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Guitarists, Eecher heart out!

Jeff Matthews

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Listen Tex, you're a minor player in the long list of people I've pissed off around here so I've no idea what my transgression was. Now I know why I pissed off Klap and Craig and Artto but you, nope, can't call you to mind.

Anyway that kid was a good drummer.

Why is there a long list? It seems to me, Tom, that if you had a daughter who worked really hard at singing and she went into a talent show accompanied by a pianist, if you invited me to come see your daughter sing her heart out, and afterward, my only comment was "The pianist was great," would you not see a problem with that?

I think you were trolling and it was intentional. You think not. If I am wrong, I apologize. But I still doubt you lack enough social skills to "accidentally" ignore the guitarist and comment on the drummer. And then, repeatedly do it when I call you up on it.

You might recall me from the ratings thread of about a year ago, wherein you contradicted yourself by rating Heresy speakers a "2" of 10 and referring to them as "chainsaws." It was then, that I saw your prolific postings in other forums about how you thought your Heresies (which you apparently owned at the time) were "the greatest speakers in their class." Apparently, when it was duly brought to your attention, I became (affectionately I am sure) a putz.

Anyway, folks, I will get off it. I am not hung up on this, nor has any damage been done to my ego. I am not "vested" that heavily in my nephew's guitar-playing. It is for him and his mom and dad. I just thought I'd share it because he is pretty good for a modest age 16. I just thought "what a jerk" when (apparently to me) someone gets a kick out of bursting your bubble on a personal level.

I get the bashing of equipment, etc. All that stuff takes to get is money and a search. But alot of effort and dedication go into achieving a talent. I feel that in that arena , if you have nothing good to say, don't say it.

I'm through on it, but I hoped you all liked my nephew's guitar-playing. He has a way to go, but he is really pretty good. The beauty of it is he's only 16, so time is on his side. Hopefully, for him, he gets lucky with it. It's a hard road.

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Wow - That's awesome! So nice to see this given all the 'Emo' bands emerging out there now with their fake english accents/brit-pop copy, minimal cords/time-signatures, their cute skinny ties, and hairstyles trying to be cool, but not realizing they are so "done" already. It's nice to see a long-hair playing a real guitar. I've only watched a bit of the first vid but will certainly check it out later.

Jeff - do you get together with him & play drums, etc? More importantly, does he do any writing at all?

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No, meagain, my days of late nites at clubs are over. I'd like to get together and play drums w/him, though. But with a bassist as well. They seem to only get together when I'm sleeping.

We wish he'd take more of an interest in reading/writing music. He's self-taught, except for tricks others have shown him and some lessons here and there. If the boy would bother to learn to read and maybe learn some of the classical for "rounding out" the weaponry, he'd make it for sure.

Here's a video I found of some fantastic guitar. This should blow everyone's mind. I directed my brother to it, so he can share it with my nephew. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8emx6wr5Gg

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He is an artist! ,He has the look!,good technic{uses pinkie well},good control of instrument, good hammer ons,good double hammer ons,good hammer ons & slides,good hammer ons & pull offs,good frett board knowledge,good string bends up to next note in scale,good chord progression understanding,good chord texturing......listens to himself!!! would think he understands song structure from nailing cover songs,ie some artists are good at reproductions,some artists are good at own masterpieces,some at both,uncle needs to supply equipment,for his own creation of masterpieces, ie DAW for creation of ideas, to be funneled down to serious studio time$$$,since its a jam will not go into, stage left ,stage right, stage center cues,an such...needs good management to keep vampires an leechs away......apply 2 fishbowls in front of jam stage, one for money, one for names{chicks[:o]} & email for newsletter & .......ENTER >>win free Epic record contract>>>


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Will add, good whah whah {whoo&whaa&whaa&whoo},great harmonics, great were he hits a harmonic an then goes to the nutt and uses his finger to tremolo the string{believe this was done with a floyd rose in original},bends the whole guitar for whammy effect very well,an controls feedback for effect very well........get that young man a boutique high gain amp stax ........"over an out on this krazy walkie talkie">>>>>>

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Well, first of all the shape of the guitar is a total distraction to me. I can't stand it. Second, he is in the "plastic note syndrome" stage. He is just playing chords and notes with no emotional content. Third, the sound quality was really not very good and contained much distortion. Fourth, there still is the "continuous puberic fog" present in the music.


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