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Everything posted by Bella

  1. Generally speaking, I think it's pretty well established that the government likes a good boogeyman and typically is in no hurry to completely get rid of them. Pay attention to what Russia has been saying recently. They're in there now bombing all they can, while saying that our government has been lying, that they haven't really been bombing targets like they claim. Why would they say such a thing if it were false? They have no reason to tick us off about this. If anything we should be working together, yet according to them, we even leaked the flight path of their plane that got shot down. If you know about this, then you know more than you are letting out. And so do I. Who is really the terrorists in all this? A year into fighting people who cut off the heads of innocent people we find an old adversary taking the lead role and doing more in a month that what we ever accomplished. But instead of joining them in the fight, we allow a NATO country to shoot down one of their jets while it conducts their nations very effective missions against our common enemy???? And now we are discovering (at least those who look at where the facts lead are discovering) that a NATO country may be helping to finance our enemy by purchasing their stolen oil? Again, who is really the terrorist? And who here cannot stand to see the truth?
  2. Because you have a lying, policy-driven, ideological administration which will say or do anything to further its agenda regardless of the events and occurrences which reality throws to the people. The answer is, "No. There is no desire to combat terrorism if to do so would hamper "greater policy." Is it a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top? With a complicit media? And does half the nation stand in defense of these actions? Can they not see it or do they simply incapable of critical thought and fall in line and believe whatever they are told? I'm hard-pressed that on one hand we are waging a war against terrorism (don't get me laughing) across the world while allowing suspect individuals to casually enter the country in the name of compassion while simultaneously demanding that the populace become labored to defend themselves domestically from the very threats we face! I find such a position insane.
  3. One must wonder if there is actually a desire in this administration to prevent terrorism at all. It's hard to conceive. Refugees being brought in but not being screened thoroughly? A porous border? Or let's assume our security apparatus' are genuinely working to identify threats and eliminate them - then why would these things be said: "ISIS is contained." Just prior to the Paris attacks. "There is no imminent threat." Just a week ago. Does anyone in the media have the guts to ask the questions regarding those statements vs. reality? No.
  4. see something, say something. Isn't that what your government expects you to do? I could link hundreds of such calls because someone saw someone open carry. (No, I'm not turning this into a gun debate, simply drawing a distinction). The fact is, society is programmed by government and by convenient extension, the complicit media. THIS=BAD. So a lot of people think it is bad. THIS=NOT BAD. So a lot of people think it isn't bad. Even though events may prove otherwise. It's only those that are willing to dig a big deeper that know all the truths. I think this was a terrorist attack based on the information I am reading. Our president says it could be workplace violence. Want to place a wager which storyline gets repeated more often over the next week?
  5. Glad you brought that up. The common belief is that yes, the NSA is listening to thwart terrorists. But that isn't why they are listening. Otherwise we wouldn't have had the Boston bombings, and yesterday wouldn't have happened. Frankly, the government really doesn't give a crap about islamist extremism/terrorism/workplace violence/the patriot movement or any other descriptive they can come up with. If they did, gangs would have been eradicated decades ago. What the government cares about is power and money. Keep that in mind and you'll understand why the NSA is listening. Threaten THEIR power, or interfere with THEIR ability to collect money and you'll be on their radar.
  6. Interesting. And all this time when I said those words I thought I actually meant them, as I was thinking about them and praying for them. I must be completely stupid not to have been able to discern what my words actually meant. And, are you advocating that a change to gun laws are necessary? What would you like to see changed? Here's my thoughts: I'd like to see gun rights advocates treated in the same manner as any other right. I'd like to see the government adopt training programs similar to what the NRA provides. Perhaps we could have government subsidized training facilities in every major city, just like abortion clinics. Certainly this helps to being a 'well regulated militia.' Why is my natural right constantly being demonized yet a right granted by government is funded, protected, promoted, and even prosthelytized?
  7. In the eyes of government, we are all terrorists. We just haven't committed the offense yet that allows the arrest.
  8. The likely reason that Klipsch raised the price on their Heritage line is because careful market research/surveys told them that they could. Why would any competent company leave money sitting on the table when they can grab more?
  9. It doesn't happen where I live either. But then perhaps it does, but because I am either out of town traveling or at home not going out on these days I don't experience it. Thankfully. So why do you think the media wants this image of self-deprecation of the American public broadcast around the world?
  10. Stupid people more concerned with $99.00 off-branded electronics that will be in the trash in 6 months than they are with what their government is doing behind their backs everyday of the week. It will not end well.
  11. Bella

    Is this a 1st?

    At least I think I got you to understand it really PC that governs this forum, it is corporate "corectness" that counts in a global economy, and Klipsch doesn't need any comments in a public forum that could be construed as being derogatory against any individual or group based on race, religion or gender. Keep trying, you will get there. I'm still trying to understand your issues against Militia groups. And why is it okay, in your mind, to connect it to seemingly nefarious purposes but not any other group?
  12. Bella

    Is this a 1st?

    He got it all wrong except the first character? Not likely to be a fat finger event.
  13. Bella

    Is this a 1st?

    You have a militia group near you? What problems might you perceive living near a Militia group?
  14. Bella

    Is this a 1st?

    Since the other thread got locked I want to make my thoughts made very clearly here: I'm so saddened for what France is going through right now. There is no cause, no belief, nor frailty of the human soul that can justify what they have been subjected to. What happened in France is an affront to the very essence of what it means to be a human being. Thoughts, prayers, and love to all of the families affected by this, and my support to the people of France in whatever they feel is the appropriate course of action to protect their great nation so that they can begin the long healing process.
  15. I ask that we refrain from turning this thread into the obvious political or gun control debate. Please, can we just offer our love and condolences.
  16. I was the buyer. With more reflection, I think it was the complete lack of emotion in the tone that was the tell. Strictly monotone - no rise or fall at any point in the voice. But very human like otherwise.
  17. I will think call center work is the first easy application for AI. There's a little bit of that left in the USA, most of it though is in India. Doctors offices will lose that one position who answers the phone for scheduling and other minor issues. The office will subscribe to a service to provide that function. Car rental agencies will lose the counter clerk, probably airlines too. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk I took a sales call the other day but I'm not sure the voice on the other end was a human. I couldn't be 100% sure because although it sounded slightly deliberate in tone and pronunciation, it was responding to my replies in an intelligent manner - responses formatted based on my input and with only a very little bit of lag time. It was surreal. I hung up thinking I just had a conversation with a machine.
  18. What's new? You said it yourself: AI. Do you not see the future?
  19. To be honest, at your price point you don't have many options. Both Nikon and Canon are the leading DSLR manufacturers and make a variety of them. You can't go wrong with either brand at that level. The one you linked is certainly a decent entry-level DSLR and I'm sure it will do your wife just fine, giving her plenty to feel satisfied with, and the ability to be creative when she feels ready. It's a small DSLR, so ideal for women with small hands and it's lightweight, so she won't be fatigued as quickly using it. I didn't see a pop-up flash though, so she might not like how it works in low light. There isn't a whole lot of information on the kit lens, but I'm certain it won't be very fast. What is her intended use? How will she use it?
  20. I'm sure Vizio has business connections to Pfizer and they are interested in who they can market their products to. My God- Shakespearean levels of savagery... I tip my hat to you sir. Ugh...thanks. I guess.
  21. Exactly what Vizio is hoping for. Why not ship the product with that feature shut off and give instructions in the manual on how to activate it?
  22. Do your stats take into account those who are male and identify as female, and vice-versa?
  23. I'm sure Vizio has business connections to Pfizer and they are interested in who they can market their products to.
  24. If we could take any clues from the greatest Science Fiction visionaries of our time (Gene Roddenberry, for one), in his Star Trek series, I remember the fleeting utterance that humans no longer required income and instead focused on self improvement as the reward. I cannot remember if it was in one of the series or one of the movies. The Next Generation, perhaps...Picard. Such a monumental change in character doesn't just happen. It usually requires a 'jump start,' such as a cataclysmic event to kick start it and force the change.
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