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Everything posted by chassell

  1. Looking for a pair of beater LS priced appropriately.
  2. Man, this is a beautiful set of decorators with stands at a reasonable price. Lister perhaps? https://sanantonio.craigslist.org/ele/d/new-braunfels-vintage-klipsch-heresy-w/7635771461.html
  3. I thought it just ok on the first listen, but it's really grown on me. They're good musicians.
  4. Has zero to do with it. Plenty of other Indy based teams and Penske was winning at Indy long before he owned the place.
  5. When I was a kid, we used to travel through Nutbush when visiting my grandmother in rural West Tennessee. It's nothing but a crossroads and my dad used to laugh at the name...this was before the song, or Tina, were famous.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/666922508599146/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  7. I have a pair of k-77 removed from my 78 Lascalas that I replaced with SMAHLs.
  8. chassell

    Mud Kitchen

    Thanks. I spent about 3 days with it, working in steps, mostly waiting on adhesive and sealer to dry. The actual construction part was probably less than a day. Charlie
  9. chassell

    Mud Kitchen

    I'm cheap. Cedar fence pickets.
  10. chassell

    Mud Kitchen

    My grandson is enjoying it too 😉
  11. chassell

    Mud Kitchen

    My daughter-in-law mentioned recently that she wished my granddaughter had a mud kitchen. Mud kitchen?? She explained and I said "I bet I could build something..."
  12. I've got a pair of K-77 that were working when removed.
  13. chassell

    What I Got Today!

    That's the thing to do. What's it gonna be?
  14. Welcome to the forums. Submit this question to the "Ask the Historian" forum. Since they're industrials, there's a good chance records exist of when they were manufactured and where they were originally shipped.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/764677508693740/?mibextid=VkGjE1
  16. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/246807454413007/?media_id=0&ref=share_attachment
  17. Sold a AVR on CL a while back. Guy emails and asks what I would take for it. Told him price is in the ad, but he's welcome to make an offer. He returns a blistering email about how overpriced it is and what an a**hole I am for not giving him a better price. Did he really think this strategy was going to result in a price reduction? Of course, I didn't respond and, in fact, sold the AVR to someone else for my very reasonable asking price.
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