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Jay L

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Everything posted by Jay L

  1. pretty sure thats a k-43. it definitely looks like an eminence driver
  2. dump those k77s for a pair of k79s then you'll have yourself a CWII. what you got now would use a b-3.
  3. schematics are not available for speakers still in production.
  4. one of the greatest albums of my generation, if anyone says different their lying []
  5. BEC is looking for interest in building crossover networks for the cornwall II. if you are in need of a new xover for your CWII, then bob would be the man to talk to. the picture i posted was of the network i made, i am not selling anything or offering any service. but if you want to know i can tell you by pm how much i have in parts.
  6. ah yes! now i know which ones your talking about. too much $$ for me.
  7. the only way it would make a difference in response is if the esr values from the caps and inductors dcr vary from the original design. which they may very well be. i have no idea what was spec'd out, i just laid out the parts and wired it up. the automotive spade lugs are all i buy so i can pick them up at lowes or wherever easily available. although i have purchased some lugs from parts express before, i thought they looked identical.
  8. using 14ga. throughout was a pain in the arse. nice autoformer instructions btw.
  9. i would use a two part epoxy to refasten it. my favorite is the 5 minute clear stuff from wal-mart. its back by the paint section.
  10. good idea bob, already did that with mine. i can post a pic if you like just for the heck of it.
  11. i too am using Heresy II for surround speakers with my Klf-20's. they work great an match very good.
  12. the cornwall II and klf-20 are more similar than not. that said i own both and don't intend to get rid of either at this time.
  13. it will work just fine as a replacement
  14. rf35 or rf25 may be just what you need
  15. i have never heard nor seen a k556, but it appears to look like a k-52 without a cover over the back of the magnet. the kp-66 is a pro midrange driver which i think might be a 2" vc but i'm not sure. neither is a direct replacement for a k-55-v. it appears the k556 might be an atlas prototype or an early prototype from hepner. i'm only speculating.
  16. you can not open the front or back on a heresy II. there is really no need to. all the drivers can be taken out the front. the crossover will unbolt from the back panel. the best years for heritage is every year. all of them are great. i think the E-2 was the best network for the original heresy. the heresy II network didn't change since 85 from my knowledge.
  17. look at many of the portable HD players/recorders. can be had for about $200-300. or older DAT recorders are usually sub $200 but require media. for mics look at www.soundprofessionals.com or build some mics from panasonic capsules for about $5 a piece from digi-key.
  18. they are not heresy II thats for sure. hII would not have an e-2 network nor a k-77 tweeter.
  19. ---------------- On 8/18/2005 6:06:53 PM t-man wrote: Been thinking of building a KG 5.5 center. Problem is the KG cabinet is TOO deep and not long enough for where I need to place it. Would the tuning/sound be much different if I kept the internal volume the same as original, but made a new cabinet that was shallower and taller???? Thanks! ---------------- that should work just fine, you will love the results.
  20. Acurus amps are very nice for the price. i have purchased them from ebay and had excellent results. I have owned a few different models.
  21. on sale at parts express right now. should be close enough http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=299-390
  22. ---------------- On 8/12/2005 9:58:49 AM STL wrote: As mentioned before, when you redo the motorboard be sure to move the woofers towards the center as far as you can. Make the brace so it snugly contacts the motorbard. ---------------- this is exactly what i did.
  23. i have both, i'm keeping both. cornyII has a bit bigger midrange sound, both use close to same mid driver, they both have same tweeter. if you have room and like heritage, get the cornwall. if you need space, you'll love the klf-20.
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