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Receiver Recommendation


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Hope you can help me out. A few months ago I purchased some speakers and got my HT up and running. The problem is I am moving out in soon and the receiver I am using is my roommates and it will be going with him once we move out. I have circuit city rewards points so I might as well use them and get a new receiver at CC. I would say my listening is 90% movies &10% music. My current setup is:

Hitachi 50VF820 (has two HDMI slots)

Fronts: SF-2

Center: SC-1

Rears: SB-2

Sub: SVS PB-10

Receiver: Pioneer VSX-D458

I am looking to spend around $400-500 and considered these receiver's that CC carries:

Onkyo TX-SR604

Onkyo TX-SR674

Denon AVR787

Onkyo TX-SR703

Pioneer VSX1016TXVK

To take into account is in a year or two I hopefully will be able to upgrade to Reference series speakers, but that's not for certain and shouldn't be a deciding factor on which receiver I should get.

Hopefully you can help a new comer to the world of HT and steer me in the right direction.

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I believe I can make a recommendation here.  I have a Denon AVR1907, which is the same, power wise as the AVR787.  No HDMI Slots.  I have mine hooked up with HDMI going from my satellite (Dish) reveiver directly to my Phillips Plasma, and the sound going from the satellite receiver by an Optical Cable to my Denon AVR.  Works great.  BTW, I just got my Logitech Harmony remote, Gosh is it powerful.   

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Thanks for all the help.

I have decided that I am going to upgrade piece by piece as funds become available to RF-82's, RS-52's, and a RC-62 during the year. With that in mind I might as well start with the receiver as I need to get one anyways, though now my budget is no longer limited to $500ish or to Circuit City. I am not sure how much I should put towards a receiver, I was looking at a Denon AVR-2807 which is around $1,200 but do I really need to spend that much? Will this make a difference or would spending $800-1000 yield me similar results?

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Looking around I saw a few options potentially:

Pioneer Elite VSX-82TXV (a little under a $1000)

I see a lot of Klipsch owner's use these receievers, I assume these would get the job done.

This Pioneer receiver can be had for under 800 bucks if you search on yahoo. Ive seen at least one web retailer selling them for high 700's

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Thanks for all the help.

I have decided that I am going to upgrade piece by piece as funds become available to RF-82's, RS-52's, and a RC-62 during the year. With that in mind I might as well start with the receiver as I need to get one anyways, though now my budget is no longer limited to $500ish or to Circuit City. I am not sure how much I should put towards a receiver, I was looking at a Denon AVR-2807 which is around $1,200 but do I really need to spend that much? Will this make a difference or would spending $800-1000 yield me similar results?

For what you're looking to spend, you can get a GREAT Sunfire Ultimate Receiver used. Beats the hound out of all the others that have been discussed here. 200 wpc into seven channels, Dolby Digital, DTS, awesome.

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don't waist your time, go to www.outlawaudio.com and get the 990pre pro and depending on the speaker specks get an amp also. there is several places you can find both items used, but you have to do some searching. when the funds come available i am going to get both. in the mean time, if you want to be able to use the speakers just go out and buy a cheap $150-$200 processor and enjoy what you got untill you can get the good stuff. i am still using a $289 processor i bought around 9 years ago!

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Check these guys out, top rated/reviewed pre/pro amp combo for the same money with an amazing upgrade poilicy....EMOTIVA...read the reviews!

Ultra Theater Series

Special offer!

$899.00 for the pair!!

Ships FREE!!


Designed for the serious home entertainment enthusiast who has an eye for real value. For about the cost of a mid-line home theater receiver, you can have the power and performance of separates. The Emotiva Ultra Theater Series is a product line that every enthusiast should seriously consider.

The LMC-1 will support multiple A/V sources and features full multi channel decoding capabilities. It has extremely high quality video switching capability, an internally powered second zone output,and comes complete with a 2x1 HDMI switcher.

The 63 pound LPA-1 features a massive toroidal power supply, discrete fully complementary modular audio power amp topology and an innovative 6 or 7 channel output configuration. Rated at 125 watts RMS per channel with ALL channels driven, it makes the typical receiver seem impotent. Sophisticated microprocessor controlled protection circuitry keeps everything running smoothly under all operating conditions.

The Emotiva Ultra Theater Series will be the centerpiece of your high performance home theater; why compromise when you can have the performance of seperates for the price of a receiver?


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Check these guys out, top rated/reviewed pre/pro amp combo for the same money with an amazing upgrade poilicy....EMOTIVA...read the reviews!

Ultra Theater Series

Special offer!

$899.00 for the pair!!

Ships FREE!!


Designed for the serious home entertainment enthusiast who has an eye for real value. For about the cost of a mid-line home theater receiver, you can have the power and performance of separates. The Emotiva Ultra Theater Series is a product line that every enthusiast should seriously consider.

The LMC-1 will support multiple A/V sources and features full multi channel decoding capabilities. It has extremely high quality video switching capability, an internally powered second zone output,and comes complete with a 2x1 HDMI switcher.

The 63 pound LPA-1 features a massive toroidal power supply, discrete fully complementary modular audio power amp topology and an innovative 6 or 7 channel output configuration. Rated at 125 watts RMS per channel with ALL channels driven, it makes the typical receiver seem impotent. Sophisticated microprocessor controlled protection circuitry keeps everything running smoothly under all operating conditions.

The Emotiva Ultra Theater Series will be the centerpiece of your high performance home theater; why compromise when you can have the performance of seperates for the price of a receiver?


JetJockey that seems interesting considering its within my price range, what exactly is the difference between this and say a Denon AVR-2807? If I understand correctly it does the same thing as a receiver but is it as user friendly (not that I have heard the Denon is a cakewalk either? Can I hook up my dvd player, cable box, video games, etc through it? Also can I plug it into a normal electrial outlet or does it require something else?

I must say it looks impressive, but I don't want to get over my head and not be able to set it up properly or use it.

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Yes you can hook everything that you have up to it. Here is a picture of the back for connections, http://emotiva.com/expandedpages/lmc1expanded.html. The most important difference is this will put out a true 125 watts per channel.


I know this will sound stupid, but how do you hook up the speakers to it using speaker wire? The connections are different and doesn't seem like I could use the same speaker wire I use currently.

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Not a stupid question at all.

You are correct about the connection not being a speaker wire. You will need a RCA wire from the LMC-1 7.1 channel output to the corresponding connection on this, http://emotiva.com/expandedpages/lpa1expanded.html. The LPA-1 is the amp and from this you will run your speaker wire to the actual speakers. How that this clears it up for you.


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