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OT- prayers please

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I certainly agree with all the above. Including that you've got friends here. Looking to a higher power can not hurt either.

I would like to add some secular observations. It is about The Job.

Every guy in the world internally judges himself worth on that. It is no delusion because just about all the outside world does too. Any philosophy which discounts this is not going to take hold, in my personal experience. It is just unrealistic.

Some of what you're describing is a sole proprietorship (your pride and joy) which is being threatened by low cost employees quiting. Using volunteers with other interstest is not a good business model unless you're the Peace Core.

I believe Dr. Bill is giving you good wisdom to suggest that you have, and embrace, a back up plan. Maybe you do photography as one business and find another one too; perhaps related to photography or even hi-fi. At worst, take a weekday job to keep the wolf away from the door.

There may be a devil on your shoulder commenting into your ear. "You thought you were everloving Ansel Adams, look where you are now . . . what an idiotic failure you are." You should refer the little guy to your friends on the forum. We'll tell him off. Here, the friendship thing works.

Closing, I'll quote Homer Simpson. "Alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems." But let me turn that around. The Job is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems." (Obviously not when it comes to family and sex, but this is mostly true.)

So we want, very importantly, to avoid a situation where alcohol is the focus which robs you of your job. I do say The Job is the issue and worthy of great consideration.

I will now sit down and ponder speaker wire. Smile.



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Michael, congrats one day leads to two, two to three, three to four.....next thing you know you will begin to feel stronger. I have seen this problem up close in my family. While I am only an observer I can say from my observations stick to the meetings. God will carry you through this if you allow him to. We are all here for you...every annoying, opionated, outspoken ...OK enough about me...one of us. You can do this. Not a peach of a problem but you can do it. Always remember you have freinds here. God Bless. Stay strong.


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I'm again going to take a position contrary to many of our friend's thoughts. I do so because we must talk about what is true rather than what is nice or nobel.

Throwing the printer was good.

You've got anger and frustration. It doesn't go away with a prayer of serenity and you should not deny they are inside you. Anything else is unrealistic. Good you took it out on the printer rather than anyone else or a bottle.

The Star Wars movies would have you believe that true Jedi Knights (Mike, you're one) will suck it up and deny anger and frustration as some religious denial of evil. The Emporor asks Luke to let it flow . . . and thereby, potentially, become corrupt. Which Luke rejects . . . as any comic book Jedi would know to do. But we know the Emporer is manipulative.

This sort of parable makes for a good movie but is contrary to any potential for self examination about what is bothering them.

Guy's brains are very cranky if they got no sex, no family, no money, no job. And the outside world is in accord. A good guy has wife, family, lots of cash, and a career. This is no delusional thinking.

Again, any philosophy which suggest these are minor points and are not the things which leads to throwing a printer (or "going postal"), or leading to depression, is just unrealistic.

I will say that you WILL find what is bothering you. It is going to be when you discuss those sort of things in private, maybe with your sponsor or in group.



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Thanks Gil, funny you mention the Jedi thing. When we are on a shoot or at a wedding, I and my assistants refer often to that ability to capture that 'decisive moment' (as Henri Cartier-Bresson termed it) or to mend seemingly hopelessly mangled equipment on the spot as 'using the force'. Many times I'm deep in thought or prowling a model and my assistant just leans in and whispers 'use the force Michael' and I just smile quietly to myself.

Thank you for your interesting perspective on my situation. You seem to always strike the nail squarely about the head. Appreciate it.


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That is a FAB-U-LOUS pic! You have a gift that you need to continue to use. You capture moments in time and put them on FILM. And you're right, film is better at this. Please continue. But maybe finding somethin' else wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Sounds like you've got lots of great friends here. Please continue to use them/us as you or anyone need...

PM on the way

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Hey Mike when i read about you throwing that printer i about fell out of my chair laughing.It reminded me of a day at my previous job at Solo cup co. i threw this part of my machine cause i was pissed at it,,,but didnt know plant manager was about 5 inches from getting whacked with it.He smiled at me and said you feel better now,,,i said yea.. we both laughed he said be more carefull next time ok cause he knew i needed to throw something.When i get frustrated and its nice outside i hop on my Bicycle and put my walkman on and im gone for hours on end i ride to the R/C airfield watch the planes,got to slotcar raceway,whatever just go do something you like.Did you ever get into slotcars as a kid i think there are some raceways by you, none close to me anymore.You never mention anything else you like to do what would some be? By the way you can call me anytime im home 816-331-0143 i work 4-12pm though since Solo cup closed the plant here had to start over as new guy in new factory.Well thanks for the laugh about that printer was great after my long day at work,,,lol,,,rick

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You know Michael - while I do believe in the power of prayer, I'm also a believer in the power of the mind. And in that regard, I feel Gil is correct in his assertion that doing a bit of "soul searching" to identify the real problem is a path you should explore.

In my job I'm frequently called upon to find the root cause of a problem. Studies have shown that only by finding the true root cause can a long-term solution be found. And let's face it, right now alcohol is not the problem, boredom is not the problem, the lack of decent employees is not the problem, etc., etc. They are merely symptoms and/or effects. By-products of the real problem, if you will.

All too often in life we try to treat the symptoms instead of curing the ill. Along with Gil, I believe that conducting an introspective will yeild some issues you might have been burying. Deal with and rid yourself of those demons and the rest of your life will start to fall into place.

God can give you strength, but his words alone can't lead you to find the root cause. As suggested by Gil and fini, a counselor can aid you in your quest to find what is "stuck in your craw."

Get 'er done Michael.1.gif


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I didn't know I had a 'craw'. Isn't that a Woody line from Will and Grace?

Tom, I know what you mean. Have a feeling it's combination stress caused by delayed grieving for all the funerals I attended 6 years ago. Took until last year to sell all the property, etc. I lived on one family farm, so hopefully the move back to the city is the solution, once I get out of the boxes and make this place 'my own'. Doesn't help that I've been running by own business for 6 years with all this turnover and no vacation.

All work and no play make Michael a cranky boy. Gil had it spot on!


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Ditto to what everyone else said!12.gif

Refurbishing your Cornwalls over the summer might also be a stress reliever as you already mentioned their need for attention (like a dog, but without having to be taken outside to pee). Once you accomplish their resurrection, you might just be resurrected as well!

God Speed!

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60 days gang! but that's not a granduation for me. Still trouble, after one asst. left me, the other has been AWOL for 2 weeks. Called in both scheduled day, so looks like I've got this business to myself now. I know- get out the house quick- I'm alone with a crazy man. Hasn't affected sobriety YET, but I'm feeling dangerous. If I could ask y'all one more time to send some pos. vibes my way, I'd appreciate it. Thanks all!

Maybe it's a sign that ColterPhoto won't be 'photo' much longer, I don't really know. Just trying to get through today.


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On 3/2/2005 5:26:29 PM colterphoto1 wrote:

I didn't know I had a 'craw'. Isn't that a Woody line from Will and Grace?



You watch that show? That could be half your problem, right there.14.gif

Seriously though, congratulations on day 60! Now forget about your problems and go have some fun!!

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Too bad it's a slow night on the forum. How are you doing on your veneer plans? Maybe a new hobby like building an amplifier from scratch.

You could learn to be a plumber and make a ton of money. I had to have one come in today to fix a leaky drain pipe from the kitchen almost $900 for 4 hours work with an assistant and about three feet of PVC pipe. And, I have a hole in my downstairs toilet ceiling to repair.

Oh yeah, my tax attorney called so we can get together on Friday to go over last year. Now all I need is for my hemorroids to act up!

In a couple of weeks you will be able to work out in the yard. Do you have a garden? The nice thing about yardwork and gardening is, besides relaxing, it makes one tired enough to sleep better. Plus, the fresh air and sunshine helps to keep up the old PMA.

Great job for the last 60 days another 60 is in sight.1.gif


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Hemorroids can be a fun hobby, too, let me tell you...

I'm considering joining a gym, myself. Too much sitting in front of the computer! No drinks for 60 days? Good for you, Michael! I haven't had more than a couple in the last 3 weeks. Trying to be "conscious" about eating as well as drinking.

Best wishes, MC!

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colterphoto1 :

Don't just say this a million times EVERY day......THINK what it means.

It is the key to all your serenity:

God grant me


to accept the things I cannot change,


to change the things I can,

and the WISDOM

to know the difference.

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