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Everything posted by sunburnwilly

  1. I couldn't agree more. I vote love too. The more I listen to my 7s the happier I be. Damn, any of you guys ever crank La Grange with the horns. Awesome!Try the Live version of Back In Black on for size !!!
  2. Viagra ? Cialis ? Consult your physician . [W] Please continue Colin ...
  3. You either love them or you hate them ! I vote Love ! [{][}]
  4. Just a tip , No pints until the paintwork is done ! It is nice that they can hear though ![H]
  5. I'm sending my AA's off to Dean for a freshining . To any of you who have shipped these large networks I would appreciate any tips or suggestions . I have 2 boxes that with a little modification seem ideal . I plan to then place both of them into a larger box and surround on all sides with styrofoam . Anybody have some tips and or photos of how you have done it ? Thanks ...
  6. All you have to do is get your photos transfered to CD . Heck , I believe Wal Mart does this . Also there are negative scanners out there that would work .
  7. Thanks for the replies . So it seems that it is feasable . I was kinda thinking that mating the bass bin of the Jubilee with Al K's Trachorn and Beyma tweeter tops along with some creative networks could make for a formidable system . But at the moment I am just daydreaming . I have niether the room nor the budget to make this happen . At this time . []
  8. Dr. Who , You are right on in the first one . This is close to how I have my system set up . Very enjoyable from my large "home theater sectional couch " , and also from behind it . My house is a gathering point for big Football Games or other such events . It Rocks , and will move you , sometimes literally !
  9. We aint seen nothin yet !!! [li][ip][li]
  10. I have seen the pics. from the Heritage gathering and am currious , can the Jubilees be made to work in the home ? From looking at the photos , I see this as the next step . Am I crazy ?
  11. You Sure Do Got Some Purty Cones Boy ! ( Obvious Deliverance Referance ) Weeeeeeee , Just Havin Fun !!!
  12. Hot Action Cop - Self titled CD , Alternative ?, Hard Rock ? , Metal ?, Pop ? Diverse , Catchy , Campy ; Something for just about everyone . Warning , Explicit Lyrics
  13. Hey jgatty , Screw Audio ! Good Luck in the comming week ! Rita is looking Bad ! Take Care !
  14. Go Phillies !!! And take the 76ers with ya' !!!
  15. Hey jgatty , You posted a thread titled reference vs. heritage , what did you expect ? [6]
  16. Lets see YOUR Home Theater Ticket Booth ! [~]
  17. I recall seeing a screenshot of the beta version of the new forum that I believe Picky was testing . It showed a resize image button in the toolbar . That would be very handy to have . Any possibility of including that ? Also any possibility of going back to posting pictures as attachments that you have to click on to open up as opposed to being automaticaly posted ? It seems like either of these would speed up the forum for dialup users . I have broadband so it's not much of an issue for me .
  18. Uncool Newbie ? " Woo Hoo 420th Post , Time To Celabrate ! "[<)]
  19. Sounds like it's time to pop the tops on the Belles , pull out the spare Hereseys , and take the Dean G challenge . I haven't had crow in awhile , but am prepared to eat my share . Actualy if you prepare it right crow isn't so bad , tastes kinda like spotted owl . [Y]
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