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Everything posted by nickyboy6100

  1. I agree. There is no better center to your setup than another La Scala.
  2. I’ve heard the new La Scala’s for a very brief time and think they sound great, but the original is not far behind and definitely my favorite Klipsch of the home offerings that I have experienced. No better speaker for live recordings.
  3. Thanks for the offer, but as you know, it’s hard enough trying to find a set. I would think almost impossible to find a single it’s mate.
  4. Looking for a set of La Scala splits in good condition. Prefer stock, but updated crossovers would be a plus. Located in the Southern Indiana area. I would be willing to drive a fair amount for the right pair.
  5. Footprint wise, Chorus. Either model. Home Klipsch overall, La Scala’s. Obviously Jubilee, but never heard them.
  6. You would be better off installing Speakon connectors or just good binding posts. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of XLR connectors on a speaker. I don’t think very many amplifiers have balanced outputs.
  7. Check the garage sale section. There is a decent system that would work great for your needs.
  8. I really enjoyed the Kpt-415’s. They really sound nice, but I’ve been sold on horn loaded bass ever since my La Scala’s. I’ve never heard Jubilee’s, but I think you would be hard pressed to find better bass than MWM’s.
  9. nickyboy6100


    I purchased these last year in hopes to put a 2-way, active system together, but circumstances have changed and will not have the room I need for them. MWM’s are in absolute excellent condition. The woofers are k-43’s and are also in excellent condition. The K-402’s are new with original boxes. They have never been hooked up. They have the new Celestion Axi2050 drivers. Driver’s are a year old and also in excellent condition with original boxes. I hate to sell, but my only other option is to put these in storage. I would be interested in trade only for a pair of La Scala splits in similar condition and cash. Please PM me for any question or details. I will not ship under any circumstances. 4,000 firm.
  10. Well, if all the drivers are in working order, you won’t find a better speaker for the price.
  11. I had an M-85 on Chorus II’s and it sounded fantastic!
  12. I totally agree with that statement. No new speakers come close to the sound of Kg4’s for the money. They are very good speakers in my opinion and got me hooked on Klipsch speakers.
  13. I’m referring to the Jubilee setup.
  14. That looks like a less than ideal setup. As far as speaker placement goes.
  15. I would love to hear the 1802.
  16. Thanks for the kind remarks. I’m glad they are going to someone that will appreciate them.
  17. The Chorus was mentioned earlier. If it was included in the OP’s post. That’s what I would have chosen. I’ve owned both Forte II and Forte III’s and would pick the Chorus I or II over the entire lot. They are very good speakers. It took La Scala’s to best my Chorus II’s. Sometimes I wish I would have kept those.
  18. Unfortunately, that’s one of the side effects of Klipsch speakers.
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