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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. Man, I leave this thread alone for a day and its turned into Hemis and Miatas! [] Yep, pretty sure the Fortes are here to stay. Currently listening to my Pure Disco CD! Just need a disco ball and I'm set! [<)]
  2. Processing surround sound. [] They're used in case your amplification system doesn't have built-in surround decoding.
  3. I talked to my wife today about the Klipsch pilgrimage. She seemed less than enthused. I then told her that we could incorporate the pilgrimage into visiting some close friends who live in Indiana. I guess my question is, is the pilgrimage in Arkansas or Indiana? I really would like to attend this year, but probably would only be able to do so if its in Indiana.
  4. Hmm. Well, Best Buy (Magnolia) is carrying Klipsch Reference. Its all good, more people have the chance to buy nice equipment now!
  5. Wow, nice list! I just bought a DVD-A player a couple of months ago and have been dying to try one out to listen to it. I don't think I'm ready to buy all those at once though! []
  6. I've never heard any, but I bet it sounds sterling!
  7. Funny you say that, because the gentleman I bought the Fortes from only listened to classical music on them with tube amps. Although, he bought them new which was in 1992 according to the serial #. Obviously the RF series wasn't available back then. The fact that he used to have Klipschorns makes me feel good about the Fortes. He obviously has heard Klipsch's best and he loved the Fortes too.
  8. Mike, someone could have emailed Daddy Dee before you posted on here. I'm sure he's not playing favorites!
  9. They don't give more power than is listed, they just give more clean power and the power rating is rated in the amp's full 20Hz to 20,000Hz bandwidth. The way I think about it is if you're going to be spending lots of money on speakers (I don't know how much the Ultra2 system is but I can't it imagine being cheap) you owe it to yourself to seriously consider upgrading the amplification as well. You can always buy the speakers and then go from there. The Ultra2 system would be a tremendous platform to build on.
  10. Me? My main system is in the basement, and my garage is so small that all I can fit in there is my car. My wife has an old Aiwa boombox in our main floor living room with my old Bose 401s. I guess I could use the Sony for those, but she's not a fan of having a big receiver in that room. I don't know where I could hide it in there, either.
  11. [] Yep, 80x3 plus 30x2 in surround mode. I guess I could have listed it was 470 watts at its 4 ohm 2 channel rating too.
  12. Thanks Buck. I know you sold the same receiver a while back. I just don't need it anymore. I really hope I get as close to $100 as I can. Looks like ones that sold previously on eBay went for $80+. It really does put out some awesome power, especially in 2 channel mode. Its rated at 235 watts x 2 at 4 ohms!
  13. Not that I remember. Audio King in town used to carry them years ago and I'm sure that I listened to them when I was there. That was when I was in my mid to late teens though and at that time I was more focused with car audio, as was my best friend who got me into audio in the first place. I'm glad he did!! Currently listening to the first Animusic DVD right now. Oh my...it sounds incredibly rich. Don't get me wrong guys, I really like the RF-7s too. In fact I just realized that my amp's remote allows me to switch between the A/B speaker outputs so I can do an on the fly switch at my seating position. Like I said before, there's a definite difference in sensitivity. I'm afraid that I just don't have the time nor the $$ to make the RF-7s sound as good as they can. The Fortes sound wonderful. [8] {edit} I think you made a decent deal, Mike. Of course the $275 I paid for my Forte IIs was pretty decent too. [Y]
  14. I'll give it some thought Michael, but I have a feeling that there will be a pair of RF-7s going up for sale very soon...
  15. Doing more listening today. I have a live CD from a local central MN band that's extremely well recorded that I've used as a reference disc. Sounds incredible. Last night my best friend made the comment when listening to a live concert DVD that the Fortes sound more like a live band playing right in the room and the RF-7s sound like speakers playing recorded music. If these are from '89 as someone said they are in incredible shape for being almost 20 years old!
  16. Well, I currently have a 2 channel setup and I don't foresee changing that anytime soon. The way my basement is designed, rear speakers are almost impossible to set up so I ditched my old Dolby Pro-Logic setup in favor of a 2 channel system that blows away everything I previously had. One other question, does anyone know what the minimum impedence of the Forte IIs are? I'm just wondering if they're easier to drive than RF-7s. I'm going to give myself about a week to decide which ones go. I may have already made up my mind, however.
  17. Does the sub have a switch to choose between "Auto" and "On" as far as power goes? If so, switch it to "On." The auto-sensing circuitry on Klipsch and other subs doesn't work really well it seems.
  18. Well folks, thanks to Klipsch I find myself in a dilemma. Actually, its more thanks to craigslist (again). Here's what the ad said: "Klipsch Forte II speakers. Perfect condition, medium oak finish, $400." Hmm, not a bad deal considering that on eBay most of the Forte speakers have sold in the $500-700 range. So, I considering emailing the seller and then forget about them. About a week later I do a search on craigslist for speakers and...what's this?...the same ad but this time they're listed for $275!! I immediately emailed the seller and asked about them. He said they were still available. I asked when I could pick them up. Saturday at 12:30pm. Ok, sounds good. So my best friend and I drove to the guy's house which was about an hour and a half from where I live. He had them sitting outside on his wood porch. They were a little bigger than I thought they'd be. They weren't exactly what I'd call perfect, but I would call them excellent. They looked really, really nice. The gentleman said that he used to own Klipschorns also and has only listened to classical music through tube amps on all his Klipsch speakers. I asked him why he got rid of the Khorns and he said he's joining the priesthood. As I left he had a very sad look on his face as he said "Take care of them, ok?" Unfortunately I wasn't able to listen to them at his place but I could tell that considering how nice the cabinets looked, they would probably sound perfect. So, I hooked them up and placed them in between my RF-7s and my TV. I just wanted to make 100% sure they worked. BIG MISTAKE. The Fortes sounded good. Really good. REALLY good. REALLY REALLY GOOD. It was impossible to do a good A/B test as you'll see in the attached pic. The Fortes were way too close to each other to get a good idea of imaging and stereo separation. I had my friend switch back and forth between the two. The RF-7s definitely played louder, the 3dB difference in sensitivity was easy to hear. There was just something about the midrange on the Fortes though. On some drums it had just a certain 'smack' that the RF-7s don't have. I put in about 15 different CDs, 5 music concert DVDs and also Star Wars III which we ended up watching in its entirety (mainly to show off the SVS to my friend). Am I crazy to actually consider getting rid of the RF-7s and keeping the Forte IIs?? I can't keep both pairs, one of them has to go. I was really worried that this might be the outcome. Oh, BTW, the serial #s on the backs of the speakers are 098292147 and 098292150. Any idea when they were made? 98?
  19. Our house is finally wallpaper-free. The previous owners had it up in the kitchen and one of the bedrooms. The bedroom had 3 layers of wallpaper! Even with DIF it took is a solid week to get all the crap scraped off. It really was terrible.
  20. If you go with an SVS I'd suggest the 20-39. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my 16-46, but it was designed with not quite as much total SPL output as the 20-39. The way SVS explains it is the 16-46 is mainly for movies and music with tons of LFE, the 20-39 is mainly for music that has more 30-50Hz bass.
  21. I posted this for sale in here a couple weeks ago at a 'buy it before it goes on eBay' price. Didn't have any takers. So, here it is up for bids. Its a great receiver for a 2 channel setup, garage or second audio room. Read the description for all the bells & whistles...its got plenty! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280044962172&rd=1&rd=1
  22. With the Sub-12 it will allow you to upgrade your front main speakers and have a very good sub that will keep up with them. Since the 12 isn't much more than the 10, do the 12!
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