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Admit it, who has it?


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yeah, man, sometimes I take my 'old guy' naps to extreme and sleep 4 hours during the day, then toss and turn all night, it's an endless cycle. You have to stay up all day and break the cycle.

Try no caffiene late in the day, don't exercise within 2 hours of bedtime, dont eat late, take a melatonin pill to aid sleep.

I've done it all, I'm just restless.


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Anyone consider sleep apnea? Colter that 10hrs. for 4hrs. of sleep sounds like me up until a few months ago. I'd wake up every few hours all night long, got to be a real bear when I went to 12hr. shifts overnight and had 6-8 hrs. on most days to get 2 or 3 of sleep. Here's a site with good resources about apnea: http://www.sleepapnea.org/

Best of Luck!

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I would imagine that's what it is. I've put on about 80 pounds in 18 months. Better get to work on that. I have managed to go off blood pressure meds in the meantime though, which blows my doc away. I'm at 120/80 now.

But yeah, I wake up all night and can hear myself growling and gasping for breath sometimes. It's really messed up. Then I fall asleep at stoplights....

What was your solution to it? Weight loss or ?? I won't use one of those machines they have, I roll around too much.

Once again, it's HELL being me!


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When I had trouble getting to sleep, my doctor recommended

taking one of the PM medicines such as Excedrin PM. They have a sleep aid in

them that is non habit forming and can be used anytime without fear of over

use. Not getting to sleep is a beast, good luck.

meuge should laugh at this list but....

sleep medication that I had prescriptions that did not work

non prescription is the obvious pm medications, nope!

Ambien (Joke)

Lunesta (bigger joke)

Ambien cr or whatever its time released (pos)

Trazadone.... no

haldol (no and it gave me stiff neck/lock jaw)

Ativan (no)

Zyrem (sporadically works but I hate the taste, if you know what it is you would laugh) (also considered a Schedule II, yeah I have it that bad)

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I use the machine also, before it's use, I could "sleep" for 12 hours and still be tired. After the machine I sleep very soundly and restfuly.

Before the machine, it was years since I could remember a dream, after the machine I rememeber them most every night.

Before the machine I woud toss and turn never in the same place for long, after the machine I will stay motionless for HOURS.

Before the machine the wife could not get a good night sleep with all the noise I made not to mention the moving, after the machine she sleeps well also.

Before the machine she was woried about the noise it would make, after the machine the bedroom is much quieter as I am not making any noise all night and the machine is MUCH quieter than my snoring.

Before the machine I would fall asleep at my desk at work and in meetings (NOT a good thing) after the machine, no such problems.

Before the machine I was tired all the time and missed work due to being too tired to safely drive to work, after the machine, no such problems.

Before the machine I had lots of problems falling asleep, after the machine those problems are nearly compleetly gone.

Michael, All in all, get tested, you don't know how bad you have it until the problem gets addressed!

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The thing is... my Mom had a respiratory arrest due to COPD and was on a ventilator for months. It is a nightmare of an illness and a horrible slow death. If you smoke, please quit.

So, I kinda have this thing against being hooked up to machines, particularly ones for breathing.

But I will go to the doc and get checked out. I know it's because of the weight. I have to do something.....


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When I had trouble getting to sleep, my doctor recommended taking one of the PM medicines such as Excedrin PM. They have a sleep aid in them that is non habit forming and can be used anytime without fear of over use. Not getting to sleep is a beast, good luck.

meuge should laugh at this list but....

sleep medication that I had prescriptions that did not work

non prescription is the obvious pm medications, nope!

Ambien (Joke)

Lunesta (bigger joke)

Ambien cr or whatever its time released (pos)

Trazadone.... no

haldol (no and it gave me stiff neck/lock jaw)

Ativan (no)

Zyrem (sporadically works but I hate the taste, if you know what it is you would laugh) (also considered a Schedule II, yeah I have it that bad)

Word to the wise. STAY AWAY from Ambien CR. IT ABSOLUTLY IS habit forming, at least it was for me. Serious down side is the groggyness NEVER WEARS OFF. I was yawning all day. I took it for 6 months, every night. Couldnt sleep without it. That was the first script the nut house makes you toss.

i am on the trazadone now, and would agree that it is a poor replacment for the other Rx and OTC sleep remidies. I can be physically tired as a dog, but the damn hampsters wont stop running. Amy, is Klipsch in the market for some used hampsters?


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lol.... I have been staying up pretty late myself... just being laid off, I find no reason to get up early anymore. There's better programming on at night anyways. My wife say's im depressed..... who knows.

I used to take ambien when I was sick, that stuff was pretty good. It didn't like just knock me out, but once I was out... that's all she wrote! I would wake up 8 hours later thinking I had only slept for a few hours! crazy stuff!

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