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Everything posted by OO1

  1. if this is the byproduct of the manufacturing process and the rejected materials -then we have a big problem -
  2. As well as USA Military, as least in our nukes. - current operational nukes in the USA have solid state systems components since the late 60's --whether they fail or not , the components are changed as their end of life is reached - generally 5 years - -as components age and degrade , and NOS components cannot be used due to their age , a newly manufactured certified part is required , and the USA has been out of the Vaccum tubes manufacturing since the late 60's -
  3. DJK -1 ) does the k-horn go lower than the Jubilee - 2) what similarities do you see with the Roy Delgado 's Jubilee vs the JBL Hartfield bass bin -
  4. I am surprised that you did not build a Jubilee rather than the jamboree -There are plans for the Jamboree, and some folks think it is better than the Jubilee. Plus, there are no real plans for the Jub, except at Klipsch. Dana's designs are good, even if he may have borrowed heavily from others work. To answer your question Randy, marvel kind of hit it on the nose. Plus I had the drivers. I would rather go with plans I know are good than some that are pieced together. Plus the jamboree looked easier to build. Some day if I have the funds I would love to purchase a set of Jubilees. for the Jubilee , these carry maximum efficiency and balance with dual 12 inchers passive or active , 2 or 3 way ,and the owner is free to create his own masterpiece -
  5. Russia is a superpower , would they still be using tubes , they would be considered a third world country at best -
  6. That radar is pretty old stuff - even with a 6C33C , it was not a technology marvel of any kind
  7. emp Proof? - what a whole lot of nostalgia -EMP hardening has ebabled the military forces across the world to replace Tubes - and than includes the Russians -tubes amps are not immuned to EMP either -the Russians have new technology that is devoid of tubes since the 70's - -in todays world where you need a brain in the electronics of military equipment - unfortunately - tubes are obsolete - on the other hand , if you are a music sound audiophile - tubes are high end equipment -for the ones who can afford it - And you get the entirety of the above information from where? Link please. - they used to use the 6C33C in the 70's and that proved to the West that the feared Mig 25 was a DUD - and obsolete technology - the Russians lack of modern technology became so evident that the Soviet Union collapsed for the reason of obsolescence - one main reason to use tubes in the 70's was the inability of the russians to manufacture solid state quality components - they have however evolved in the interim - EMP had nothing to do with the choice of Tubes
  8. no worry here - they have it by the spades -and far ahead of the game -
  9. OO1

    'jailbroken' T.V. ?

    just a bit confused here - would this type of box be the same as cable tv - or better - or less
  10. OO1

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter - folks - and the best to all your families -32 F over here -
  11. PWK thought the Jubilee was so much better than the khorn and heritage that it deserved its own designation. The bass quality of the Jubilee is top notch and not fair to compare to the La Scala. The La Scala and Belle are great with similar qualities but they don't go as low as the Khorn and the Jubilee goes a little lower than that. Its not a slam against La Scala or Belle I have lived with both them and would love another pair of either. The design goals for PWK and Roy's Jubilee was: Smoother response in the passband. Distortion lower than the Khorn. Decrease in second and third harmonic distortion Extended LF response past 600hz and it hits about 1200hz. Bass response lower than the Khorn. All design goals met. perfect answer -thank you -
  12. I am surprised that you did not build a Jubilee rather than the jamboree -
  13. the OP had and I quote this question - " My question is how does the Jub bass compare to the bass of the la scalas? The tightness, the impact, the spl, and over all quality of the bass " -
  14. super nice , and beautiful - I have a whole pile of high end tuners as well - but I havent used these in over 20 years -
  15. emp Proof? - what a whole lot of nostalgia -EMP hardening has ebabled the military forces across the world to replace Tubes - and than includes the Russians -tubes amps are not immuned to EMP either -the Russians have new technology that is devoid of tubes since the 70's - -in todays world where you need a brain in the electronics of military equipment - unfortunately - tubes are obsolete - on the other hand , if you are a music sound audiophile - tubes are high end equipment -for the ones who can afford it -
  16. perfect answer - -let's be realistic -the scala has one 15 inch woofer - the jubilee two 12inch woofers - and a much wider cab - now take 2 scala bass bins and add the HF section of the jubilee and you will have a pretty good combination , otherwise the Jubilee is better -
  17. the worse thing for your eyesight -
  18. I send all my stuff to Tom in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 260-494-1677 He has a shop and reconing is what he does for a living. He is the only reconer approved by Electro Voice to redo their old stuff, even the 30 inch EV-30W woofers. Nobody can touch his work... Roger for sure - if he is EV certified - He is not only EV certified, he is the only one authorized to do the old stuff. I called EV in Buchman, Michigan a number of years back when I wanted to get my Electrovoice EV-15W Ks reconed and it was Electrovoice that told me this and sent me his way. He also reproduces the EV 30 inch Styrofoam cones himself! On my 15W-Ks, the recone kits are no longer available. He tested the weight of the suspension and got it within 1/2 Gram of the orriginals. He also shipped my Chrome baskets off to Chromemasters (The guys that did the copper plkating on the OCC statue of liberty bike with original copper from the monument) and had my baskets repolished and triple show chrome plated. I had some PWK dust caps for these cones and even though you cannot see the dust caps inside a Klipschorn, he situated the dust caps so they are perfectly straight up and down when the woofers are properly aligned so the terminals are in the correct place. As I stated, nobody can touch his work and I plan on bringing my EV 15W-Ks to Hope if you want to come have a look. Roger Roger thanks for the tip - regards
  19. I send all my stuff to Tom in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 260-494-1677 He has a shop and reconing is what he does for a living. He is the only reconer approved by Electro Voice to redo their old stuff, even the 30 inch EV-30W woofers. Nobody can touch his work... Roger for sure - if he is EV certified -
  20. yep - he also gets speakers during snow storms - or when everyone's asleep - he must have an automatic radar set on KLIPSCH -
  21. hi- carl - you should post that in the thread - - what I got today -
  22. beautiful - no more back-breaking
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