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memo to Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Rait, Ted Nugent, The Dixie Chicks and Toby Keith...


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Oh whine!!!You can't tell me their the only musicians with a political axe to grind.

Better start listening less to the sound and more to the lyrics in a lot of the tunes you probably play.

Don't worry about it though, Doug. I'll take you under my wing and before your know it you too with be a frothying at the mouth unrepentant liberal.

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No, they aren't the only ones. (Barbra Steisand should REALLY shut up) Just the most recent that come to mind. Please take note too, that in the interest of being "fair and balanced"12.gif, I named both liberals and conservatives on my "shut-up" list.

It's not the "folk song" tradition of singing about issues that I resent so much, but mostly the blatant political partisanship. I find it amazing that performers would be willing to offend so many of their fans!

I respect artists on either side of the idealogical fence who work to "get out the vote". But beyond that, I think they (and we) would be better off if they'd just - SHUT UP.


I don't know if most of the "offenders" are liberal, or if it's just that they are the ones that irritate me!

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I could not AGREE more.No matter which side of the isle I do not want to know artist political opinions,it can ruin a beautiful thing.Sure they have every right to vote and voice their opinions,just not on my dime,on their own time.When you force your opinions on a captive/PAYING audience thats BS.It also is kinda crazy to go out of your way to offend half your fans,maybe I'm wrong but...

There are also many movie stars that I can no longer even enjoy their films because of over the top political rantings,I don't go or just change the channel.AND,why would their opinions be any more important than yours or mine,we all get one vote but we all don't get a paid platform to spew from.

Its one thing to state your opinion,public or private.Its quite another to look down on half your fans as though they are stupid and force YOUR UNSOLICITED opinion on them.

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What set me off was an article in the Kansas City Star about Linda Ronstadt. It was done after the fiasco in Sin City, where Ms Ronstadt was boo'd and booted from the place she was performing, after she had refered to Michael Moore as a great American patriot who was trying to get the truth out. This was done as a lead-in to the great Eagles song, "Desperado", which Linda does beautifully, btw. Anyway, it is like you said Fish; the idea that some artists will, on the paying customers dime, make political comments that are bound to offend many of their fans.

And if the incident in Vegas wasn't bad enough, in the newspaper article, she stated that yes, she too was sometimes put off, if she attended a concert that she really liked, and then learned the performer was a conservative Christian. EEOOWWWWWW!!! Gee Linda, why don't you just spit on me after you stick the dagger in my heart?

-'Course I've heard Linda make anti-religion remarks before, but gee it just makes me, a huge fan for years, feel like I've been sucker-punched right in the gut.8.gif

I really am getting the impression that the less I know about some of my favorite artists, the better off I am.

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Yeah Doug I can still kinda, sorta agree with you. I'm political myself so don't mind this type of talk at all, but I could see where it could bug others. However, a couple of strong caveats.

One: I don't view my love for music as a simple financial transaction: product sought-product delivered. Sure like everything else music is entertainment and in many aspects a commercial enterprise. It's also artistry and in many ways these artists lend texture, context and feeelings to our lives we would be much more barren souls without. Believe it or not at times, some of these artists have helped clarify my thinking and also raised questions on my views over many varied subjects.

Two: Yes, fame does create a platform we all don't enjoy but has also launched many on political careers where their talents and beliefs have been put to use to hopefully benefit society. Off hand I can think of one President, One Senator, One Governor and one Congressman's widow one the Republicn side and one Congressman on the Democrat side where acting provided the entre into public service. On the music side we have only one bad sax player, and one fairly good deceased blues guitar player.

Now Doug, I'll paraphrase the Bible and ask you to turn your other cheeck as far to the right as you can get it so I can give it a playfull slap and center it up.

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I guess a lot of my problem is that with artists I really like a lot, whose music comes to mean much to me, I feel connected to that artist in some way. Like they are somewhow singing ~my~ songs. Does that make sense? Like I am on the same wavelength with them. At least for three or four minutes, anyway. But then you see or read interviews with them, hear them voice their views, and it's like, "Who IS this person?". Ya know?

I think that for whatever reason, I try to "connect" on some kind of personal level with these people and that is not wise or realistic. There is no joy in fan-ville!

memo to self: GROW UP!15.gif

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Memo to Doug: don't grow up. What's the sense of listening to music if you don't internalize it whether it be emotionally, personally or intelectually.

In at least a small way the music we like becomes at least one aspect of our personalities, and to me this is a very good thing indeed.

We're all flawed in some respect. We're also all different from each other in one way or another, and that's a good thing.

Edwin mentions Elvis. Never met him but seemed to be a tremendously likable man who at times created some great music. I'm not mad, but saddened that his drug habit was his undoing. Didn't toss his music because of that or his bizarre friendship with Nixon. Keep Linda's stuff in your collection. Enjoy them. She has great pipes.

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On 7/27/2004 8:02:55 AM thebes wrote:

In at least a small way the music we like becomes at least one aspect of our personalities, and to me this is a very good thing indeed.

We're all flawed in some respect. We're also all different from each other in one way or another, and that's a good thing.


I agree but please, it takes no artistry to make political statements like those attributed to Ronstadt. I can't imagine any paying customer being comfortable having to listen to that. At the end of a concert or show, saying "God Bless the troops" or "may the Force be with our troops" or "Let the war be over" or "Peace" is one thing but the Rondstadt babble is something else all together. Her CD now resides in my stack of "CDs by boneheads" along with the D Chicks and Kenny G.

Oh, Somethin' Else, (great LP BTW) One of the reasons I'd go to Vegas would be to get the heck away form all the political BS that is being slung, spun and twisted from both sides.

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"One of the reasons I'd go to Vegas would be to get the heck away form all the political BS that is being slung, spun and twisted from both sides."

Since they do not tolerate political boneheads such as Ronstadt and the likes, I may move to Vegas permanently! Besides, you don't have to pay tax! 1.gif.

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On 7/27/2004 3:26:20 AM edwinr wrote:

That's what I used to like about Elvis, remember him?

During the rare interviews he gave, he was always asked to make political comments. His response? "Sorry, I'm just an entertainer, I'd rather not".

I agree totally. Elvis never used his vast fan base to push his own agenda. Also, when asked if he thought other enterainers should keep their political views to themselves, he said "No". I wish more entertainers would follow this example.


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I only go to Vegas when I need to make an offering to the Gambling Gods.

PS. While you're down here don't forget to make a contribution to this week's Music Recmmended by Members

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I personally have no problem with celebrities (or anyone else, for that matter) expressing political opinions. It is the attempts to silence them that I find disturbing.

It is interesting that the mechanism that made these artists is the same mechanism that seeks to silence them. I find that even more disturbing. People want to look up to thier favorite celebrities - athletes, actors, musicians - and we DEMAND that they conduct themselves as role models (ask Charles Barkley). If they do drugs, drink, get in fights, etc. we hear about this immediately. But when someone of "public face" expresses opinions on subjects that REALLY matter, everyone gets bent out of shape.

What we collectively need is MORE exchange of information, not less.

IMO, celebs expressing opinions on politics and other serious subjects IS being a role model. It is an attempt to lead......however "tacky" it may seem to the casual observer. But I would much rather have my child asking questions and discussing a celeb's political opinion than simply emulating that celeb's dress or lifestyle.

For a celebrity to do this is risky to that celeb's bottom line. THAT'S putting your money where your mouth is. If you DON'T have an opinion in these times - I consider that to be more worrysome. There is too much at stake.

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I don't think anyone here has tried to silence any personal political opinion.Its when I pay for a ticket to hear my favorite tunes but instead must hear some political hack which sees the world way different than me thats p!sses me off.PS I don't need or want a "role model"I'm quite capable of being my own role model.I also don't want to be lead by some entertainer,just give me what I paid for,thanks.I suggest anyone that gets their info from a concert/shows you expand your information base.

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On 8/1/2004 5:18:30 AM Audible Nectar wrote:

I personally have no problem with celebrities (or anyone else, for that matter) expressing political opinions. It is the attempts to silence them that I find disturbing.


I disagree. I don't find it disturbing at all. No one has tried to silence her. She was able to freely express her political opinion. And in response, the public freely expressed their opinion as did the owner of the casino in his decision to let her go.

What's good for the goose ...

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