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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. i like how he lays every part out on the links, for 370.00 I don't think that is a bad price for someone wanting to get into tubes. Heck I even have all the tubes so that wouldn't be any extra cost. Dang it, Dang it, Dang It. I wish you guys would let some of us still trying to learn on one piece finish learning on it before you present something like this.
  2. Thanks guys, luckily since things aren't finish I can play around until I get it were I like it. I think I will start with the leveling the floor, and getting the drywall finish if it still isn't were I like it then I can slope it out. This is all to much fun, I really enjoy messing around with this kind of things, because I know once I have it were I am happy set back and listen how wonderfull things sound It just puts a big grin on my face. Crazy like the rest of you, well lets put it this way I don't have the most ideal set up for this. So I will get as crazy as I have to ahahahahaha.
  3. Ok, hopefully this makes since. But my Khorns are in the basement with a concrete floor, if any body has experience with concrete basement floors they know they are not poured equally. Maybe if I had alot of money and more say when my house was built then I could have requested this but I couldn't. So now I have to deal with it. First off the problem, last night I pulled my horns out to put some pipe insulation on the tail board so I can get a better seal to the walls. Now this went on easily but making shoving them into the corners a little more difficult. The biggest issue I am having, is it is nice and tight at the bottom but a little bit of a gap on the top. Now leveling the area out with some self leveling concrete might take care of the problem, but I am thinking about taking it a step further and sloping up where the front of the speaker would set so it sits tighter on the top. This may not be necessary, as once I get the floor level in that area it might sit ok. But if it doesn't would it hurt anything by sloping it a bit, I was thinking that if the top hat was pointing up to much I can put a adjuster screw on the back to angle it back down. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Nick
  4. Thinking about it for a min. even though the melting point is around 300-400 degrees means you need to get the object you are soldering that hot. So you would need to get that wire and connector that hot so it makes since to go hotter so you can quickly heat things up to melt the solder and get out of there.
  5. I have this same issue and all ways wondered my self, like djk said around 700 seems to work best. I was soldering some 12 gauge wire to some spade connectors last night and had to go up to around 800. But was using thicker then normal solder.
  6. Here are some pics, but over the weekend. I came across a Bozak C-305 component cabinet, so I guess you can say I lost interest in project and am now more focused on one for now.
  7. I couldn't find a year on it, but one of the other ones I came across on ebay. Had a Scott 299d, and a Scott tuner of some sort. Which makes me wonder, if these were built to put what ever components you wanted in them. I think I will keep my eye out for a Scott 333 tuner.
  8. My plans since it seems that it has been modified before and I don't have to worry about ruining it. I will build a new baffle to fit my H.H. Scott 299, I was thinking of picking up a Scott fm tuner. And of coarse find a table that will fit in the opening, which was wondering if anyone had any ideas what to put in there. Here's a pic of the table opening.
  9. I all ways like the look of some of the vintage stereo consoles. I was scanning cl like I do on a regular basis when I came across add for a Bozak C-305 with out any components. The day I decided to call on it the fellow dropped the price tremendously, so I grabbed it. I wondered what components were actually in at one point. After I got it home it appears someone else at one point modified as the baffle had been replaced, and the turntable mount had been raised. I think at one point these came with a Dual table but not sure on the model. Well here is some pics.
  10. I second Electro Harmonix, as I run them in my Sp6 tubes4hifi pre amp. I don't have anything to compare to, I just know I all ways liked preferred the sound of a tube preamp over a solid state pre. Now I have not herd a tube pre matched with a tube stereo but I am sure it sounds wonderful.
  11. Ok I will take some this evening, I don't have the phono stage yet as I am trying to plan for when I do get it. I have a idea what might work for now. I will pick up some supplies this evening on my way home. I know I have been down this road before but just couldn't decide how to tackle it. But for now to have a phono section something needs to be done.
  12. I understand what you are saying. I just come across some boxes sometimes that just aren't the right size. I can put all three cards in the chassis I have now, and put the transformer in a separate box, which I might do for now. I have my eye on a chassis its just having the funds.
  13. I uses the 12x4, and has a separated power supply. I was just going to stack the phono card and line stage card.
  14. I had built a pre amp kit from tubes4hifi.com One of the last parts is to install the phono preamp, for this I need a bigger chassis. I have a aluminum case that is the same width, and depth. But it is over twice as tall, so if the cards have the same bolt patteren could I stacked them. Would this cause any sound issues, or heat issues with the 12ax7 tubes. Thanks Nick
  15. How do you like that Dayton 1" compression driver compared to the Selenium d220ti. Is there much difference between them. What does it mean that the Dayton is a compression driver.
  16. I couldn't agree more, I always like some good lows. But I love some crunchy mids.
  17. Maybe it's because women statistically can hear the hfs at much lower SPLs than men -- have you considered that? ya my wife hears everything I say under my breath, it seems to get me in a lot of trouble.
  18. Duder - some might say I've been lost for years. I'm not just crazy, I'm sure I'd have no trouble proving it. No No I love it, makes feel like I am not the only one that is nuts at times. Good thing I don't type as well cause there cant be 2 H.M. Murdock flying this plain[].
  19. Were losing him, were losing. Clear...............................................
  20. I have used several, common electric from home depot, blue point, craftsman, and now one made for snap on with the Cat name slapped on it. I liked them all and all worked as long as I owned them. The craftsman I owned was a great multimeter I bought around black Friday which is coming up in about a month, for 10.00 normally 20.00, the only reason I don't have it along with the others. Is they do not hold up to getting ran over by jlgs e400aj's. Which I don't think you would have to worry about that. Other then that as long as they have good features and a good name then you shouldn't have to worry.
  21. You must be running out of places for new projects. Those look nice, good luck on the sale.
  22. Very nice, and happy birthday. I love that shirt I hope to have one someday.
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