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Everything posted by Fish

  1. I think it's a very likely those that get it and get over it will, for the most have immunity to this specific virus. That's kinda the way our body works.That's why they recovered, their body mounted a successful defense. I'm not a Dr, just an opinion, LIKE EVERYTHING I'VE SEEN for months from the "pro's".
  2. Here is my overall opinion...LESS people will die or be disabled and seriously injured this year from all sources than any recent year. If that's so, Is that good or bad ????
  3. Sounds like a lot in a month, of course any are too many and very sad. But hopefully a one off. I read this quote on a health site. Before reading this I already considered this years flu deaths would be higher than usual. My opinion, this year we will lose some modest number more than usual , not the end of us. "This year's flu season is shaping up to be possibly less severe than the 2017-2018 season, when 61,000 deaths were linked to the flu." As of March estimates from 29k to 59k, but no way to know for months
  4. Well....an estimated ONE BILLION doses (pills I presume) have been administered to patients. This is mostly over the past 40 but up to 65 years total. In all those doses many prominent DR's noted NO adverse effects, No deaths directly because med noted. It is considered by most all, and certainly the medical community to be VERY SAFE. The instance of death % directly related is such a low number it is considered NIL. Now....I'm no Dr, as previously stated, I do not play a Dr on tv. But, I do assemble info from intelligent people and then form opinions. So....everything I promote is my understanding and opinion, works for me.
  5. My Dad was in Germany in ww2. He maybe twice even talked about. No army movies, not even the Duke. He was an MP, the little he talked was worse than you could even imagine. I always think of these kooks that need a safe space.......they got it made and don't even appreciate the price HE and his generation paid, till the day they died. On the subject, estimated 1 BILLION doses given of hydroxychloroquine, one of the safest drugs ever for 65 years. Risk estimate = NIL.
  6. Well...you don't have to be a Dr . You just provided info and that's good. None of us know what currently will work best, least etc...We do want logical, thoughtful, evaluation Based NOT on preconceived notion bias, hate or love, just real results, explained or unexplained. There is something that will work best for most, that should be the goal . I'm no Dr either but if faced with death I'd try most logical science related ideas, maybe ALL of em'. I just wish we ALL would show respect, caring, toward everyone at this time. Just offer support for each other, think about words.Ask logical, thoughtful, important questions that matter, and reply in the same. NO COVERING FOR ANYONE/COUNTRY and no BASHING ANYONE/COUNTRY. Just real adult evaluation. If you treat someone good, they will almost always reciprocate. Almost, hate is very powerful. Then they can go BACK TO HATE right after if they must. Yep, I know, but just IMAGINE.....
  7. I would never have believed it but......I think you're right. Is it possible a Dr would not try because of politics ? I sadly think yes, not always the reason though, but yes, some, even if they don't realize it. It is crazy the way this country has divided up even medicine. I'm can only imagine it's only a matter of time till we see a couple Docs dukin' it out.......
  8. Classic.......we need more people in the hospital ???? I think Cuomo is trying, but is a victim of his echo chamber........Like I said way back, I saw this info posted LONG ago on youtube by a Dr. Why would it JUST RECENTLY be considered ??? This could have been DISPROVED BY NOW IF FALSE. Who are these Doctors, living in their own little world that care so little about EACH PERSON (only populations) that they were NOT trying this in JANUARY ? In 2005 study it was considered treatment for SARS
  9. On another note...Did anyone here know that blowing smoke up your rear was a real thing ??? I always wondered where that came from. The historical evidence is it was a cure for drowning victims before we knew about modern day methods. A guy centuries ago was told by elders, when his wife drowned. After dragging her out and lifeless he filled his pipe, toked it up, inserted and blew. She came to instantly so it was "recorded". It's presumed the sparks burned and resuscitated....Believe it or not......
  10. I have read the science, seen the results, they can publish till they die, not changing my mind.......The FACT IS , this drug along with combinations can allow cells to refuse virus replication, long enough for your system to mount an attack. It may not every time, every person and it's NOT A CURE. It's a proven scientific FACT it (as combination) helps protect cells from infection and rapid replication. Hopefully you'll never need to refuse it but you'll have that option if you want.......
  11. Ehh...Not what my Dr said ! The people that have used hydroxychloroquine or combo as prescribed AROUND THE WORLD are SUPER HAPPY THEY DID ! South Korea for example. Watching the "news" thinking, Surely NOBODY HATES TRUMP so much they would NOT want a drug to work on EVEN ONE PERSON ! SURELY ???? It's science you understand.........
  12. So many people in he world that are sooo smart (but never well informed). You would think they would go and give up their life to try to solve problems for humanity.......But....NO....they just whine and cry and hate about what someone else does........Humans....nothing funnier than......
  13. Fear mongering and Media. That will end up being the MOST danger to US All.
  14. It's gonna be lots better when the medical community catches up with regular people. I saw on youtube about a month ago a guy explaining with cartoon drawings using hydroxychlorineoqu to get zinc into cells to stop adhesion of virus. It was so convincing I told everyone I knew. Of course NOBODY thought about just eatin' some fish tank cleaner......Gas is good at the dentist, don't mean you can drink gas....B double E double R un BEER RUN, always like that song....Stay healthy !
  15. Common sense and reality.........and I'm gonna throw in honesty, kinda said it all. Unfortunately there will never be enough of either. Uninformed opinions ,distortion and lies....there will always be more than needed....I have asthma, copd, and severe respiratory allergies (and it's a bad time of the year for that)....I'll do what I can and nature will do the rest. Stay safe, use you head...."we have nothing to fear, except fear itself"....
  16. Or...you could shut up ??????? There is NO CONFUSION about treatments. Let a qualified Dr treat YOU ! You can do minimum of 1,000,000 things that can kill you. Treating yourself for a potential deadly disease.....just not smart.....Blaming Trump, dumb....
  17. I'm surprised some people see such a big difference in business, small ,large and Americans in general. If the economy is wrecked for long I think most everyone will regret it. I recall a time when politicians could work out a deal, in the best interest of their party, but also still helping most. That time is past now that the MEDIA is openly partisan (no more Walter C) , just another untrustworthy lobbyist, and has a anti American (too global) agenda for me. By anti American I include, anything that hurts the AVERAGE AMERICAN's INTEREST. You know, LIFE, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, SPEECH, LISTED RIGHTS. Now it's all about extremes and GRAND STANDING. I always think about the proposition "How do you negotiate with Iran"..... The worst part....MOST people in this country, certainly Americans actually agree on most issues facing daily life. I suppose that does not get as many views as a train wreck. There are basically NO news outlets I trust to deliver the truth, unvarnished, regardless of who/where it is. I prefer fact based info, with first hand documentation to back it up.
  18. But I hate the idiots that are hoarding all the toilet paper, so it's just a matter of who I'm focusing my hate on. The way I understand it is.....you can hate people that are bad, that's ok as long as you're good......The way you know you're good is by telling people they are bad.....Not pointed at anyone here of course...just my understanding of the principle. The best part..you don't have to do good things...just tell someone they did/do bad things...now you're good...sweet.....
  19. I have severe respiratory issues and 60, this could end my career (living). That said, this thing it out of control in the MEDIA. It's like several TWILIGHT ZONE episodes rolled into one. People and THEIR reactions make me feel much worse than worrying about the CV. I can only imagine a REALLY SEVERE version of this scenario. I feel like mankind is teetering on insanity over this . Can you imagine what the BLACK PLAGUE was like ? Can you imagine what something on the scale of the BLACK DEATH would do to the world in this CRAZY MEDIA environment?? ALL ECONOMIES CRASH, multi millions lose wealth, Crime runs wild, Murder and starvation would be the minimum. Adults.....put em' on the endangered list..... I'd feel better with, NO BODY FREAK OUT ! This is very dangerous to certain groups, and we want to do everything we can to protect people. We will make available ALL INFO WE HAVE , ALL THE BEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM REAL doctors with brains.Make available ANY/ALL medical help a DOCTOR ASK FOR. Let's all work together, STOP HATING long enough TO work together. There are REALLY BAD THINGS going on all over the world,NOT BEING MONITORED PROPERLY ! Things that can make 80,000 or 1.6 million deaths look very LOW......Sure maybe not today or next week but someday, and for sure.......
  20. WOW...Millions loved that ist/ism bastard. What's the matter with people ? Ted is even GREATER than I thought, to overcome that ! Music...anybody here done better please tell me where to audition your 50 years of hits ?? He's the kinda guy most P#$#@'S don't like. If anyone can outplay Ted on the Gitfiddle please post it so we can all enjoy it. Corona...well , when someone you know gets it be sure to post so we can all have a good laugh ??
  21. Audition based on review....ok...Blindly buying, never.....Opinions......who ain't got one, only mine matters ultimately....Information, GREAT, just not overdone....Science can explain very little about the brain and interpretation.
  22. I had a 1205a, certainly one of the best amps I owned. It was almost magic how after about about 15 or 20 minutes it transformed from a good solid amp to a truly special amp. I used to demonstrate the transformation to friends and every single person could pinpoint the change. It wasn't loudness, just a clarity and dynamics blooming. I bought it new, and sold it for more than I paid a few years later, still a mistake !
  23. I've noticed most very artistic people are NUTS ! Neil, one of my all time favorites, top 10 at least !
  24. Cali and Florida......always smokin deals........no good reason these are still available.....
  25. Nice....curious what/when was before this, the first good set maybe ? Also do you miss any set or location of system ? Last, for now....Size of room, just guessing, 16 or so X 20 something ? The reason I ask is I've had and heard some same systems in different rooms and houses. The difference is quite amazing.
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