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Everything posted by STL

  1. ---------------- On 10/17/2002 6:29:23 PM tblasing wrote: Yea, another thought was a Ram 2500 with the V10. ---------------- If you're considering a truck, then you can't honestly be worried about handling! If you need a truck get one, but why buy a truck just to get a V-10? The weight of the truck is going to offset a lot of that power.
  2. ---------------- On 10/8/2002 3:02:02 PM Voodoo chile wrote: German cars will outperform Japanese at any time. ---------------- What a gross over-generalization... I remember reading an article about how the Honda S2000 spanked the Porsche Boxster and all versions of the BMW Z3 on the track! And to add insult the injury the Honda costs much less than any of them! Porsche had to come out with the Boxster S, but it's only about equal with the S2000 (and costs a lot more). LOL
  3. I would be very, very, VERY, VERY surprised if that Chrysler is better handling that Acura. The Acura is made by Honda and they are very well known for their handling (as well as engine longevity). I suspect the TL will be much more nimble than the 300. You can replace the headers on that TL-S and get another 30hp almost across the entire power band. I didn't believe that when I first read about it (being that most Honda don't respond well to headers unless you're going to turbo or SC) but this V6 really comes alive with that change alone. To me, it is no comparison -- Get the TL-S.
  4. BTW, if you decided to upgrade your fronts, which I think is your best bet, then forget the KV1 center because it won't keep up. Depending on what you upgrade to a KG2.2V, KV2, or KV3 will be what you need.
  5. For center you can use a KG2.2V, KV1, or KV2. For rears look for another set of KG1s or even KG.5s -- or better yet you could upgrade your fronts to a larger speaker like a KG2.2 or even a tower like a KG3.5 then use your KG1s in the rear. Ebay seems to be a good source for the out-of-production models.
  6. STL

    "better cable"

    ---------------- On 10/16/2002 6:26:49 PM Malev wrote: I prefer good looking cable. I like to look at the back of my receiver, and see big, fat, good looking cable and pat myself on the back for having such good looking cable. ---------------- Surely you jest...
  7. I'm not sure those K-1077SBs will even fit properly. As long as the one original woofer is still good in the other speaker, I would just buy a replacement woofer by calling 1-800-KLIPSCH. You can find what speaker used the woofer yourself by looking around at the specs of current and past speaker models.
  8. ---------------- On 10/15/2002 6:12:17 AM krustyoldsarge wrote: Looks like the values are .5mh and 1mh, caps are 3uf, 8uf and 33uf. ---------------- Just in case you want to real-world values. On my pair of KG4s the values came out to be: 1.134mH, 1.134mH, 0.532mH, and 0.530mH.
  9. ---------------- On 10/16/2002 11:55:43 AM avman wrote: sony strda-777ES receiver upgraded to v.2.02 including virtual matrix 6.1 ---------------- I would also like to know!
  10. ---------------- On 10/16/2002 11:47:54 AM synthfreek wrote: Please keep me in mind. I'd like to get an exact match for my main KG4.2s. ---------------- If you want an EXACT match then you need to find a another KG4.2. Or you could use a KG4.5, 5.2, or 5.5 since and these speakers use the same K-85-K horn. You'll probably have to build a new enclosure for the speaker, but it's the way to go if you want an EXACT match. If you wanting a very good match, then keep in mind the KV-2 and KV-3 will be just as good as a KG2.2V.
  11. I use my the digital out, but that has been part of the plan. Back when I bought the 5-disc carousel I opted to get the non-ES model (and saved some $) since it had digital output. I knew that I would eventually be replacing my A/V rec'r. Sure enough several years later I bought Sony ES rec'r, and since it's has much better D/A circuitry I started using the digital out on my CD player.
  12. Trey is the man! I guess I should have just asked him instead of dragging in my parts and using the inductance meter at work.
  13. --- On 10/14/2002 5:49:35 PM minn_male42 wrote: Just like everything else out there, you get what you pay for....the radio shack spl meter is a p.o.s....it's amazing how many people on this board will spend thousands to tens of thousands of dollars on their equipment and actually expect a $30 spl meter to be accurate....lol.... ---------------- I don't expect the reading value to be accurate, BUT I don't need the value to be accurate!! I'm only using it to get the channel levels to match, and for that the meter does just fine. I find it comical that you flame people for using this inexpensive meter when it indeed is accurate for making level settings -- it makes you look like an arrogant know-nothing! LOL
  14. STL

    "better cable"

    Might I suggest a cheaper but competent alternative: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=189-132 Or, like I've suggested before, make your own using: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=109-120 http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=092-112 or http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=093-511
  15. Q-Man wrote: The rebuilt cabinets probably sound better then the original. I put 3/4" by 3/4" pine blocking at all the seams and screwed them tight from the inside. I agree with you there, but the condition of the cabinets when you got them suggests they were heavily abused. I have considered, on more than one ocassion, modifying my cabinets (internally) to make them more "dead". Q-Man wrote: When I received all the new drivers and networks from Klipsch I put them in the cabinet so my parents would have a new speaker. I missed that detail; I thought you had just ordered new woofers (since that's what you did first). My bad... Q-Man wrote: Someday you may get a good speaker and you will hear what I mean when you put the 5.5 next to it. WOW, you are sure preaching at me like you think you're an audiophile. Funny you didn't claim to know much earlier in this thread: Q-Man wrote: "I don't consider myself an audiophile..." I wasn't duped in any showroom. I didn't buy these speakers based on listening to them in a showroom -- I guess you missed that detail in my earlier post (not unlike I did). A former roomate in college had a pair of KG4s, and I liked their sound. So I took a chance on the KG5.5s (because the price was right) after having enjoyed his KG4s for a couple years. If I didn't like their sound I would have turned around and resold them (probably for a profit), but from day one I've been very impressed with the dynamic range and excellent imaging. Someday you might realize what you had in those KG5.5s. I'm not trying to say the the 5.5s are better than a a set of Klipschorns (it's been many years since I've had the pleasure of listen to a pair of them) or other well designed speakers, but the 5.5s are clearly an above average speaker. I myself have designed and built a few speakers (direct radiating) and even at one time honestly considered going into business on my own. I feel I know a thing or two about sound quality and speaker design. I guess in the very end it does come down to personal opinion. If you really consider the KG5.5s so inferior, then I'll offer to buy all those parts from you -- for cheap of course (since they are, in your opinion, so inferior).
  16. While I'm a big fan of Klipsch speakers, I will admit that their speakers aren't all "the best bar none". But at the same time I just cannot fathom how a garden variety DCM speaker could sound better than a KG5.5. After all, the 5.5s were the flagship of the Klipsch KG-series (which ran for 15 years) and some people even think they sound better than the towers in the new KLF-series that replaced them.
  17. I really suspect your KG5.5s might not be in tip-top shape. I can't help but wonder if they haven't been abused, and the voice coils on the horn drivers are really half-fried. It seems feasible based on the fact the cabinets had been abused enough that they were falling apart. I also bought my KG5.5s from someone on eBay, but I was able to check them out before purchase. I got them only a couple years old and were basicially like new. I have driven mine very hard on many ocassions, but I make sure not to over-drive them (like sending clipped signals). My cabinets are still in like new condition; so I really feel that your speakers/cabinents are either defective or, more likely, have seen a fair amount of abuse which has degraded their sound reproduction ability. Or maybe you and your family have a genetic ear defect.
  18. I believe I have the Cap and Inductor values at home. Email me a reminder, and I'll get you the info...
  19. Actually, Cerwin Vega is known for having A LOT of bass, but not necessarily the most accurate bass. I used to work with them in car audio (designing and building enclosures), and they work great there. I do have an old (vintage 1977) set of their home speakers, some very large H-15s, that I use in my basement. They get really loud, but they aren't the most accurate (in bass or the rest of the audible spectrum). It all depends what you're after...
  20. > Ckeck out DCM at Circuit City. > I put them next to a pair of KG5.5 speakers and 3 out of 4 people picked the DCM's . I was one of them. > Q-Man I find that really hard to believe, unless: 1) only 1 out of the 4 people were audiophiles. 2) the test wasn't a truly fair comparison -- for instance, maybe some EQ setting on the your pre-amp was optimitzed for the DCMs making them seem to sound better.
  21. May I suggest a pair of KG5.5s -- and you can get them via eBay for about $400 (just be patient and you'll find some).
  22. I would go ahead and 'combo' both channels since these parts are so cheap. ------------------ ----------------------- Mitsubishi 55807 HDTV RCA DTC-100 DirecTV & OTA HDTV Receiver Panasonic RP-56 Progressive Scan DVD Panasonic PV-V4620 VHS Sony CDP-545 CD Sony STR-DA333ES A/V Receiver KG5.5s (mains) built-in TV speaker (center - TEMPORARY) Infinity SM-165 (rears - TEMPORARY) COMING SOON... KG4.2 (center) -- needs new enclosure KG3.5s (rears) -- needs new enclosure
  23. Get at least a KV3 for the center. Better yet get any speaker with the K-85-K tweeter and build a new enclosure for it. BTW, the KG4.2, 4.5, 5.2, and 5.5 all use the same K-85-K tweeter. I used to have a KV3 but sold it and bought a lone KG4.2 (on eBay) instead.
  24. quote: Originally posted by fini: Is there a bulk coax cable that is more flexible than the typical RG-6, or RG-59? I suggest you get the cable I'm talking about (and do some soldering) because it's very flexible.
  25. quote: Originally posted by Malcolm: Characteristic impedance is not the same as resistance. You cannot measure it with an ohm meter. It is measured at high frequency and takes specialized equipment. I do realize that difference, but I also know that sometimes people use resistance and impedance interchangably. I do have access to an impedance meter (as well as a lot of other highly specialized test equipment), so just how would I go about measuring it? At that frequency is it measured and what points on the connector are used to get this rating?
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