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Cornwalls and Forte, Why no more?

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Cablacksmith, I read that topic and other topics over the years and I have a pair of Heresey II's and I like them very much but I here so much about the old classics like forte and the cornwalls and how great they are, I just wonder why they would drop these line if everyone liked them. I guess they are more into the new consumer line products like the ones Best Buy sells , nothing wrong with that, I guess you have to go where you can make the most money to keep a corp. going. I would just like to see them do a reissue of some of the classics some time, kind of like what Mcintosh did with bringing back the Tube amp MC275 a few years ago. Boy I bet if they reissued the cornwalls they would fly out the door of all the audio shops that stocked them.9.gif

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Cornwalls and Fortes disappeared because sales essentially trickled down to near nothing. The Cornwall was the first victim - out of production by 1990. Fortes went out of production by 1997.

This was all brought about by the audio sales environment in the 1980's. This was born of the Bo$e "acousticmess" systems and similar small speaker systems. It became all about space taken up instead of sound quality.

If there was ever a time to consider putting these back into production, the time is now.....for several reasons. First, this very website is the best ad banner for Heritage there is - and there is certainly interest in Heritage, given the performance of these systems as explained here by our forum members.

One method of doing this might be through a limited dealer network (maybe a "Klipsch Premier" dealer network or something similar). Even better yet, build 1 to 2 dozen "Klipsch Stores", staffed with people who know how to sell them - people who can live up to the Klipsch standard. This would allow Klipsch to reintroduce these speakers without committing to stocking the entire dealer network, and would continue the Heritage of Paul Wilbur Klipsch. These speakers should be, and deserve to be, in production.

Given the propensity for "big" here in the U.S. - SUV's, houses, etc....I'm surprised these wouldn't be more popular. Of course, they must be available before they can be sold. There is a climate in which Heritage can be successful again - after all, look at how many forum members sing the praises of Heritage. We are walking billboards for this. Instead of sending them to ebay, let's send 'em to "The Klipsch Store" - land of your audio "Hope"s and dreams9.gif

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Well said Audible! It is almost funny sometimes when I happen to stumble into an audio store and give most HT systems a listen. Sometimes I just smile knowing what I have at home can put even some of the most elaborate setups they have to shame. I like to test the knowledge of some of the sales folks in these places.

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I think one problem is the whole 5.1 movement. People feel the NEED to get some 5.1 set-up, even if it is plastic crapola. People sink $600 into a combo DVD/Receiver/6 speakers and expect cinema like sound. HA. They are on the whole too cheap to plunk down a couple grand for a nice 2-channel set up, why would they double or triple they outlay for a nice 5.1 set up? Three 3 extra speakers, a sub, a REAL 5.1 amp. That's expensive stuff. Plus crap at Best Buy is so over priced and over spec'ed it's ridiculous. You really think your 8 pound Kenwood 6.1 300 watt reciever will really drive anything bigger than a bread basket before totally crapping out. You really think that 10", hide-away sub can hit anything under 100hz? Or reproduce anything near reality to begin with? I don't know if it's the buyers or the sellers faults, but Ameicans generally buy garbage when it comes to home audio.

Similarly... :)

I got one of those NuReality 3-D Cinema processors, which generates surround sound like audio from 2 speakers, and it was very effective after a little tweaking. The dialogue was a little too quiet at times, but I think it got solved.

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Great idea. I'd be first in line at such a store here in Colorado, and if it was really close, maybe even think about working there! Folks could do a demo at my house and hear K-horns, Chorus IIs, Forte IIs, and get a good idea of things. Maybe Jim Cornell would be willing to lend in his speakers too!

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We've got a bunch of rich professors and administrators in this town who pour their business into the one decent shop which sells basically Sony and Paradigm. Not bad, but to have a true theater like experience, you gotta horns. :) I bet you could move a coulpe sets of KHorns + Heresey surrond set ups. The down side is that decent retail space costs a fortune in this town. Which is State College, PA (Penn State).

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You guys are right I guess HT is where the audio industry has pretty much gone to, I guess there is a 2 channel market that is still there but I guess the high end 2 channel is just a small part of audio these days, I'am being 53 I guess I grew up in the golden days of mono and 2 channel. I do think if klipsch started talking up the fact that they were bringing back the cornwalls or forte for a limited time only with advance orders that the orders would be flooding in and they could have a nice run of these speakers and make some money to.9.gif

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Of course any of the old Heritage models (of which they sould re-release them all) would out sell all of the new Klipsch lines. What I don't understand is why none of you seem to have gotten all of us together as a group and go after Klipsch and try and get them to build Paul's great designs again for us. We are the consumer and they do have to at least listen to us if they want to make money. There are even old employees on this board that used to build these. They could make themselves money if Klipsch decided not to. They could at least probably strike a deal with Klipsch for legal reasons if need be. I don't know how to contact them or who to talk to but somebody must. I'm up for a pair of Chorus II or Forte (II). Let's go!!

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i agree with the comment of the "lifestyle" systems becoming prevalent in todays world. the problem is that its getting worse, not better. people are spending $5000 on a plasma TV and sound has become an afterthought. these same people who think plasma is the best display money can buy and refuse to even cosider anything else because nothing is quite as "cool". after spending that much money on a display most have already exceeded their budget or simply dont want to spend on anything else, so they pick up the cheapest set of crap speakers they can find, or just use the speakers built into the display. either that or they are railroaded by bose dealers at bestbuy and the like. not only that, but people are using their computers more and more as a weak excuse for a true stereo. dont get me wrong, i love my promedia ultras, but they are not audiophile equipment by any measure.

people have become used to horrid sounding MP3s they downloaded from some 11-year old and CD releases that are recorded "Hot" and think that this is good enough. and quite frankly, most people will spend the rest of their lives not knowing what a good stereo sounds like or even care one way or the other.

99.9% of this planet wouldnt know good sound if it hit them in the face. personally i see things getting worse for high-end audio in the future. the emphasis has clearly become "whats the coolest display i can get" and audio has taken a back seat. hell i just had an arguement with someone who claimed that a 2-channel(not even 2.1 mind you) setup is good enough for DVDs, hes convinced there is no benefit for having the other 3 channels+sub.

case in point: a good bud of mine has a crazy B+W setup, he spent upwards of $25000 on the whole thing. another of our friends couldnt believe how much he spent and insisted that his bose speakers were just as good. so we tell him to find a good "reference" CD and bring it over to have a listen. he showes up with a greatfull dead bootleg that was recorded 20 years ago on TAPE and was burned to CD. guess what, he said his bose sounded better.

im afraid the situation is hopeless...


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Look. Quit whining and lets be the ones to do something about it. You yourself bought computer speakers (yeh ok their Klipsch but...) I agree most people don't understand because they don't know how to listen. Yes I also think everyone has their own taste when it comes to their own ears but they can hear the difference if they new what they were listening for. I don't care much for surround sound(unless I'm watching a movie maybe) or music from the computer. I'm talking about good 2 channel audio. Even if I was at a concert I wouldn't hear anyone in the band behind me, the sound still comes from the front and how stupid would that be hearing the keyboard(enter any instrument here) player behind me when I'm looking right at them!(unless it is intentful from a band like Pink Floyd or something) Sure the Heritage would be bought by the people who have the space and money for a really great surround sound too. At least we'd have a better choice and one of the best sounding speakers ever made for a decent price again. The rest of the people can get what they want and be bliss in their ignorance or happy knowing they got what sounds good to them no matter what the cost. Best Buy don't have to be the ones to carry them. Another place could do it. Or they could be made just for special order like the the rest of them are now however i think Klipsch would be better off if one could walk into a store that was designed for speaker listening(ever seen one...yeh me neither) Would take much space to make stand alone Klipsch stores where you could walk in and listen to any of the heritage or current models side by side and then just order the ones you want. Less overhead for space and stocking the speakers in the store. You can't hear anything in Best Buy anyway plus nothings ever set up right to begin with.

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Audible - I love the idea of special dealers for special Klipsch speakers.

I strongly suspect that before any serious attempt is made by Klipsch to market Heritage speakers, first, the upper brass at Klipsch would themselves, need to rekindle their respect for the man, PWK, and his standards. Frankly, I believe that the respect is not there at the top, and that is why we are not seeing more Heritage or the Jubilee for that matter.


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I agree. What really kills me is when you get in a good friends vehicle that they have had for 5 years and crank up the stock radio. Wow, that is a really bad sound.

I know way too many people who have the $600.00 HT system. They just do not get into music the way we do.

As for Paradigm, they are a good HT speaker but you have to really give them the juice to make them sound decent at all. Our local High end Stereo shop has Paradigm, along with being a McIntosh dealer.

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On 5/19/2004 12:21:47 PM stereo wrote:

Even if I was at a concert I wouldn't hear anyone in the band behind me, the sound still comes from the front and how stupid would that be hearing the keyboard(enter any instrument here) player behind me when I'm looking right at them!(unless it is intentful from a band like Pink Floyd or something)


You would also almost never hear any instruments behind you on a multi-channel SACD. Probably 95% of the multi-channel recordings have ambience in the surround channels, not direct instruments. The exceptions would be something like Pink Floyd or Jeff Beck in which the musicians were trying to achieve an effect different than seeing them live.

Plus, surround speakers for audio should not actually be behind you, but beside you, just slightly back. In other words, not at the back of your head, but aiming towards your ears, about at the point where your peripheral vision ends. In a way they are behind you, but just barely; it is better to describe it as beside you, since the proper angle is only 10 or 20 degrees additional beyond 90 degrees, whcih would be directly at your side.

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Youre right, of course, great multi-channel should be the long awaited death of stereo. Except it is NOT going to be higher quality DVD and HT that kills stereo.

Just like low cost VHS did in higher quality Betamax in the video tape wars, low cost and convenience will win with the masses. Ipods and small 5.1 systems will take over. The DVD and TV will rule the living room. Ipods, PCs with 5.1 systems will dominate the desktops. I do NOT know anything about PC loudspeaker systems, but let me tell you, when Trey Cannon deomstrated the Klipsch Promedia 5.1 GMX system at at preacherman DaddyDees Klipsch gathering in Little Rock, Arkansas (May, 2004), I was very impressed. This unit has 35Hz-20kHz + 5dB and 108dB SPL. It costs only $250 at CompuUSA. For somebody starting out, this is a great sounding, flexible system with good low bass. Perfect for a starting system. You can run your game box, PC, DVD, CD, MP3 device, TV or VCR through the GMX.


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Many of the cheap, "HT in a box" type systems I've heard lately sound pretty good.

Modern technology has mastered the business of making cheap electronics that are low in distortion, make good power and sound pretty damned good.

The advances in speaker technology have not been at the top, where I would argue there's been no apreciable advance since the 1940s, but in small speakers. Small, cheap speakers are MUCH better than they were 20 years ago.

Yeah, I hear some pretty decent sound from some pretty pedestrian gear nowadays. And don't forget; a person buys a system to please THEMSELVES, not to please a bunch of nerds like us.

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On 5/18/2004 8:57:35 PM stereo wrote:

Of course any of the old Heritage models (of which they sould re-release them all) would out sell all of the new Klipsch lines.


uh... no....

that's why they were discontinnued in the first place..... they weren't selling....

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