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Gonna lose job AGAIN...ack!


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Sorry if this is not the proper place to post, I guess since I am here most frequently it makes sense. Last Fall, after leaving a nine year stint at Texas Instruments, I got a job with a subcontractor that I had known for many years, in a board shop. Things were VERY busy and going well - I was working as a test engineer with two other guys, and we were DEEP in work.

As always, the main guy in the group complained about the load, so management made the wonderful decsion to OVERCOMPENSATE, and buy an additional tester - and hire TWO more people.

Fast forward five months, now we are so efficient that we sit on our butts most of the time. Management calls me in YESTERDAY and within 5 minutes gives me the "speech" - and how I don't have enough "experience". Really? So if there was this wonderful pool of talent out there anyway, why did they bother to hire me? And, if I was the FIRST to be hired before the other two adjuncts, then why is their STUPID decision a cause for ME to suffer?

...ack. High tech really bites nowadays, hot and cold, hot and cold. I think they are gonna offer me something else, but I don't suspect it will be an "interesting change". especially since they mentioned "salary issues". Where to from here? Maybe I'll sell crossovers for a living - NOT LIKELY...:>). We'll see what happens. In the meantime, those of you who I have made friends with, I appreciate your support. AS always, the chips will fall where they must, I am blessed nonetheless with a wonderful wife and child, it's another bump in the road, we'll be taken care of. Thanks all, I'll still be here, just not sure from where!


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It's scary out there. I'm tech too, but not for a technology company per se. We've been bought, sold, merged . . . each round carries a new wave of downsizing. To date it's all come from the corporate and division levels, but it can only be a matter of time before the tentacles reach to the plant level as well.

Sorry to digress so. In short, I feel for you. Good luck, though I doubt luck is more than a small percentage. You'll land on your feet.

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I'm truly sory to hear about your situation, "cutbacks" can be a real pain for those that are the cut ones. I do agree with you, you have the important things still, the rest will fall into place one way or another.

Why not sell crossovers?

If you have the ability to build good ones, that people appreciate the sound of, you might as well start drumming some up in your spare time, if there is any. You may not sell many to begin with, but a lot of people have done a lot worse than making 3-400 a month selling stereo parts.

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The "crossover selling" comment was more or less "toungue in cheek" - as a matter of fact I have assembled networks in transit to folks for listening evaluation. Hopefully their impressions will help promote them, you never know. In the meantime, it's time to pull out all my "cards" and start talking to folks I have known in the biz over the years.

Thanks everyone else - yes, we ALL have our burdens to bear!!


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geesh Pop, sorry to hear of your untimely 'modification'. And yes, management is a bunch of pencil-necked geeks in your case. What a great way to treat a valued employee. Hopefully there was some compensation or time frame you were given to ease the transition. Do't know about your field or industry, but have noted that many of my family and friends are self employed these days. Could you sub out to your previous employer or others in the area? Is there a cottage industry in your future? I know it must feel pretty precarious with wife and kids, but hang in there man. You've definitely got the brainpower thing going or you wouldnt be here. And if you werent'a careing thoughtful individual, you wouldn't know to unburden yourself amounst friends as you've done.

This group has recently propped me up during a troubling period and we can do the same for you. Just reach out, we're here. WHo knows, post your shingle and maybe there's a job lead amoung the Forum.

Good luck, keep us 'updated'


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Sorry to hear that Chris. I have been in that boat at least twice in the last 10 years. Just when I thought things were going well I became a victim of salaried employee cutbacks and my last employer got over extended and had to sell their biomedical test equipment business to Fluke who moved everything out to Carson City, NV. I hear that they now packed up shop their and moved it up to their HQ in WA.

It took me awhile to find gainful employ and I was worried because I had a one year old baby girl at the time that I had to support and the employment market was grim. Things finally worked out and I hope that things will work out for you as well. Sometimes things happen for a reason whether good or bad.

I hope that all works out in your family's favor.

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Got layed off twice now, and the first time, I got the BEST job that I ever had, a 20K raise and worked from home, went in once a week, and eventually not at all.

Then the company got sold and got layed off a second time. Got a job offer in less than a week which (I regret) I took. Not the best job I ever had, but ok and pays the same.

So being forced to change CAN be a good thing. It's worked out for me. But next time, I'm gonna work for myself, I'm tired of relying on the unreliable.


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Man Sorry to here that chris. I paid big bucks for a management company to profile me a couple of years ago and I am happy to share with you everything I have. If you are interested I can email you lots of my word files. All you have to do is adjust it for yourself. Let me know!


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To all who have shared concern, I greatly appreciate it!!

Jeff - my background is in electronics engineering, mostly chip-related test engineering at Texas Instruments. Have had lots of exposure to test PCB development, bench device analysis, working with silicon, etc.

Scooterdog - anything you can share would be GREAT! Again I am honored that you would offer, please email me if you need.

Today was a good day, guys, I spent about 4 hours between two firms and had excellent discussions about possible career paths, one in teaching and one in engineering. Tomorrow I am going to speak with another guy I know in the biz, and that wraps my week. I sent out two resumes, and have some other contcats to hit yet. FWIW, it is MOST true that "WHO" you know is what counts, not always "WHAT" you know.

Thanks again for the kind wishes, I realize I do not know many of you as some others do, but in the brief time I have been here I have met a lot of fine folks that have helped me laugh and smile through some of the difficulty, and I'm glad we can all share concerns with one another!

A great evening to all!!


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