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Great vinyl suprises ?


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I buy most of my vinyl at garage sales.

Today the only record I bought was Supercussion by Dick Schory's Pecussion Pop Orchestra ( RCA LSP-2613 )released in 1963. This was essentially a promo by RCA Victor shilling for their DYNAGROOVE process. That said the sound quality is marvelous and the performances are really excellent

What "Less than promising" LPs have you picked up at garage sales/thrift shops that turned out to be unexpected gems?

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Over a year ago I made a thrift store find, a 1967 release on the Cadet label LPS-784, Mood to Be Wooed. It has eleven titles played by four excellent tenors; Illinois Jacquet, Budd Johnson, James Moody and Sandy Mosse. The eleven songs all have a romantic theme or tone. The only thing one needs is a cozy sofa, wine, candles and their significant other.

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Lynnm: I check the bargain finder every thursday morning , last week i picked up 150 western oldies for $30.00 .

Tomorrow night i'm going to look at 250 mixed 50's LP's for $65.00 , lots of LP's our there for next to nothing. I'm so glad that folks have no clue how good they can sound and what there worth .

Some of the " canadian " presses are amoung the best vintage LP's to be had, we have a gold mine up here 2.gif

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Bruce Cockburn's "dancin' in the dragon's jaws." My wife heard the song, "Wonderin' Where The Lion's Are" on a TV show and asked me to buy the CD. The next day I was at the thrift shop and there it was. The first lp in the stack. Almost perfect condition too. I was amazed at the sound quality. It's now one of our favorites.

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