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mr clean

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Everything posted by mr clean

  1. Ive heard its good stuff but saw online somewhere that the wire turns green after awhile. Wont hurt the sound but thats why I like wire that is not clear so the wire inside is not visible. Not sure its even a real problem but did not want to take the chance.
  2. A integrated amplifier down the road maybe? 150 or so watts out the back? Will ya will ya please please!😀
  3. I don't listen to classical as much as some other forms but at night a few nights a week like right now to wind down at the end of the day is nice. Im far from a expert but I really like yo-yo ma. Sounds great using the rp280f's
  4. I was thinking it was a integrated. I didn't have much time when I found it. Maybe they will expand the line.
  5. I was looking at cool gadgets from CES 2019 and came across this. Looks kind of cool so I thought I would share. May get some younger people interested in better sound. https://www.qoobi.co.uk
  6. I use these so I guess I've lost any little sliver of respect I had. The top ones are the ones I use. The second is knukonceptz's best. http://www.knukonceptz.com/home-theater/rca-cables/krystal-rca-kables/sp/krystal-kable-2-channel-12m-twisted-pair-rca-cable/ http://www.knukonceptz.com/home-theater/rca-cables/krux-rca-cables/sp/krux-kable-1m-interlaced-3d-copper-twisted-pair-rca-cable/
  7. Inboards inline with the edges of our couch on both sides.
  8. mr clean

    Quotable Quote

    I like this on because it fits me so well. Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most! One more I like but it does not fit me anymore thank god. Maybe the first one fits because the second one used to. I saw a sign that said drink canada dry so I went up there.
  9. This is what I think and it won't get you much. If the recording studio was making the recording in my room they would have setting adjusted to make the recording sound good for my room. Everything they use is different than what I am using. My room sucks compared to theres. Why would you think it will sound like they heard it with these shortcomings? Use a few knobs on a good eq or keep changing equipment until it gets to a point you can stand to listen to it! I am not going to suffer with bad sound just because audiophiles say thats the way to do it. Life's to short to put up with problems that are easy fixes. I know this is a older post but thought it would be a good way to get the freq chart back to the top.
  10. Im not sure. I listen over the air
  11. Mornings on WUEV. Its in Evansville IN. Jazz Flight most mornings Blues on Sat. They stream online. Im listening right now. https://www.evansville.edu/wuev/
  12. I use the a-300 with the emotiva pt-100 pre and it sounds great to me. Ive always been told the pre has more to do with the sound than the power amp. The pt-100 sounds a little bit laid back but detail is there. I like the two together. It has tone controls and I too have a crappy room that would sounds fatiguing after awhile. The tone control would fix the fatigue but seemed to take a lot of the life from the music. Using a 4 band schitt loki eq using the 2000 hz and turning it down a few db can fix the fatigue but keeps the music lively. Right now there is a elvis special on pbs and love that the pt-100 has fm also. The marantz might not play well with the a-300.
  13. Even if you record with tube equipment it will sound more like the the recording using SS. You can pull up a tube system on you tube and if they are using tubes that is what it sounds like even using SS.
  14. I still listen to AM on the way to work and home alot of days. Sometimes when I'm getting ready to go to work I listen to jazz on a local college station. Coast to coast some nights coming home on eves. I talke on AM and SSB on the radio. I talked long path to gearldton aus at over 15000 miles!
  15. I like the sound of tubes but SS sounds the way it was recorded. Thats what I'm after.
  16. I always think bigger is better so I would go with floor standers. You you can use a sub but it it were me I would go as big as you can have as long as they don't get in the way . There are people on here much more in the know then I am so lets see what others say. Nice to see you on here by the way! I have the rp280f speakers and they are deep but not that wide so they are easy to place about a ft from the wall. Hope that helps.
  17. Heres a pic of their smaller speakers. The large ones are 80000 bucks. Im not sure about the smaller ones. http://livesounddesigns.com/reviews
  18. Check these out! http://livesounddesigns.com
  19. Well I have a amp and speakers and a tv. I was confused? Really I just lied!
  20. These are great for mowing. Industrial type muffs that sound pretty darn good for 50 buck https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A2KLfSErfC5c8eUAi3lXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=worktunes+3m+headphones&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-s#id=10&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F517t8cqrkyL.jpg&action=click
  21. https://oswaldsmillaudio.com/ac1 https://oswaldsmillaudio.com/amplifiers https://oswaldsmillaudio.com/img/press/Holland Herald.pdf https://www.stereophile.com/content/visit-oswalds-mill-audio
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