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Everything posted by polizzio

  1. OP just re-posted April 7, 2019. Maybe you missed that.
  2. I like, especially "Elephant" and "Relatively Easy". Sitting here listening to his collection via YT. Delicate storyteller. Thx for the tip.
  3. When one considers the price for a set of new Fortes, this is a massive bargain. I believe its just a matter of finding that right person in your locale. And that takes exposure. Do you have them listed on craigslist Atlanta? Or Facebook if you do FB. I will warn you when listing on FB you will get a lot of tire kickers. It almost discouraged me but I did eventually sell my old desktop pc via FB.
  4. Really diggin the B&W photo above, Willy.
  5. You are absolutely correct, one cable, my error. Fireproof outer jacket = house fire and everything is burnt to a crisp, but your $2900 speaker cables are A ok.
  6. Yes sir. Not much is revered in our ever changing society today.
  7. Will do. It was just the arrogance of his comment pushed my button. Look at his avatar, looks like an angry clown to me. In essence "people using lamp wire are unworthy, take up knitting." 25 years ago I did use 16 gauge lamp wire and I never suffered from it. The worst was following the "ridges" to observe polarity. Pure copper oxidizes. Copper surely is not exempt from surface oxidation when exposed/bare wire/strands over years. But to purchase 15' from a local store to demo a pair of speakers you're selling, absolutely.
  8. Didn't buy lamp cord clown, bought quality copper stranded color coded speaker wire on line. You pay $1 a foot, not me.
  9. Gonna juice it with a 1000 watts of Crown power Might sip a little Crown while I listen.
  10. You just don't realize how big and heavy a 18" bass transducer is til its sitting at ur desktop Just came via the mail. Rockville, cost me $59 delivered. Quick test works fine, sounds pretty good free air. I have a 4 cf sealed flatpack cabinet coming to assemble and finish. This baby gonna rock for sure!
  11. I agree with you Shiva. I just don't like being ripped off. For his needs, it's a good solution. I just ordered 50' of 12 gauge from the same ebay vendor. Cost me $14 delivered.
  12. Guess you're not going to tell us the details about "all of your digital amps". Come on man, I need a good laugh today.
  13. Talk about a king size rip! So I was just at the local Home Depot scouting/pricing materials for my next project and decided to price "wire off the big spool". 14 gauge lamp cord is .59 a foot, 12 gauge is .71 a foot before sales tax. I purchased some quality, color coded copper 14 gauge speaker wire on ebay from a shop in Vegas for .14 a foot delivered. I paid $14.50 delivered to my door for 100 feet. That same 100' @ home depot would cost me $65.10 with tax. NO THANKS
  14. Take a look at the aussie walnut CW pics......That's some beautiful cabs and wood veneer I cannot recall ever seeing a more visually appealing home loudspeaker. When you get beyond "big black boxes" in your living room or home. There is always a balance between sound reproduction quality, budget, and aesthetics. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-Cornwall-III-70th-Anniversary-Edition-Pair-Australian-Walnut/113595302691?hash=item1a72cec323:g:CGIAAOSwT5tcSiL5
  15. I didn't say it was a bargain. Supply and demand rule every commodity, be it crude oil, milk, pork bellies, or high end loudspeakers. I recently purchased my pair of rosewood CWs delivered for about the same price Crutchfield sells one unit. But somebody will eventually pay the 6k for the aussie walnut specials. One: they are drop dead gorgeous and sound lush. Two: for a guy with deep pockets $6k is weekend pocket change. If Jay Z decides he wants a pair of gorgeous and stunning Klipsch CWs in his game room, it will happen BAM. They are not even listed on the Klipsch Heritage page, must have been an earlier special run.
  16. I bet! 2502 king daddy. Max 2400 watts bridged, 4 ohm load.
  17. You right, Willy Four wide doesn't appeal to me personally. The freak show of the NHRA. Now Vegas does 4 wide too.
  18. Today I purchased a slightly used "mint" Crown XLS 1002 for $251 delivered on ebay, so in 5-10 days I will have some hands on experience. I have yet to read a bad review for the latest Crown amps anywhere, multiple websites. 1100 watts bridged into a 4 ohm load. Going to build me a low cost 18" transducer sealed cab subwoofer and power it with the Crown. I like projects. edit: just read the manual. band pass feature allows you to select an upper and lower filter point, to pass a specific frequency range like 30-200 hertz. Or just a single low or high pass filter. (24 db linkwitz-riley)
  19. There is a new pair of Cornwall iii on ebay, the australian walnut for $5995 delivered. I have the rosewood but I believe in the pics I have seen the Aussie walnut is something very special. Somebody with deep pockets will pay it....I have no doubt. I was listening to a Diana Krall cd on my CWs earlier today. Her voice is like from the heavens. And those CWs are just amazing!
  20. I'll never know. Actually as I was taking the pictures, I did not realize Brittney was looking straight at me, otherwise I would have waved. Not til the next day after i returned home and downloaded the images did I realize in 2 frames she was looking right at me. I can't see much detail in the camera viewfinder any more. If digital cameras did not auto focus, I'd be in real trouble. Diminishing sight and hearing.
  21. From the previously referenced wiki article: "The term "class D" is sometimes misunderstood as meaning a "digital" amplifier. While some class-D amps may indeed be controlled by digital circuits or include digital signal processing devices, the power stage deals with voltage and current as a function of non-quantized time. The smallest amount of noise, timing uncertainty, voltage ripple or any other non-ideality immediately results in an irreversible change of the output signal. The same errors in a digital system will only lead to incorrect results when they become so large that a signal representing a digit is distorted beyond recognition."
  22. The thread is about Class D amplifiers. You're the one insisting it's about "class D digital chip amps". So which "digital amps" do you own and use? Model and manufacturer?
  23. That label belongs to a Klipsch surround speaker, not a center channel loudpseaker. A simple 2 second google search. RS-42 II specs: https://www.klipsch.com/products/rs-42-ii-surround-speaker
  24. John Force could be driving any configuration he wanted. John just wouldn't be happy without 11,000 HP spinning the driveshaft between his legs, clutch dust and massive racket in his face. He's been doing it for like 40 years. Hair on fire, 320 mph in the lights @ 1000 feet. 5 negative Gs when the two chutes open. Two TF cars @ max acceleration = 170 decibels at very close proximity. Don't know of anything louder, near-field, short of 20 lbs of C4 detonating.
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