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Everything posted by BBB

  1. BBB

    Kid Rock

    ---------------- On 3/12/2004 10:40:07 PM m00n wrote: Anyone here like Kid Rock? Just curious because every song of his that I've heard on the radio I have liked, escpecially that new song of his thats out now "Jackson Mississippi" ---------------- I only saw dat Kid Rock guy perform during the Super Bowl half time show. I not sure what he was doin with the American flag or singing about but wasnt duh song he played called Jackson Missis-a-pastey ? He he he he
  2. Wow! I cant believe all you people know so much about this movie. I found out about it watchin da races. Of course I wont have time to see the movie during the NASCAR season but maybe later if the theater serves beer along with those nail pendants theyre selling. Ca-Ching$$$
  3. Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit? Whimp Bizkit? Shrimp Bizkit? More like Gimp Bisquick. And you want to lift this tune for free? Get the real thing and buy a WHO album. You are PUNISHED!!! Go to your room! Get a leaf blower and clean it while youre there. Take down those strange glow in the dark posters on the ceiling! Get a haircut and get a real job and buy some decent music with money you will EARN from now on and dont tell me there are no jobs or Ill show you a lawnmower, rake and shovel all with your name on the handles. Do you hear me? I said do you hear me! Post Script: Buy The Who Live at the Albert Hall to see and hear the way it is supposed to be played. He he he he he he he
  4. I dont think youre confused Ed. In fact you bring up a valid point as far as live sound is concerned. I work with guys who have had their amplifiers and outboard equipment customized. It provides them with the sound they want. Thus what theyre doing is incorporating the electronics as part of their instrument once they power up. The same can be said for frontal systems no matter the size. The person behind the board can make you or break you during a live performance. On the other hand Ive heard people leave a concert saying that they were bored because the performance sounded exactly like the musicians recordings while a person next to them might say they dont buy the albums but they try and catch the same act every time its on tour. Go figure.
  5. As usual. Millions of people forming an opinion about a subject they know absolutely nothing about because the media needs to air more Viagra commercials.
  6. The best time is just when the husband and wifes separate vacations start.
  7. BEEP! BEEP! Polycrystal spike delivery!
  8. ---------------- On 3/11/2004 3:03:30 PM 12345Michael54321 wrote: It's worthwhile to have a standard against which to measure your audio system, and a standard with which to calibrate your ears. And when all is said and done, live music, played by living, breathing musicians, right in front of me, sounds more "authentic" than does recorded music played back on even the best audio system. So my advice is to spend $50-1500 on a dozen tickets to live musical performances. ---------------- I like that answer. It makes sense. Taking in live performances will hone your senses and in return you will become more discerning when choosing the equipment you wish to use to recreate that type of audio and video quality at home. It seems to me that experiencing live performances can develop an appreciation not only for the artists but also for which products are available to best reproduce those sounds and sights. It is time and money well spent especially for the younger people on the forum who ask many questions of the old salts on these boards as to how they made their decisions when choosing their equipment. How? Well heres the BIG secret. They KNOW what it all supposed to look and sound like. He he he he. Simple, huh? Its funny. People say theyll buy a new pair of shoes by trying them on and walking around the block once. The problem is that many people cant find the block, but buy the shoes anyway, take them home and end up complaining about their corns for as long as the soles last on those nasty Buster Brown dog killers.
  9. Yea! Like CC and Wheelman said. And throw in a 747 and a Blackhawk helicopter while your at it.Make sure they're both white, though. Vroooooooooooom.
  10. I dont know how she ever spotted it, said Walmart store manager, Mr. Pricenstackem, commenting on his cashiers razor sharp eyesight.
  11. One guy does it with a mono pole and one guy does it with a fishing pole. I want a T- shirt from both of ya.
  12. Viacom? Viaduct? Vi not a chicken? Hmmmmmmmm?
  13. Nooooooooo problem. Give it that thang the Spinal Tap treatment. Crank it to eleven and let er rip.he he he
  14. ---------------- On 3/9/2004 8:29:18 AM HornEd wrote: PS: Thanks Keith, for all the amusement you have given to so many on this Forum. I only hope m00n finds someone like you to amuse him when he's collecting his Social Security check. ---------------- Send me a postcard, drop me a line Stating point of view Indicate precisely what you mean to say Yours sincerely, wasting away Give me your answer, fill in a form Mine for evermore Will you still need me, will you still feed me. When I'm sixty-four
  15. ????Klipsch in your car???? "Yes sir. Our Best Buy techs just finished installing your new audio system."
  16. Thats an H02 error which means a problem with the spindle motor OR optical pickup. Which one? Well the problem is the H02 error is for the pickup BUT it will give you an H02 error code because it wont turn on unless the spindle motor works. I think the code for the motor is actually H07 but the error code for the pickup takes priority on the display. Most likely its the motor. To find a Parts List for Model DVDS35 go here: Panasonic Parts Click on to Buy Parts and Accessories on the left side of the page. When the next page comes up type in: DVDS35 in CAPITOL LETTERS where it says Model Number in purple letters on the right hand side of the page. Then you will see a parts list that will have: RXQ1016A SPINDLE MOTOR ***'Y $29.88 RAF3023A OPTICAL PICK UP $81.16 Once you take the players top off and if you are handy I think youll figure it out. Some people have just manually turned the spindle with a disc in the player while the top is off and have had it come back to life. If so I would clean it with canned air and apply some oil in a few spots that look like they get lubricated. People run into these problems with wearing out the motor when they constantly use the pause button instead of just using stop. Good luck.Todays technology is a fasten-ating thing. You constantly have to fasten "this" to "that" and fasten "that" to "this" to get any of it to work. Hey! I had to leave with a joke. I've got my reputation to look out for. LOOK OUT! he he he he
  17. ---------------- On 3/7/2004 1:46:54 AM arthurs wrote: So I open the door to my enemies And I ask could we wipe the slate clean But they tell me to please go f**k myself You know you just can't win Song? Artist? ---------------- I been telling everybody but no one listens. Its duh same guys that do that Mony Mony song! Duh Pink Floyds. Frankly I gets frustrated that my input gets no contention around here. You know you just can't win. Im too upset to talk about it right now. Im just plain lost for words. Or is dat fast forwords or skip backwords or maybe no words atoll booth or .
  18. ---------------- On 3/5/2004 12:01:56 PM m00n wrote: BBB, you have to explain it to me... I have no doubt it's gotta be funny, I just don't get it... Next time we will work on the beeeeeee's? ---------------- "O.K. Please yell the first letter on the chart out loud while I try to explain this doctor joke one more time." Im just kidding with you m00n. I cant help myself.
  19. Silent Treatment A wife drags her husband to a doctor complaining that the man hasnt said a word to her in five years. After an examination the doctor tells the wife that there is no physical reason for the husbands silence but offers a sure fire cure that would require 26 consecutive one day treatments. The doctor assured the wife they might be arguing with each other again full time even after the very first treatment. The wife said Great! Can we start today? The doctor said he could and instructed the husband to pull down his pants and bend over the examination table. As the man complied without saying a word the doctor turns to a refrigerator and pulls a proctoscope out of the freezer. Without warning the doctor quickly shoves the scope up the husbands behind. Obviously taken by surprise the husband yells out Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The doctor says Terrific. Tomorrow well work on the Beeeeeeeees.
  20. ---------------- On 3/4/2004 7:01:33 PM analogman wrote: BBB, Now you've done it! You've made me remember I lost that old Buddah 45 The "Jaggerz" or "Jaggers" right? The Troll ---------------- Yup. That was the Jaggerz alright.I always think of it as the first commercial Rap song. Although it isn't really rap. Perhaps bubblegum What's the next discussion about? "One, two ,three red light"? or "My green tambourine? Yikes! he he he he .Later.
  21. Klipsch, Klipsch, Klipsch, they call him the Klipschster. Klipsch, Klipsch, Klipsch, ya know what he's after. Hey girl, I betcha, there's someone out to get you You'll find him anywhere, in a white van in the mall, in a grocery store He'll say, "excuse me, haven't I seen you somewhere before?" Rap, rap, rap, they call him the Rapper Rap, rap, rap, ya know what he's after. So he starts his rappin, hopin something will happen He'll say he needs you, a companion, a girl he can talk to He's made up his mind, he needs someone to sock it to. He's made an impression, so he makes a suggestion Go to your place, for some speakers, or coffee, or tea He's got you where he wants you, girl, so you better face reality. Rap, rap, rap, they call him the Rapper Klipsch, Klipsch, Klipsch, thats all that hes after.
  22. Those are impossible to find so I'm growing my own.
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