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are there any junker Dynaco 120's out there?

Thaddeus Smith

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It just so happens that a Dynaco ST120 is in my basement.

It worked when I put it away several years ago. The cosmetics are okay if you squint your eyes (pitting on the chrome and corrosion on the black cage). It would be shipped from 06365. This would be free and the only cost would be shipping.

I probably could not dig it out until next week however.

PM if interested

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From all I ever heard, they were all junkers and helped sink Dynaco.

Never heard one myself, but also never heard a good word about them...and I am a major Dynaco fan.


ditto, but i think the case is kinda cool and far better than many of the diy amp cases currently out there.

PM sent Tom!

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you guys are too much....yes...lots of junkers out there because these were popular kits....instuctions were great from the sense that if you knew how to remove a heart, I could probally talk you thru removing a liver....a lot of kits got built by folks who couldn't tell the difference between a solder gun and a magic marker...and their solders could be shaken loose.

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