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Everything posted by Schu

  1. I just bought one... we'll see when it arrives.
  2. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    I just clicked buy it now on ebay an hour ago... $700 delivered, new in box. I'll tell you when she gets here.
  3. Does anyone know why Klipsch chose to go with MDF over HDF in the modern era speakers? is it basically cost? Just curious.
  4. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    The peghead would be more of a giveaway... The older D-40 models had the same style inlay on the peghead that my F-30R has, but the newer ones only have the name inlaid with a rosewood or other wood overlay instead of the black. Some of the models only have a decal, similar to the majority of Martins. I was actually remembering the D-40 having black binding like the Martin D-21. Hmmmm... guitar trivia. Many models of the Guilds changed a little bit over the years. Bridge is incorrect also... I've owned maybe 10 martins over the years, one of my other favorite things in life. the d40 had a Abalone rosette not to menton a Ebony finger board... I also do not see any back bracing, and of course the label is not a martin label.
  5. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    no way that is a d40... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just ordered a couple pairs of persols... both prescription lenses. and
  6. am I the only one that is disturbed by this??? I guess that's the point though, correct? [:#]
  7. congrats on the klf30's OP, they are a wonderful speaker at any price... now, ROCK ON!
  8. I've been trying to find a decent 78rpm playback table and those prices are just to firm right now... lenco, empires and thorens 124's are all getting nice premiums and would set me back at least 750-1100$. I suppose sl1200's are probably where they have always been... 275-500'ish
  9. I think you are in the ball park 42 with your choices so far... specially at that price point. take your time and wait for a deal to come to you. one thing that surprised me was there are additional costs associated with TT playback. you can get a high output cartridge, but really a low output is better, which means set up or preamp that can amplify the signal. budget a few hundred for the HO/LO cart and if you go with a step up... a few hundred more. TT's prices have really firmed up over the last few months, so you may need to step up a bit in pricing. Once you get into the 500-750 range, doors begin to open up in as far as options. in addition to eBay... keep an eye open on Craigslist and at the 200-400 price point, consider your first TT purchase, not to be your last. you will want to upgrade later.
  10. installed 125's within the last few months in CW's... love it. install could not have been easier... plug and play. was it better, sure... did I hear a difference, hard to say as my old tweeters were shot. X over is next
  11. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    I've got no luck with equipment these last few weeks... this is about the fourth time a deal has fallen thru. maybe for the best... my search for good monoblocks continues.
  12. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    that's another good purchase... she'll run forever.
  13. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    got a pair of these used for a fair price... give them a try and see if I like them
  14. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    Bwahahaha... to true... to true
  15. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    Ceramic grinding mechanism? I think the surface face is still solid stainless
  16. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    you know rick... you can post all those in one single posting []
  17. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    one handed milled salt and pepper mills. these things are made so well, I may never need another SP shaker
  18. Godspeed ES... you WILL be missed!
  19. between the II's and III's? for me it is that the III's are slightly more focused, whether this is due to age or anything is anyones guess.
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