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Smallest Room for La Scala?


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I saw a pair of La Scalas on craigslist at a great price.  I am pretty certain that I don't have the room for them, but hope to in the future.  I would love to pic them up, would need to get some utility out of them immediately as I am looking for a pair of Speakers.

So the question is:  What is the absolute smallest space that you would consider putting these speakers in?

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If you can fit the speakers and a nice recliner in your room you will be OK.


I had mine in a 16 x 11 Ft room on the long wall with a horn loaded subwoofer and they sounded as nice as it did in the main living room.

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I lived in a small condo when I first got married.  They were on an 7 ft. wall and the listening distance was about 6 ft.  .  I carried them around for years and sometimes they were stored in neighbors basements due to a low WAF  I've never regretted the hassle of moving them and storing them.   jimjimbo's advice is sound (pun intended).  Get them now and somehow you'll find a spot for them. 

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Sorry to hear about your loss.  Just remember what you've learned here and be ready for the next go round.  Trust me, they WILL be available again, but you will be the first one there to pick  them up!

If you follow this forum you will discover there are certain speakers that don't make it one day on the market before being grabbed.  LaScalas are certainly one such model. 

In the olden days there was a saying that nobody ever got fired for buying IBM hardware. LaScalas are on par with that statement.  A really good deal on LaScalas is a double win.

Edited by JoeDirt
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got a line on another pair of La Scalas.  Looks like I am going to pick them up tomorrow or Saturday.



Awesome! Good luck on the purchase. I have a set in a room that is 11'x13'. They are toed in to meet slightly behind my listening position and sound great. What type of music do you usually listen to? If you like bass heavy music I would really suggest getting a subwoofer as the LaScalas are incredibly clean in the mid-bass but dont go very deep.

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Picking the speakers up tonight.  (I'm so stoked.) He also has a B&K AVR 305 that he is willing to let go  on the cheap. So I might pick that up as well. 

My room is 11'x20'x8', I will have to rearrange the room, but I am so so so so excited to do so to make it all work.  The speakers are going to be in the corners of the short wall on the far side.  I guess I won't be removing that popcorn ceiling after all, lol.

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Room size will be great! That's abut the size I had my old pair in. If you sit about 10 feet back... magic! Wow, I'm getting excited for you! Should work out fine...


Welcome to the club... ;)



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