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Everything posted by mandi

  1. The Heresys do great, but I plan on a couple of times turning the screen around to face the yard and street, using a table for the projector and putting the LaScalas out there. We might do that for the 4th and get one of the big grills from the banks.(several banks have big double grills on trailers that are free of charge, they do have big billboards on top for advertisement but they are great for neighborhood block parties) THIS ONE DID OKAY ALSO
  2. this one and one more This one is okay
  3. Okay, finished mowing I will try to put up a couple more pics crap, something happened to that pic. looks okay on my puter.
  4. hmmm, first one got messed up some how great, that one worked. I will post a few more later. If anyone knows how to delete the first let me know.
  5. I will post a few more later, just wanted to see if this would work. I got my Father's day early
  6. Don't you just hate those teasers? I have no idea about any kind of announcement, but have read there there is one coming. So speculate, speculate. hmmmmmm, anyone who has over 3500 posts on the klipsch forum gets a free set of ----------------(you fill in the blank with anything you want that is offered by klipsch )! I better get busy!!
  7. You could always just keep what you have and give me the $2000.00, Then I could get a used pair of Khorns!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. First time I really experienced this was at an Asparagus fest somewhere in Germany. I love that country, many excuses to tap a keg. It was fresh white aparagus and after a few trips to a beer tent here and there, wwwoooooahhh, what a smell
  9. Hmmm, interesting topic. Most doctors I would hope had some kind of ride through the first four years because of smarts or something. I do not think they are overpaid, but I look at the 3 million dollar houses that the ones around here live in and then might think otherwise. gotta love capitalism We are currently in phase 3 of a 40 phase (stretching the truth there)braces ordeal. Probably at 2500 a phase. Well, we had to have impressions made, cool looing material that in the end made a nice little model of the teeth. Wow, was that stuff expensive (Real expensive). Sometime during the school year, the entire 4th grade went on a field trip to this Drs' Office. They ALL!!!!!! came home with little models of their thumbs or noses or something. Made with the same REAL expensive stuff. THAT KIND OF TICKED ME OFF. We are currently looking at 2k to move a tooth, insurance will pay to extract but not to move. Oh, and move or extract the insurance will not pay for the annestisia (I know I spelled that wrong, just can't find a dict. handy), which will be about 600 bucks. Nurses, can make 30 or more an hour. That is pretty good money if you ask me. Some can make $30/hour work 24 and get paid for 40, and when they work past their 24 they are getting time and a half. Get called in on a Sunday that you were not scheduled and they cannot find anyone, double time. I really do not know why more people do not go into nursing. My cousin went to nursing school midlife, after the kids were out of school. Got a job with travelers, and moved around a lot. She loved it, went to work in Hawaii for about 6 months and made enought to purchase a nice little Mercedes with cash when she came back to the states.
  10. I was in line behind an elderly woman and probably a friend or granddaughter. She was purchasing a microwave and was getting the extended warrenty. I leaned over and asked her if she had ever had a microwave and she said yes, I just want a new one. I asked her how long she had had her current microwave and she said it had been so long she could not remember. I told her that is probably the case with most folks and to skip the extended warranty and go out to dinner instead. You could tell the salesman getting ticked.
  11. Eagles new DVD releases today (Tues), 2 disc and only 16.99
  12. I hinted for Clapton's Crossroads Eagles new live DVD
  13. Wow, what was this thread about? It has been all over the place. reminds me of that Eagles song "get over it"
  14. The Boomtown Rats,,,,,,,,,,,,,Greatest Hits,,,,,,,,,,LP
  15. Well, with 10 foot ceilings I need a longer handle flyswat
  16. FLYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so what do you do to try to keep them out of the house and once they are in how do you get rid of them? We had our premier outdoor movie night last night, so needless to say there was a lot of going in and out and today I am trying to counquer the task of getting rid of the flys in the house(killed about 12 so far, with one or two left,,,,,,,,,,,,I THINK). So do you put a plastic bag of water over your door? I think they are sitting there just waiting to come in.
  17. I like my setup and as you can see.....I have what you would have. I love having someone sit down and ask them what speaker is playing. They always point to the center and say WOW, all out of that,,,,,,nope, presently that one is not hitting a lick. hehehehehe, I guess you would say they are timbre matching pretty good, if I really understand all that...........
  18. hmmm, 300 feet and 374 posts,,,,,,,,,putting them pretty close together I would say.
  19. Okay, at the request of a friend (I should have known better), we watched "The Goonies" It was pretty good, a little too much harsh language for some, but I am sure nothing they have not heard before, but I really did not remember it being that much. As you get older you start picking up on things. Like the pirate being named One-eyed willy. Everyone enjoyed and thought it was awsome. The Heresys did a fine job, several asked about the speakers. The only problem was a neighbor two houses down was out of town and turned his flood lights on at his garage which caused some shadow on the screen. We have decided to do a concert in the street next week. I am going to turn the screen around so it is facing the street and bring out the LaScalas, probably need to invite everyone for at least three blocks so those that might complain will be partaking. I still have not been able to upload a picture
  20. You can actually substitute any "honey do item" in place of "The Shelf". They have been unpainted for months (that was the girls project), and now after the paint has just barely dried, THEY WANT them up. Well, I was busy running speaker wire for the Outdoor Theatre and said I would do it next week. "Well, then I will do it myself". So now we have yelled, cursed and a lot of other stuff. Instead of asking me how to use something we have jumped right in. Hmm, guess that stud finder needs a little instruction after all. Well, now she is so ticked off because of all the holes she has put in the wall. Hmm, when it did not work the first time I wonder why she did not ask for help, kind of like the directions thing. Well, I better go, I think I just heard a hammer go through drywall!!
  21. I have been trying to upload a picture for a couple of days, keep getting an error of some sort(An error occurred saving file to disk). Wally, can you view yours during daylight hours outside? The projector I am using has 1600 alums and it pretty much has to be half hour or more past sunset to view.
  22. Now if they had farted in the jar that would be a different story!!
  23. Oh, I have another good one. We used to live in Valley Ranch, TX. There is/was a 7-11 right next to the Cowboys Sports Cafe. I must have met every Dallas Cowboy. I had a PO Box right next to "Moose" Johnston. I played a couple of flag football games against Rodger Staubach, Pete Dawkins showed up once.
  24. Seeing fini's post made me remember. I met Tom Sawyer thanks to fini!!
  25. We are almost ready!!!Watched TV tonight with wires ran across the floor and only one speaker hooked up. I can say this is going to be a fun summer and fall, I cannot wait for Monday Night football. Next time I post I will have a picture for everyone.
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