ahead and make it on their own... Maybe the more educated people understand better what it takes to raise a child as they think it should be raised?
  22. Teleportation is already proven? I'm definitely out of the scientific loop ... I wonder should that come to pass who would be the 1st human guinae pigs? I'd like to think it's not too late for the earth, but we've not been good stewards and I can agree that we are way too slow in trying to clean up our act. Hopefully it's not too late... Is our current society just an expanded version of the empires of history that were brought down by over indulgance? Let's hope not. Just my 0.02 cents...
  23. For some of us, mounting a TV too low is a bigger pain in the neck.... I have ankylosing spondylitis and too high is less a pain in the neck for me than too low. Of course back in the day when I had a recliner, I thought mounting near the ceiling might not be such a bad idea.... then the nap attacks would kick in and ... [|-)] ... maybe should've gotten a Lay-Z-Boy instead of a Catnapper
  24. So, does the dog and pony show include how to properly insert the Custom and IMAGE models? I thought the manual and/or the web doco was pretty good but some video demonstrations would be even better.
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