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dmk last won the day on July 26 2024

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  1. I am assuming that you mean a power amp. It can be done, but you need to ensure that when you plug in your source, that the volume on the source is set for minimum. If the source only have line-level output, you could be in for a world of hurt.
  2. dmk

    What I Got Today!

    A flat tire............but still better than the prostrate exam!
  3. I'm about to open myself up to some abuse here, but........... My wife and I subscribe to the 'Broadway Across Canada' series and have attended a number of musicals at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. One musical that seems to return year-after-year is 'Mama Mia'. I quit going to this one as the last time we attended the performance, the drums seemed to overpower all the other instruments, as well as the vocals. I believe that they were using an electronic drum kit (but I could be mistaken). The concert sound techs should be paying closer attention to the sound. When you pay a hefty price to see a performance, the sound should be nothing short of great, Now I will climb off my soapbox.....rant over. Doug
  4. I have an opportunity to upgrade from my RF-3II to a pair of RF-5 speakers. The specs are not so different (but I know specs don't tell the whole story), but has anyone had a chance to compare these side-by-side? If I sell the RF-3s and buy the RF-5s, the cost difference would be around $300. I use mine in the living room for low volume background listening (mostly classical, jazz, blues). All suggestions and comments are appreciated. Thanks, Doug
  5. You are close..... Bose is successful because they have managed to convince people of what they want, and then they fill the need. There are many people who are convinced that Bose is the best, without ever doing any critical listening. (here I am preaching to the choir again....) Doug
  6. You need to hide those under a couple of "doillies" (sp?).
  7. Generally speaking, HT systems are good for movies. 2-channel systems are good for movies and music. Doug
  8. Whoa!!!!!!!! If I am understanding this correctly, you will be feeding 1/2 of your speaker from the front channel and 1/2 from the rear surrounds? Two very diffenent audio signals. I strongly suspect you will be very dissappointed. Very little information is goes to the rear surround speakers, and it is not the same audio information going to your front speakers. I don't think you will be happy. Doug
  9. I have some reference series (RF-3II, RC-52) heritage (cornwalls and herseys) and a couple of KG series that I enjoy. I went with a friend the other night to look at some Synergy for home theatre. We checked out the F1 floorstanders at Best Buy, and we were both exteamely disappointed. There as no bass response. We went to check out the reference line at Audiotronic and there was no comparison. I will admit that the synergies were not set up for the best audition, but neither were the other speakers next to them, and most of them sounded way better. BTW, he plans on buying the reference.
  10. Personally, I am glad that the Klipsch name is getting out there. Nothing worse than having to visit somebody and all they know about are Bose systems.... For those unaware, Future Shop was a Canadian operation bought out by Best Buy a few years ago. In the larger cities, they often have stores in very close proximity to create the illusion of competition. If you go to Best Buy, might as well check out Future Shop. Chances are you will buy at one or the other. Future Shop uses a commision system for paying the sales people. Best Buy does not. On Merivale Road here in Ottawa, the 2 stores are side-by-side. I find Best Buy better laided out and organized. I usually go to Best Buy first, and if I can't find what I want, then I will perhaps go to Future Shop. I noticed that the list prices for the Klipsch speakers at Future Shop are higher that other sellers. I suspect that this will allow them to post "great discounts" when they drop the price to match eveyone else's regular retail pricing. Just need to have a minor rant and vent. Doug Kennedy
  11. I saw Lindsey open up for Tina Turner over a dozen years ago in Ottawa. He came onto the stage precisely at 7 pm (advertised concert start time), played 2 accoustic performances, and then brought out his band. By the time he was finished, I felt that I had my money's worth. He was absolutely amazing. By far, the best opening act I have ever witnessed. Doug
  12. Enjoy the concert. I saw them in Ottawa on Sept 15th and enjoyed it very much. They made the concert available on CD and DVD thru themusic.com Doug
  13. Who could ever forget the classic "Urban Cowboy".............. Doug
  14. Tom, You are truly evil. Now for revenge.............."my baby takes the morning train, he works from 9 to 5 and then, he takes another home at night".......... Sheena Easton......my litle sister played this song constantly, my dad hated it, but I had a good laugh when I was home visiting and caught my dad singing it in the kitchen (thinking he was alone). Great memories Thanks Tom!! Doug
  15. Hi Falcon, Go for the best - the Bose Lifestyle............ Now that I managed to rattle some chains......... You might want to consider a 2-channel system to start with RF-7s. Everything I have heard about these is excellent. I have not had the opportunity to hear them myself, but I do have a pair of RF-3II and Cornwalls and Heresys. You could then upgrade later, knowing you have a fantastic pair of front speakers to start with. Just my $0.02 Good luck, Doug
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