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Everything posted by Wolfbane

  1. Surprisingly good for cold prevention. Tasty too. When I get a rare cold I just cut up and eat a couple of lemons. Wb
  2. GWN until later this week. Got it thanks @ 99.9% Alcohol content. I pulled the MSDS. Not rubbing alcohol. Took the head assembly right off and cleaned the dickens out of the tape path until everything came back clean. Did not demagnatize, although I do own one. Plus a giant mother of a 10.5" reel demagnifier. Wb
  3. ***Mods please feel free to move if I put this into the wrong forum here.*** My 99.9% Isopropol alcohol is dried out and I can't find anything stronger than 95% 'Rubbibg Alcohol'. I believe this is a no go for proper cleaning. So what do you use that is readily available to clean your tape heads assuming you do so? Wb
  4. I believe he made good money both riding and dismounted. Whether he is right that everyone cheats to win, that I know to be untrue. Wb
  5. Indigenous Peoples Day. So says my iPhones Calendar. And as we know Mother Apple knows best! Wb
  6. Hot home made lemonade, sweetened with honey this AM. For the most part keeps colds at bay. WB
  7. Ah good old Particleboard, the foremost reason I've never moved from my circa 1985 home which was built with Fir, Cedar and... real Brick. 🔨📏 Wb
  8. Some time back, a couple of deer hunters were stopped crossing the Canada/USA Border at Sweetgrass, MT with the donkey they had shot thinking it was some form of an exotic Canadian deer. It was gutted and strapped to the hood of their vehicle. Don't think they got to take it back home to put in a pot. 🍴 Wb
  9. Yell 'Pull' and let it have it with both barrels of the shotgun of your choice. Then go out and find a good RTR Player. Much more expensive then getting that credit from Amazon but also much more satisfying. Pops and clicks could fly!🎼 Wb
  10. Assuming both were playing concurrently, you can't be in too places at the same time, unless you had already invented a time machine, you at least got to hear the long version of 'Take Five' without having to listen to any Hee Haw! jokes in between sets, (no great guitar playing though): Was there 'Smoke on the Water at the Time? To a great extent; musicians, like Hollywood actors and pro sports teams, have for the most part forgotten what its like to work really hard for your money and now believe that greed is a terrible thing to waste. The philosopy as always is 'if God had not made us sheep we would not get sheared'! 🐑 They also think that they have been given a platform from their social media and other followers to tell us what to think, whom to vote for and how to live our daily lives. All the while their preaching 'do as I say and not as I do'! Wb
  11. The GW Album 'Share the Land' was my first full-length album. Got it as an Xmas gift from my 'old square NY uncle and aunt'. All 45's prior to that. I made the mistake of going to a Beach Boys indoor concert in the early 1980's here pre-Saddledome, so up close and personal. Could not hear anything but my own ears ringing for three days afterward. Live and learn: bring ear plugs. Queen never played Calgary that I recall or I would have gone for sure. Wb
  12. Around here 'Walking Audio control Function'. That usually equates to a significant drop in volume until I confuse things by again by swapping around my amp/preamp, etc. setup. Getting to be that time again. 🎼 Should never have let her see how I turn things up or down. Wb
  13. Parent has nothing to do with it. Busy daughter: 1,600 miles away, working very long shifts over multiple days in a very busy place. If she replys to my text in less than a couple of days I count myself lucky. 🏁 I will see her and her significant other for a week in Scottsdale soon. Then a few days here twice afterward, including Christmas and be thankful for every minute. Wb
  14. Got my flu shot too a couple of weeks back. Tylenol or a hot shower will help and beats dying while gasping like a fish out of water. Got to keep up the herd's immunity! 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘 Wb
  15. The two best concerts I ever attended: - The Guess Who at an outdoor venue (last time this was allowed here I believe). - Gordon Lightfoot at a small indoor venue in the early 1980's. One man with one chair and a couple of different acoustic guitars. Gordon was visibly not well that night but did not let that stop him from playing and singing for a couple of hours with a couple of encores tossed in. Probably paid between $10 and $30 for each ticket. Wb
  16. Since it's a 'small, small world', I chose not to read beyond that. Wellington had his Scots Greys ('the nobelest Cavalry in Europe... and the worst led'); Napoleon answered him with his Polish Lancers (guess what happened to Heavy Cavalry on blown horses when the well-mounted fresh opposition used their Long Sharp Lances?) However, my reply is from crazy Uncle Walt. Enjoy 🎼: [Verse 1] It's a world of laughter, a world of tears It's a world of hopes and a world of fears There's so much that we share That it's time we're aware It's a small world after all [Chorus] It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world [Verse 2] There is just one moon and one golden sun And a smile means friendship to everyone Though the mountains divide And the oceans are wide It's a small world after all [Chorus] It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world
  17. Two cans and a string simple worked well when I was 5. Now I've got to text to communicate with my girls using a phone that wants to check and 'correct' my spelling. Damn thing sometimes changes what I write. When I spell color or check properly (i.e. colour, cheque). 👿 Wb
  18. You should be. Especially if you use a cellphone and leave it on while charging overnight. I had 6GB's drained from my phone a couple of months back without my cell provider able to explain why. It was locked to my new ASUS Wi-Fi. They are now hacking ASUS, Linux and possible Apple's IOS. Wb
  19. Paid about that to go see Cher here last Spring. She threw in a couple of free recent CD's that I have not even opened yet. However, I had to endure listening to 'I got you Babe' again (took nearly a week to get that tune out of my head). Thank God it wasn't around Xmas or I'd have to endure her rendition of 'Oh Holy Night' ala Letterman. In any case, the wife enjoyed the show and for an old lady Cher still looks pretty good in Hag Putty from 50 feet away. For $600 Carlo's should arrive in your living room young female groupies in tow. Wb
  20. Try some stout when it comes available in the spring: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/top-rated/ca/ Guaranteed to cure what 'ales' you. 🍺 Wb
  21. Would it in increase the WAF any in MDF? Wb
  22. Wolfbane


    May be old news to some but Granny discovers the cure for the common cold:
  23. Probably beats consuming Soylent Green! Wb
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