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Everything posted by PKuziel

  1. <-------------Telcommunications Power and Transport Engineer.
  2. Nevermind, I downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader and it works just fine. Sorry Paul
  3. O.K, I am bummin! I have tried several times with several Adobe readers/acrobat and I can NOT get this thing to open. It keeps telling me that there is errors " This file contains information not understood by veiwer" Any suggestions??????? Paul
  4. Three dreaded little words: " IS IT IN?"
  5. $350.00 max and the buyer pays for shipping and insurrance. I agree $500.00 bucks is too much exspecially in lew of the fact you wont ship them.
  6. I am not suprised your amp died. I don't know why Klipsch cant produce a durable amp. I understand that the amps are made in China or some other place, maybe it is time to fire that vendor and find another amp maker that can design and produce an amp that is in line with Klipsch's reputation. If you search this forum it is littered with amp problems with Promedia's. I love Klipsch and it is a shame they keep putting out pieces of chit like the Promedia series. They sound great but last for nothing. Hell even with my Klipsch KSP 400's the amps suck. I have had them repaired 3 times in 8 years! My recommendation is to send them back to Klipsch for repair. I for one will never ever buy a powered Klipsch speaker again.
  7. My system is almost perfect for me at this time. I want to add a SACD player but have not found the money to forfill that yet. Although I did get XM Radio for Christmas. Man it sounds real good through my system. I can listen to Jazz all day long if I want comercial free with a digital signal.
  8. Check these out. Look kind of beat up but one mans trash is anothers treasure. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=61378&item=5736992468&rd=1
  9. The sadest thing I have ever saw was the little girl in Schindlers List. She is the one in the little red coat in a sea of black and white images. You know she is walking off to die and it wrenches my heart everytime I see it. That has got to be one of the sadest movies I have ever saw. Now for the sadest line? Maybe when Schindler says " I could of sold my jewerly and saved 3 more, maybe the car,6 more, I could of done more!
  10. OOOOOPS! My fault for not completely reading the add, sorry.
  11. Have you guys ever seen a set of K Horns like this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=61378&item=5702641727&rd=1 He states they were special order from Klipsch
  12. I agree Skonopa. The music today seems to be complete shiet. None of these "new" artists have any longevity, they maybe have one good song (Most likely a remake) and the rest of their CD SUCKS! I listen to some pretty obscure stuff too (Ottmar Liebert, David Benoit,etc.) I think this is the REAL reason the music industry is in a hole. Here in CT I have to listen to a radio station out of Long Island NY because the ones we have here suck. I considered getting XM Radio but I still can't bring myself to pay for radio.
  13. Well I live in the New Haven area of CT. Believe me I feel your pain! I have been unable to find one place that deals Klipsch never the less Klipsch Heritage. Tweeter used to carry the Klipsch line but not the Heritage series. Your best bet is New York or Mass. I wish you luck and if you find a good dealer let me know. Paul
  14. http://www.royaldevice.com/custom3.htm I wonder how they sound
  15. EMERSON LAKE & PALMER Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline Will perform on guillotine What a scene! What a scene! Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand to Alexander's Ragtime Band Roll up! Roll up! Roll up! See the show! Performing on a stool we've a sight to make you drool Seven virgins and a mule Keep it cool. Keep it cool. We would like it to be known the exhibits that were shown were exclusively our own, All our own. All our own. Come and see the show! Come and see the show! Come and see the show! Those are GREAT lyrics!
  16. The Klipsch RB15's got a sort of positive review from Stereophile magazine in their February 2004 edition. I think this is a first apperance of Klipsch in Stereophile.
  17. ---------------- On 1/14/2004 9:05:28 PM Are Friends Electric wrote: Too bad if they're bankrupt, Paul can you verify your source? They had a fairly auspicious beginning.. Mark Levinson and his Red Rose Music ---------------- Try the google search for " Red Rose Music". I called Red Rose and asked if they were still in production and Mark did say yes so...... I have no idea but if I were Mark Levinson I would NOT want my name or Companies name anywhere near the word CHEAP!
  18. I don't know how many of you guys are familiar with Mark Levinson or his new company Red Rose Music. But on a google search today I noticed that he is hawking his equipment on "Cheap Electronics.com". Hell business must be terrible! I know if I had paid the hefty price he was asking for this stuff then I find it being liquidated at some place called cheap electronics I would flip! http://electronics.cheap-internet-store.com/Brands/Red_Rose_Music/
  19. THIS IS GOT TO BE THE MOST TERRIFYING IMAGE I HAVE PERSONALLY EVER SAW! I am going to have freeking nightmares over this one!
  20. and another. Too bad you cant upload multible images
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