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Everything posted by billybob

  1. Lol, alright now! Too bad Stealer or The Stealer was not on there. Good song. Others like B Seger used it, which reminds me...some other time perhaps. I hear you, thanks!
  2. Nice brand there KROCK! Like your DAC also...lol! Here is that lp I posted last year. Good Company to have in the wilds of Florida: I'm a mover
  3. Oh a 147 and not a 125 FR...good show. Nice to see the new to me TT's and hear old remorse car stories. Yes it is either laugh or cry with some. Lady called about a craigslist advert for my technics TT. Ran out of seconds while talking to her. Got in car and drove 2 miles to nearest landline at store I frequent out here in the stickish. Had to borrow Android from young dude who helped me with a flat the other day. Her location was right but, she was actually looking to burn to cd, etc...so referred her to advert for an Ion for $25 that a dude I met couple of months ago has. All funny stories to me but while the flat was a PIA with the euro jack and wrench, the young dude that helped, among earlier folk who assisted, surprised me abit. He said, you look like a cool dude so, what about music? Seems he spins and has some of my and your favs...dang I said, I may just lay this Technics on you for a song or dance. After talking to me seeing my intensity, he is still speaking yet, is giving me a lot of space since. LOLOL! Young folk spinning and keeping analog alive...;) What a natural hootie... Edit: BTW @KROCK...since am at the speed near dialup out here, what is you new DAC?
  4. Like a good pursuit video as long as no one gets hurt. Forgot how many were watching the OJ white Bronco chase but cannot conceive there were any casualties related to the traffic. The very much more recent white Dodge Challenger(?) chase from near Houston to near Beaumont was a wild and wooly thing to behold. Actually outrunning the news choppers towards the end of chase. The eluding for awhile of the inevitable capture. Almost as some brought up, a remake of The Vanishing Point. We have a couple of historical chase stories from years past where the drivers actually got away. One is a Tallahassee and one is a nearby smaller city involving possibly a brother. It will remain a mystery to some, but have heard the story from witnesses. Cheers!
  5. Congrats on a great purchase! The bass has been described as quick and punch, tight...Nice system with ability to have options in the bass department. Welcome! germaine
  6. Interesting! In the microwave domain, when red db's were identified versus the blue ones, the preferred or desireable reflected signal. Seems the red ones were non contributors, detracting from intended purpose. Also interesting, the choice of the word gestalt. Like your choice , yet have only used it myself to define a method of instruction. Thanks!
  7. Yes if I was walking around camping in Alaska, would want a .44mag Ruger Blackhawk in my gunbelt most of the time and, if permitted, a 444 on my rifle strap. Cannot be too careful nowadays. At least you have a chance...;) Of course would not want to have to try to use them so, I stay out of the Alaskan wilds.
  8. Will take a 9mm some of the time. A .45 most of the time. A 357. auto over that. And as Dirty Harry said not verbatim, Seen 357 glance off of windshields thence, he carries the .44 magnum. (auto)... Once again, physics it seems comes into it, at least on the scale talking about now...heavy. YMMV
  9. Yes I read that and you appear to be in good shape, even overkill in my opinion but, if I had the coins, I would do it too. Actually was trying to address any concerns or questions if any directed at the forum. from both of you. Good fortune and happy boating...
  10. Solid core wire read RG-6 read solid copper not copper clad steel was used by us for speaker and on more than one occasion for rca phono terminated for longer than usual runs. Although stranded copper is used everyday for long runs, we wanted to make certain that after traversing a wall and fishing into the attic and going across and down into the other room, there were no firestop questions in anyone's mind. Copper clad is fine for certain applications but for marine of course, stranded is the path more traversed within reason,imho. Thanks!
  11. Lol, camping in man so...Maxwell House instant...;)...about to head back to the Hacienda for a slightly better cupper. One might be surprised to find out how far down the plynth they would go for a caffeine...;) like water down the ole drain...
  12. You surprise me Mike... @Dave1290 ...Dang man...kick out the jams for us man! Can only see one fan in pic but, you need them on full blast for what has to be a hot selection...:)
  13. Welcome to the Forum! Take heart, there will be one of those in your future. Location then is the obstacle as you may see it. Just be ready for the action when it comes sometimes, of a sudden. Do you already have the electronics to power the speakers or , is that included in your budget? In either case, with the topend range you should do well
  14. May have read that but, still catching up to current. A Thorens, thinking a 125. Anyway yes, that is pretty cool too...no wonder happy campers all around...:)
  15. Would be a good biz to have maybe. In any case you can spin some records on your sets in the store. Shoot, there is enough right here to roll out a shop...
  16. Had not heard Mike. Let me be the second or third one to congrats to you. I will be ordering...Cheers! ...;)
  17. Oh, I see c...could stand one...Well...
  18. Sorry, what about Thebes or Tebes as the locals call...Confess did not open link missing a lot but...what did I miss, surely...
  19. Not I surely..., excuse, Surely not I...Surely
  20. Don't call me Shirley she replied...Freudian slips up...
  21. Think is the one mentioned is what my doctor would say to eschew but, seeings how he will not know until I confess, what he does not know won't hurt...him. Will recall that animal should I be up against...the wall, and made to inquire of the recipe, state secret type spy stuff...only then might enquire into the taste... sufficiently to avoid it...should I fail...oh well...
  22. Not I surely..., excue, Surely not I...Surely
  23. No delivery out here so will imagine Chinese with my Ramen and olives. We take out some Love the rooms...
  24. Oh I missed again...uhhuh...Cool...Thebes is cooler...dot dash dot...
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