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Klipschorns and Heresy center channel?


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Are there any mods to closer match the timbre or sound of the Klipshorns and the heresys? The heresy gives out a little smaller sound obviously. Just wondering if there is any mods that can be done to either the heresys or the klipschorns to narrow the gap. Right now they are both stock; the klipschorns have not been touched since I bought them in 1976. Any opinions would be appreciated. I did not check the history for any previous discussions on this topic, but I'm sure it has been brought up before.

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Could you clarify a little ? Are you running a Heresy as a centre channel with a pair of Khorns and unhappy with the sound or are you wondering if the Heresy would be a good centre channel speaker for your horns ? If the latter I would say that the Heresy should be fine but a Cornwall might be a little better.

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Actually I have the heresy right now. I am very happy with it. I used to use a KLF-C7 for my center, but the timbre did not match that good although the KLF-C7 is an exceptional center channel speaker. I do not have any room for the other heritage line. The problem again is because the heresy has smaller horns and cabinet, it gives you a smaller sound compared to the klipschorns. I just wondering if there is any modifications that can be made to narrow that gap of smaller sound.

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The KLF-C7 is a nice speaker but is timbre matched to the KLF series which means it is simply not nearly a timbre match for the Heritage line. This is not a bash at the KLF line --- I had KLF30's and loved them.

Have you tried a Heresy as a centre speaker with your Khorns ?

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At one time, PWK was running the Heresy as a center channel with an unconventional crossover setting.

The mid and tweeter were run at a level to match the K-Horn. This meant the direct radiator woofer was 7 or 8 dB down from them and the K-Horns.

The theory was that the bass from the flanking units was non directional and there was no reason to drive the woofer in the Heresy so hard (and into relative levels of distortion) to fill the center.

Eventually the crossover of the Heresy was redesigned for flat response by knocking down the mid and tweeter to match. Thus it was a full range speaker on its own.

I've never seen anything to suggest that the unconventional crossover setting was superior to a full range setting. In theory it would be if the center channel woofer is pushing a lot of bass and you'd rather have lower level bass (there) with less distortion.

With modern multi channel sound, the situation may be a bit different than in those days in that even with the center set to "small" bass down to 70 Hz is sent to the center. My thought is that male voices steered center is going to suffer particularly.

If the experiment to recreate the older design, I'd think there would be differences but it would be difficult to say which is better all round.

Futher, the stock Heresy is going to be a better match than any specially designed center. Of course a Belle or LS would be the best!


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Not an easy task to match horns with this much difference.

But thats not to say your totaly out of options, olny one thought that comes to mine is adjusting the speaker output volume or timing in the setup program of your processor ( if your running one ) other than that you could experiment with moveing the center closer to your listening position.

Dampening the k's down to the level of a heresy is not a good plan as you'll loose to much in the sonic's dept. Trying to bring the heresy up to the k's level is next to impossible. ( anything is possible with enough $$$$ ) .lol

This is for HT right ?

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I am talking mostly HT. If I listen to music, I go strictly two channel unless it is a music DVD which is in 5.1. I have to say I am happy with the Heresy for center channel, but I was just checking to see if there were any adjustments that could be made to make it better. Looks like my next move will be to get a plasma monitor and hang it on the wall; then, I will have the room for a las or belle. That might be a few years down the road thou.

Thanks for all the help guys and gals... Can't beat Klipsch Heritage....

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I tried a Heresy in between my Khorns and found it to be too small sounding in between the mighty Khorns. I know the Heresy was designed by PWK to be a center, and I have seen many people post that they are happy with a Heresy in between Khrons, but I was not. Maybe it is because I have a very large HT room and there rooms are smaller - That is my best guess why it works for them.

I have found the K400 or 401 horn is the best midrange horn to use in between Khorns making the LAS would be the best choise. But most of us can not use one. The midrange is the most important part of the center channel and when it matches your mains, your HT will image and sound perfect.

What I have is a K77 and K400 over my screen and a pair of K22's under the screen and am very happy with it in between my Khorns. The ALK network is also a good choise since you can play with the squawker db levils very easily.


EDIT - If your happy with your Heresy, you may want to do what Steve P from Klipsch did, he ran a Heresy for a center and added a single K401 horn. He says it sounds good, but lacks bass.


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This thread brings up a point about H/T. As the prices for plasma screens goes down, and more folks are able to find them affordable, the huge-cabineted large screen TV's currently in use will slowly dwindle and become a thing of the past. This will better allow for large speakers like the Belle and LaScala to be utilized for center channels between two K-horns up front for H/T, because the screen will be mounted on the wall, leaving floor space beneath the screen for a larger center channel speaker...for those who want big ole horns in their H/T. I have seen this coming ever since the advent of wall-mounted screens...and I believe that Klipsch will see a new market for K-horns and, especially, the Belle opening up soon...maybe not a HUGE market, but it MAY be wise for Klipsch to begin heading in that particular marketing direction as this changeover to wall-mounted screens opens up. It would be great for Klipsch to have an H/T display at CES that would include a wall-mounted flat screen and the big ole horns as the surround sound for the "ultimate H/T". From what I have seen in the last few years, folks are building HUGE homes that could easily house a H/T set-up anchored with big ole horns as the surround sound for it! Maybe a marketing strategy that says something like..."for the Ultimate Home Theater in your Ultimate Dream Home...don't go with those little cubes...GO BIG for that BIG THEATER SOUND!"...yadda, yadda, yadda..."built like a piece of heirloom-quality fine furniture"....yadda yadda yadda...

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Good point Andy. But don't eliminate front projector systems, either DLP/LCD or CRT. Several companies who manufacture screens make lines that are acoustically transparent, just like movie theaters. That way, you can place your most excellent center channel speaker (Belle, LaScala) behind the screen and still get the great front trio sound. I am looking to do that with my HT, but will use a Chorus II. Should be sweet when done.

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Maybe you and Curtis should design and build a smaller folded horn for HT setups. Maybe a smaller LaScalla, or a one sided horn like the LB. Say something with a range of 80hz - 600hz, with SPL to match a LAS. that uses a 12" woofer instead of a 15.

I have 16" under my screen, you build one I will buy it! I would love full horns on the front of my HT.

I am happy with my dual K22. When Tom Brenen was over he thought its bass was about equal to a Cornwall. It is a bit punchy in the high bass for music, but is great for movies and general overall usage.


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Here's a photo I took of JM's setup. It looks and sounds great.

Reminds me of AMC Theatre's Petronis sound system used in some of their auditoriums which use a screen unsuitable for placing speakers behind. Above the screen are straight EV basshorns with treble horns mounted coaxially in the basshorn's mouths, below the screen are the subs.


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Thanks for all the help! To bad I'm such a dummy at this. John, if I new what your schematic meant, I would attempt to make the changes. But, unfortunately I am going to have to do a little studying before I would even attempt to make changes. Can that schematic be put in laymens terms?

I am very interested in how crossovers work, is there anywhere on the net that would be a good learning tool? Again thanks for the help. This is getting exciting!!


That is one huge room you have there for your HT!! Great looking klipschorns.

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