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Everything posted by lynnm

  1. No way to top that fini ( I wave the white flag ) !
  2. I took a look at his feedback and a few items that he/she has sold. The seller looks knowledgeable and rock solid.
  3. Two blondes had had a few drinks together and finally one asked: Tell me sumthing...Do you snmoke afsther sex? Goshh I dunno .... I've never looked!
  4. That is such a nice score that I want to insult you like in the old days! Good Eye Laddy!! Were you wearing a mask or packing heat when you bought them?
  5. Damn!! There went MY Thunder! ( Referring to the meeting with PWK ) I worked a couple of summers at a TV station and met numerous interesting people. Malcolm Boyd ( Are You Running With Me Jesus ? ) Linda Ronstad ....I pissed her off momentarily! At that time she was travelling with The Stone Pony as her backup group and I was working camera.At the break she came over and said to me in an slightly angry voice," I noticed you kept your camera on me even when it was not on air! I do not appreciate being ogled!" Busted!! I blushed and resorted to the plain truth saying "Please forgive me Ms. Ronstad but I was dazzled by your voice and your face. I am so sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable and will certainly make every attempt to show more respect if you appear here again"! A that point she smiled softly and said "Thank you for a lovely compliment and please accept my apology for thinking you were being crude." Ed Ames Ed taped a promo for reruns of The Last of The Mohicans. We had a malfuncion at the junction and while the techs were getting things patched up Ed sat around chatting with the crew. Finally one of the guys said,"Ed" (we were all on a first name basis within 5 minutes of his arrival...No Star Syndrome with him ): "Ed was that tomahawk thing on Carson for real or was it a put up job"? Before anyone could glare in horror at this Faux Pas Ed threw his head back and howled with laughter and said that was the best screwup in my career!When I told Johnny that they wouldn't let me handle sharp objects on the set I was telling the truth! It was a pure accident but if I live to be a hundred I will never live that one down!On the other hand if I live to a hundred I will be remembered for that throw!" Bill Kennedy Bill was a one-time Motion Picture Actor who appeared in over 60 films but was never able to crack the big time.He is probably best remembered to the greater public as the voice on the original Superman TV series " It's a bird! It's a plane! NO!! It's Superman!! Probably Bill's greatest role ever was that of The Hollywood Ham which he played to the full on his TV show at CKLW TV in Windsor Ontario Canada. (Lest anyone get misty eyed about the mighty having so fallen - He earned enough to own a Rolls that had once been owned by Zsa Zsa and a 56 T-Bird Port hole coupe at the same time and lived in St. Clair Shores Michigan). He was damned good to his crew and had lunch brought in for us every Friday. Off Air Bill was truly friendy and enjoyed the give and take of workaday relationships. He was not only willing to endure the day to day give and take but actually encouraged it. In other words On Camera he was "The Star" but OFF Camera he was the guy who had the great fortune to be "The Star" when the lights went up. I loved the man! ( When he got Zsa's Zsa's Rolls he took the entire crew out for a ride down University Avenue in Windsor.. How the hello about 12 of us got into that thing still is a bit of a mystery to me )! Occasionally Bill would lapse into his Hollywood Ham routine Off Camera when having a little fun with the guys during breaks.One day when I was walking by his studio ( not being on camera for his show that day ) I heard him say in an exaggerated theatrical tone....Just remember that old Bill Kennedy told you that! The devil having got to me I called out....I will remember what Olllllllllllld Bill Kennedy told me! Bill immediately responded that Olllllllld Bill Kennedy says you can go F**k Your Hat!! I felt real sadness to learn of his passing a few years ago. He was a real gentleman
  6. Preference for speakers is a very individual thing. I did an A/B comparison of th KLF30 and the RF7 using the same source components,amplifier,and source material. At that time I could have afforded either and found the KLF30 more to my liking. That said I can easily understand why many folks would prefer the RF to the KLF. FWIW I found the KLF to be a little more dynamic than the RF with greater low end punch. The RF on the other hand acquitted itself handsomely in all of the areas mentioned above and arguably were a tad smoother. In the end the choice became rather like the millionaire who is asked by his driver whether he wishes to use the Indigo Blue or Coventry Cream Rolls to travel into town today. The KLF30s I bought were in Mahogany and were visually stunning. The only speaker that could take their place were Klipschorns which I acquired a couple of years ago. I have never regretted the Khorns but I still sometimes find myself wondering when listening to certain pieces what they would sound like on the KLFs. In any event the fact that another member prefers another speaker should not be taken as a comment on the size of your member!
  7. Good move !! BTW where is your trash bin?............Just curious!
  8. Obviously one has to be careful but I can relate a positive experience on a second chance offer: I had bid on a 2 record set of Dave Brubeck at Carnegie Hall and lost by U$ 1.00. The seller contacted me the next day and said he had another copy that he would sell me at my bid price. I went for it and began to smell a skunk when my album did not arrive in the expected time. I emailed the seller who apologised profusely stating that my copy had been shipped as promised and said he would send another copy by airmail at no extra charge! His only request was that I send back the original order at my cost shuld it arrive. True to his word I got my copy a week or so later by airmail and there was no extra cost. The original shipment never did come and I would likely have not sent it back anyway but simply paid him for it as that LP is so good I would want to keep a copy in reserve or give as a gift to another LP freak I know.
  9. I think that the question comes down to a few main points: ( 1. ) Is the Pit Bull an inherently dangerous breed ? ( 2. ) Are there Pit Bull owners who can adequately train and control these animals ? (3. ) Who finds this breed attractive ? My answers: (1.) Yes ! This breed has been systematically bred over several centuries to attack and kill. They were initially bred for their fighting and killing ability in "sport" hunting and later for use in the dog ring. In other words an exceptionally aggressive and powerful male or female would be mated to a counterpart and the resulting pups that most displayed those traits would be mated to another pup that displayed those traits in abundance.The point was to establish a breed line that could be expected to be exceptionally aggressive and vicious.Those hundreds of years of breeding cannot be ignored. (2.) Yes but....There undoubtably are breeders who are adequate to the task of breeding and training PBs which are reliable in temperment and those dogs are unlikely to present a problem. That said most Pit Bulls are not bred by competent breeders/trainers.For the most part Pit Bull pups are the result of casual street sex or the result of owner "A" suggesting to owner "B" that their PBs get together. ( 3.)Generally speaking there are three classes of PB owners: (1.) The folks who find a cute puppy on the street,obtain it from a friend's litter etc. and who have no idea that they are adopting a cute,affectionate Timebomb. (2.) The folks who actually know about Pitbulls and obtain properly trained young dogs from a reputable dealer. ( God alone knows why ? ) (3.) Those who revel in the idea that they own and control the ultimate canine killing machine. The dog is almost always of unknown lineage. The owner is thrilled that they have the ultimate badass dog and generally has no idea of how to train and control it should the dog get out of control. In addition too many of this type of owner revels in the destructive power of the animal. In my opinion the Pitbull as a breed should be outlawed by attrition. By that I mean that no PB that has caused no harm should be destroyed but the owners should be held totally accountable for any harm that the dog might do. Pitbulls should be kept on a leash at all times when outside of the owner's residence. Breeding of Pitbulls should be banned.
  10. Here is a link to an article that will provide a decent entry level understanding of how tubes work: http://www.anthemav.com/OldSitev1/pdf/taste.pdf Hope you find it an interesting read! Lynn
  11. Bridging is generally not possible or practical unless the amp is specifically designed for bridging. In some cases amps not designed for bridging can be successfully modified for bridging but this requires the services of a knowledgable tech and the cost is frequently prohibitive as compared to the cost of buying an amp of the desired power rating.
  12. A few thoughts come to mind: Is he using the same equipment to drive them that he used in the 60's ? If not the change may be related to equipment changes. If he is then perhaps the equipment has drifted out of spec due to component aging. Are the speakers in the same room as originally and has their placement been changed ? He might do well to inspect them to insure that all internal wiring is intact. If the wiring is still correctly connected and all electrical contacts are solid I wonder if perhaps one or both tweeters might have a problem. Given that the speakers were purchased 40 or more years ago it may be that your father's hearing has changed....I know that mine certainly changed as I got older
  13. I have been a computer technician for several years. In my experience I have seen no real differences between AMD and Intel in terms of reliability and software compatability.AMD has consistently produced processors that outperform equivalent Intel processors but that gap has narrowed in the last few years. FWIW I no longer consider the chipmaker ( Intel vs. AMD ) when choosing/recommending hardware to my clients.I focus on the configuration and price of the equipment rather than the chipmaker.That said AMD processors generally outperform Intel processors at the same price point but as noted above the performance gap is not nearly as wide as it used to be.
  14. 10 cents plus standing still for a good kick in the cojones would still have been a good deal ( assuming the reciever and Los cojones remained functional )!
  15. While I do not share kjohnshop's taste in music,I can unreservably recommend him as a seller. I have done business with him in the past and got much better than I expected. Buy with confidence!
  16. I agree with the above! Within reasonable limits output tubes thrive on heat.While it is true that really excessive heat will damage O/P tubes the fact is that generally speaking most tube amps are designed to run the O/P's at about 70%-80% of the tube's maximum capabilities and that generates a considerable amount of heat. Don't let the amount of heat emitted from a tube amp as opposed to the heat generated by a transistor be a cause for concern. Transistor amps do not need much heat in order to function well and in fact the heat generated by transistorised amps is an unwanted by-product for the most part. This is because electron transfer within a transistor requires little or no heat. That is not the case with tubes which require that high temperatures be applied to the cathode in order for electron flow to occur. My point is that the amount of heat emitted from a tube amp operating normally is far greater than what would expect from a transistor amp.Naturally an amp that runs hotter than normally expected for their respective design is a cause for concern. That said it is entirely normal for a tube amp to give off considerably more heat than a transistorised amp.
  17. Those things are a POS! A guy I knew was a sound engineeer and used one for quick and dirty checks of the site's acoustics before hauling out the serious gear. One day he hit a huge pothole and his trunk popped open and a decently padded equipment case flew out taking the RS meter with it. A stinkin' little VW bug ran over the bag and when my bud checked the meter a few minutes later it didn't work for scheise! BTW the preceding story is a complete load of BS! ...... But I had too! I suspect that your meter is just fine ( unless of course a VW ran over it )
  18. LOL A couple of years ago somebody put a set of wingnuts from a pair of vintage Khorns on Ebay and got something like $14.00 for about a dollars worth of hardware. Obviously he knew where PT Barnum was when he needed him!
  19. FWIW I compared the KLF30 and the RF7 side by side using the same source material and amplification. I preferred the KLFs and bought them even though at that point in time I could have purchased either. Both systems were breathtakingly good but the KLFs had more "slam" in the upper midrange yet overall sounded more "You are there" ie. more real than the RF7s. You cannot go wrong whichever you buy!
  20. For Cryin' out loud get a decent boombox! AKA I find myself amased time after time by the difference between the sound of a recording on a poor quality system and a really good system. The flip side is that I often find that recordings that sound decent on my car stereo are excreable when played on my home system! You have come a long way in a short time Joe! A request,( not a demand ),would you consider using Capitals at the start of your sentences ? Some of us old farts hate having to read every word in order to understand where sentences begin and end.
  21. The surrounds on those speakers will likely outlive all of us! That is not a statement about Klipsch quality but simply a statement about the different technologies involved in speaker design at that point in time. Acoustic Suspension systems such as developed by Acoustic Research required that the speaker cone be able to have large excursion in a small box. One way to accomplish that was to provide the cone with a very flexible surround. Unfortunately the very flexible surround materials available at that time tended to break down over time due to outgassing of the polymers that gave the surrounds their flexibility and strength. The Lascalas and other Klipsch speakers utilise compressed paper cones and "Accordion Pleated" surrounds which are ordinarily not subject to the type of failures described above.If your speakers sound good the odds are that they ARE GOOD The good news for owners of acoustic suspension speakers is that replacement surrounds are available at reasonable cost.
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