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La Scalas for sale!


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a single pair of la scalas, estimated (not entirely sure) year is 1985. price is 900 for the pair OBO + shipping fee. send e-mail questions, comments or sales proposals to havens@internet49.com, or call at (530)626-1248.

best wishes to all!


serial number = 7p514

type = LS-BR

pictures pending (we dont have direct access to a digital camera at this time) however they remain un-finished.

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OK, I did it. I now own a pair of 1976 LaScalas to go with the rest of my Klipsch Heritage.

I drove up to Northern California on Wednesday/Thursday and bought them. 9.gif

My newest kids arrived back safely at their new home 600 miles away late last night. It took me 14 hours to get up to Lake Tahoe on Wednesday night in near white out conditions. 6.5 hours to go 45 miles across the I-50 from Pollock Pines into South Lake Tahoe. The weather conditions were absolutey horrible. Coming home wasn't much better. Driving rain for 8 straight hours. It only let up as I came back into LA County descending the Grapevine. It is sure nice to be home!

Well, I haven't got the chance to listen to them yet. I'd like to clean them up just a bit first. Can anyone tell me an easy way to get dust out of the inside of the squawker horn? What about heavy dust in the bas bins and rear access to the drivers and crossover? Thanks!

I'd also like to thank Ray Garrison for confirming that LaScalas would fit into a 1994 Dodge Caravan. I would like everyone to know that they also fit in the back of a 2004 Dodge Caravan courtesy of Thrifty Rent a Car. 2.gif

1300 miles in 36 hours is an awful lot of driving.

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Guest Anonymous

Congrats Tom, I was wondering where you been, Keep smilin for us, cause we be smilin for you2.gif9.gif Hook em up to the 272 and let me know how they sound

YYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH PIRANAHMAN10.gif12.gif9.gif11.gif1.gif

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On 2/27/2004 12:58:11 PM Piranha wrote:

I drove up to Northern California and bought the 1976 LaScalas yesterday.

My newest kids arrived at their new home late last night after 10 hours on the road. Haven't got the chance to listen to them yet. I want to clean them up a bit first.



Congrats on the new LAS! Enjoy them I know you'll put them to good use.


PS. Maybe we need to send you some Chicago Pizza to celebrate correctly


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