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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. Hopefully mine will look like that (again) when i´m done with my refurb. Really nice find!
  2. Not necessarily, rim and back are black on mine as well.
  3. And HWO is Heresy Walnut oiled. Mine are from 1977, and they are nice speakers, enjoy. Welcome to the Forum!
  4. Same here, plus the one or other mentioned good recording here on this forum.
  5. Thanks for this suggestion, i almost constantly listen to this station when i´m on iradio now. Very good mix!
  6. Welcome to the Forum! Is it really the woofer that´s bad? The KG 5.2 & 4.2 both have passive radiators in the lower place, in which case You can´t swap, the one in the 5.2 being bigger than the 4.2. Woofers are different parts as well, while the dimensions are the same, the woofer from the 4.2 might sound strange in a 5.2 cabinet. Take a look at the specs: https://d2um2qdswy1tb0.cloudfront.net/product-specsheets/KG-.2-series.pdf How about looking for a spare on ebay? Or You can post in the garage section, maybe a member has a spare lying around.
  7. To be safe you could put a sheet of paper between ion and the vinyl so things won´t stick.
  8. I thought so, bummer... I must mention, i don´t own any Epics. What i would do is, take a really sharp blade and a steel ruler and cut away the vinyl as close to the edge as i could. Then i would tape of the original boundary between the upper verneer and where the vinyl used to be and fill the gap with several layers of laquer paint. Maybe even on both cabinets to make it look similar. I hope You get what i´m trying to say...
  9. The bright part of the wood is the spots where the vinyl used to be? If You were to bent it back, would it be as flat and smoothe as before if cemented in place? Or would it be uneven and creasy?
  10. As Randy said, and You might want to post in the Epic Owners thread, so more CF owners can help You:
  11. The only thing that keeps me from lusting after RF7s is the knowledge that I´d have to change my whole speaker-set-up for HT... And the fact that they´re much too big for my space, most likely... Those are great speakers, enjoy!
  12. Would it help if the OP posted a picture of the connector-plate of his sub?
  13. Welcome to the Forum! What You found is what is called a "passive radiator", it enhances the bass-performance of the original KG4. It has no wires attached to it, that is normal, it runs without power.
  14. The Klipsch specs say horns are the same size on CF2 – 3, nothing about the drivers, sadly.
  15. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Had this one on the want-list for some time, no got around to buying it: Who owned a Commore C64? Who knew the game ZOIDs? This is the tune frome the game: http://deepsid.chordian.net/?file=/MUSICIANS/H/Hubbard_Rob/Zoids.sid And here is the original: Listened to the whole thing a few years back and found i liked the whole CD.
  16. Cable is irrelevant. It is when too much power is applied to a speaker that can be damaging.
  17. Google Translate: "I think kg 5.5 has a sensitivity of 98db/m . But if you upgrade the crossover to a 2nd or 3rd order winch that will reduce its sensitivity, don't you think?" @trongnguyen Welcome to this Forum! Please, try to post in English. We are international here and English is the lingua franca. By doing so You will get more reactions to your posts.
  18. Dusty Hill memorial spin of Afterburner... Still remember the video of "Rough Boy" in the good old days of MTV...
  19. Recent Wiki: Gibbons confirmed that the band would continue with Francis, per Hill's wishes. According to Gibbons, "Dusty emphatically grabbed my arm and said, 'Give Elwood the bottom end, and take it to the Top.' He meant it, amigo. He really did."
  20. There are bananaplug-like connectors on Amazon for gear like Yours with clamp-connectors in the back. Just one example: https://www.amazon.de/Geflochtener-Bananenstecker-Audio-Buchsenanschluss-Lautsprecherkabel-korrosionsbeständig/dp/B08DMSR4KL/ref=pd_sim_1/257-1181642-6192829?pd_rd_w=5rzYz&pf_rd_p=904108be-63c8-423f-8039-eaaf91407844&pf_rd_r=209JWF1SXPVY2E14YGBD&pd_rd_r=b93919b8-c96c-4a6d-8099-80aa34a30def&pd_rd_wg=jY4wm&pd_rd_i=B08DMSR4KL&psc=1 That should get rid of fuzzy cable ends.
  21. I read about someone having his Heresys sideways but don´t remember the thread. A quick search found this: Last post, this thread: Maybe @moray james could tell You more about his listening experience?
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