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Tomorrow is my Two Year Klipsch Anniversay!


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Happy anniversary! How are ya gonna celebrate?

I don't know how to figure out my Klipsch ownership anniversary date...my dad bought the CWs new in '79 (can't remember if it was spring or summer; the cannabis had started to take its affect on my brain cells), they were used continuously until March of '99 when my folks moved to CT (he left them and his entire system down here in FL with his sons; they have no room in their tiny townhouse), my brother used them until May '02 when I swapped him my Magnepans. And I've used them ever since (about 8 months).

So do I count how long I've used them, or how long they've been with our family? More brain cells dead...14.gif

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Good job justin !!!

were close in numbers, as of feb 9 th ( my birthday) i'm at 7300 days !!! Yup bought my lascalas at age 19 and still have them . For those of you not close to a calc thats 20 years.

If you look at my avatar the wife and i are starting to show our ages. lol

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Gee, Dale, you really know how to hurt a guy... especially since we have so much in common... you ARE 38 and I was BORN in '38... and bought me first Klipschorn at auction in the good old monaural days. My grandparents had an estate in Atherton and my grandmother used to patronize the local auction to pick up good buys on things being disposed of by wealthy couples seeking to cash out contested items in divorce cases.

Grandmother had a big barnlike structure on her property in which a large ocean going sailboat was built. She used to buy so much stuff that it was stacked to the ceiling with bins like a Levitz furniture warehouse. When she tired of furnishings in a room in the main house, she would go into her "warehouse."

Also in the warehouse were huge radios that my great grandfather had bought in the thirties. They contained huge vacuum tubes by the dozen... and the cabinetry was just about as fine as it gets. Unfortunately, my father and his brothers hauled all the antiques away when my grandmother died... and burned them because to them it was just old furniture!

As I was into my twenties, the draft was something real enough to change a young man's direction in life. I gave my sister my beloved Klipshorn when I headed for basic training. While overseas, she met a clod and married him. Why was he a clod, because he traded the Klipschorn for a broken down horse trailer. He also bought fancy boots, a saddle, bridle and a six gun with a tooled leather holster. Yep, he had everything but a horse... and that didn't come until ten years later,

In those early years I also had a 15" woofer with an eight celled horn coming out of its center. What a beast, can't remember the name but it was a goodie... with a serious magnet to boot. I built a stout cabinet for it... the first one I ever built... and traded it and some cash to buy and insure my first car, a vintage Oldsmobile, at age 16... and that began my long love with mobility.

Wow, Dale, I can almost remember being thirty-eight... grammar school, PTA's, Industrial LaScalas turned the picnics finto something for all the neighbors... whether they joined us by the pool... or stayed home. Man, those LaScalas could pound!

When my son was nearly four, someone asked him what kind of music he liked. He replied, "I don't know it's name but its the loud and soft kind." What he was trying to describe was the classical music that poured out of a pair of Klipschorns in the great room that spilled sound from the dining room to the library.

My hats off to all you "young" 38 year olds with the good taste and fortune to give their offspring a Klipschorn legacy. =HornEd

PS: While closing in on 23,741 days has its Social Security benefits... the best part of any age is to live it for all its worth... and nothing contributes to one's quality of life that to be a devotee of the Klipsch upgrade path. I wonder what we will all be listening to ten years from now? =HornEd

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Happy versay Justin!

I wonder what we will all be listening to ten years from now? =HornEd

Klipsch duh?

I bought my LaScalas at an Army Exchange while stationed in Germany back in August of '86. I hope to pass them on to my daughter, when I'm deaf.

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With Klipsch blowin' and goin' while everyone else is treading lightly in this economy... and out of a fifty-year infatuation for all things PWK... I would hope the answer is Klipsch (duh back atcha)... but what kind of technology will Klipsch be building to?

Is some bright young techno-genius about to repeal some smugly presummed law to make the "live" sound even more live than anyone in Hope has heard?

Will the Klipsch demeaning, "better-than-live" audiophiles lure us in the name of "sound fashion" to "predigested perversions" like they seem to be doing to our friend maxg?

Will the "space race" between a wife's new furniture buys and a hubby's vintage Heritage buys end in a Bose-like sound weiner?

Will Justin wobble on hitting his 100,000 post? (Oops, that may not be ten years out!)

Will fini's avatar find her string thing an perfect a subsonic cover-up before the forum fashion fuzz tackles her fancy?

Will PWK rest in horn-loaded peace?


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I bought two The Coors CD's to blast away tonight... as I do freak'n homework on the first day back at school! LoL!

More later, we are going out to celebrate... though only I know what is being celebrated. If I announced this to my parents they woudl probably commit me... again.

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I'm a Klipschan for life, so I know what I'll be listening to 10 years from now (hopefully, still to my '79 Cornwalls, plus any other Heritage models I pick up along the way).

subegt, in June of '84 I bought a pair of JBL L-112 Century II monitors, only because I couldn't afford the Cornwalls at the time. I purchased the JBLs at Robinson Barracks in Stuttgart (I was stationed with the 51st Signal Bn. at Krabbenloch Kaserne, Ludwigsburg)...where were you?

HornEd, PWK is probably seated at the left hand of God Almighty, with his "Bulls#%t" pin proudly displayed on his robe! Frankly, I'd love to see Klipsch recreate an evolutionary "Cornwall III" in the not-too-distant future! Hey, I think it's a cool idea...I'd buy 'em!

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