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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. I got my AQ cables back last week and put the Type 4 back on the pc. Sounds much better now, that 10 awg is better suited for subs I think. Those frequencies seemed to go through to the speakers much easier than the HF did!
  2. How about PB Blaster George? It's great to unstick a big bolt an an old engine!
  3. Think I let one too many of those go @billybob. Enjoy those good tunes!
  4. Yes @oldtimer I've always had that issue when it was rainy or humid and below freezing. There was a little can like that breath spray with a wd40 like tube that would de-ice the door lock for my mom's car. I'd throw a small amount of tap water on the lock then get mine open most every time!
  5. Not a problem @captainbeefheart! You've posted lengthy posts I've seen over the years, but they aren't word salad. They've been objective and coherent, I appreciate that especially when I was just being a smart-alec here!
  6. Never knew heat and cold could affect things like that or the usps but I guess it does now. Hey those madeleines... sweet spongecake nothing special. The other is like large, thick Melba Toast... and Melba Toast is better! So the black truffle chips, kindergartner size snack is the winner!
  7. Good Luck. Definitions of things have been changed recently. Examples: vaccination, democracy and everything one side accuses the other side of doing.. Is in truth what the accuser is doing.
  8. Not what I was doing, surprised that you thought so with all the brainpower you share so tactfully here! Was trying to note the bulkiness of that ten gauge. Just won't run that stealthily along the baseboard, even if sleeved. Think it would be better suited for a sub.
  9. I got some new stuff to try by coupon from a place I found in Jersey. My absolute favorite salsa (Xochitl Stone Ground Hot) Not at the stores here & I don't like chunky ketchup w/jalapenos that much. Has become more $ to ship than to buy from amaz and wally. NOPE, NADA. I searched for it and found some real good Chocolate there also. Then with a coupon I got some Cherry Stollen like my aunt used to make for everyone every Christmas. Plus free Madeleines, Fette Biscottate Dorate, and Black Truffle Potato Chips. I like shrooms with roast beef, in salad, spaghetti sauce and on pizza. This is similar, good and different too! Never expected to even try a truffle, still haven't actually but the chips are very good, the ingredient is obvious in them.
  10. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    He sure is. WTF @Dave1291 Dropped me (on phone) like a hot potato last night. In the middle of talking about weather... saying that the sheet was gonna hit the fan next week up there! Dude! Thought you 'fell out" IN JEST Only DJ , the other songs with falling out or fall were either disco or sappy love songs mostly
  11. @GWSmith Voila! An LP that matches the Music Hall! It looks like it's 3D metallic to me.
  12. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    You can't see it either? @Dave1291 'Love's So Heavy" is where I had it set.
  13. Whaaaat? You're telling me I was right when I was chided for my liking that specific cable? Knew it was put inside either the newer LS II or AL-5. So the solid copper wire in the Star-Quad Geometry AQ cable does beat the oxygen free tinned copper 10g I put above. That had more LF coming from my itty bitty Klipsch, not needed with the sub. The AQ #4 that I re-acquired last week from storage sounds more articulate through them in this room. I had 18 gauge given to me by the stereo shop I got my first components from. Knew a bigger gauge would have less resistivity so I got some 16 at the K-Mart. Ten is too bulky for me, that was a recent experiment. AQ #4 is equivalent to about 15 AWG if I recall correctly.
  14. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Rollins Band "Get Some Go Again" (incompetent) polit-bureau-***holes at fault again!!
  15. Being serious, I cut back on salt a lot, even back as a teen scraping it off of mc ds fries. Right after I got my new filter I could not eat one Frito without stomach pain... Salt in the cannisters used to be Iodized. I prefer nutrients coming from my plate instead of a supplement. What contains Iodine naturally, and no not worried about getting nuked. There would be bigger worries then. Found two in the fridge, won't be eating kelp though. Like Cod in beer batter! Miss Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips with the malted vinegar!
  16. Someone posted his "Sixteen Tons" a while back and that was a good one to mess with my sub settings to!
  17. Yea right, it might get released in 66 years!
  18. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Yessirree George! Dr John grows on ya. At least me anyhow. Ended up in the Rs for the heavy headliner last evening: with Henry, and D*mn he could captivate a crowd in a small <500 venue back in the 80s. Talks a lot, but he could still befuddle every (incompetent) polit-bureau-*** out there today with logic and wit! So Black Flag and RB? Could have just been a workout or release valve for him.
  19. For all of you that live where it's legal to smoke d*p#. Was talking about a band in The Other Discs. These cats made some of those sounds in `71. The almost origami-like way this album cover opens is a dead give-away to me what one of their pastimes was.
  20. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Another heavy hitter from the 90s They were inventive, but reminiscent of a 70s band I got the other year with the kind of oragami open up LP cover Hawkwind I think, have to check. * yes Hawkwind - Wikipedia "In Search of Space" has the cool cover. This was their radio hit but check out the rest if you think this is remotely cool. They aren't politically correct, you're Warned.
  21. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Yep, his first in `77.
  22. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Same here, when "Bat Out of Hell" came out, it was a good year. Came out right before Halloween.
  23. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Alright you youngin', it's 40 yrs for me & I'm still and always will be Rocking!
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