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Everything posted by DLUngurait

  1. Justin, Where did you hear about 90 degree angles being a problem? I've worked professionally as a Soundman/Recordist and I was always taught not to run power cords parallel to audio cables so that you don't pick up 60 cycle hum in your audio. So I would always try to cross my audio cables at 90 degrees over any power cables to avoid this problem. Dave
  2. I have KG-3.5's as my front speakers in my HT set-up and I use SS-1's as my rears. I only use them for movies not multi-channel music as I'm stricktly an old-fashioned 2 channel/stereo kinda guy. I find the WDST design of the SS-1's to be very flexible/forgiving as far as speaker placement is concerned, and I am satisfied with their performance. Personally, I don't think timbre matching from front to rear is as big an issue as along the front soundstage (Front Left, Center, Front Right) as far as movies go. If you are interested in multi-channel music I would suggest finding another pair of KG-3.5's. Dave
  3. Lots of folks mentioning Duane Allman on this thread...and rightly so! Recently there has been a rock & roll documentary being edited here at my office. The subject of the doc is legendary music producer Tom Dowd. In one very interesting scene in this film, Tom is sitting in the recording studio with Derrick & The Dominos' "Layla" session master. As Tom raises and lowers the various individual tracks and points out which guitar line is Eric Clapton and which is Duane Allman I couldn't help but think..."Man this Clapton guy is good...but Duane is just running circles around him!". Ever since seeing/hearing that scene I've been plannining on trying to listen to some older Allman Bros. stuff so that I can listen to more of Duane's guitar work. Dave
  4. Loreena McKinnett has an excellent albeit short Christmas CD Dave
  5. DLUngurait

    THX intros

    Here is a link to a Dolby Digital Demo (not THX) DVD: "http://www.brandlocker.com/dolbyconsumer/results.cfm?productgroup=S%20P%20E%20C%20I%20A%20L%20S%20%21%20%21%20%21&storecode=20" Dave
  6. DLUngurait

    THX intros

    Here is a link to a Dolby Digital Demo (not THX) DVD: "http://www.brandlocker.com/dolbyconsumer/results.cfm?productgroup=S%20P%20E%20C%20I%20A%20L%20S%20%21%20%21%20%21&storecode=20" Dave
  7. I heard a reviewer on TV refer to "THE RING" as "a poor man's "THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT" ...I'm laughing at that comment all over again! I would think (chime in if I'm wrong here) that a decent system with a subwoofer you would hear the low frequency, but not necesarily at the same level you heard it at the theater, depending on the sub of course. Gil, when you mention "THE ANDALUSIAN DOG" by Brunel and famed artist Salvador Dali, my eyes start blinking uncontrolably. I remember sitting through a class in college when the Professor kept replaying the eyeball slashing scene explaing how they used a pig's eyeball for the close-up with the razor-blade. Dave
  8. 39 and about to be single again...Hope I haven't forgotten how...
  9. DLUngurait

    Red Dragon

    Does anyone know if this is the same story as Michael Mann's film "Manhunter" that came out int the late 80's or early 90's? It starred that Wm. Peterson guy from the TV series "CSI". Dave
  10. Madonna's hubby has made a few good ones: "Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" "******" OK...probably not really an indy but.. These are both essentially the same (type) film but he had a much better budget w/ "******". I always think of these two films when someone brings up "Resevoir Dogs" & "Pulp Fiction"...since the earlier picture shows the potential and the later shows the full talent when given a real budget. Dave
  11. "If klipsch want's an old Arky to tout their speakers, I've got one for'em -- Johnny Cash! Now there's yer spokesman! Original, John Deere tough, and honest; just like klipsch! And no squirm factor. " Isn't he a convicted felon? Dave
  12. "My box is empty, too!" fini We've known that for some time now fini I SAY SAY POST THE LINK...I WANNA SEE THOSE BABIES... the K-Horns of course. Dave
  13. Joe, I received a Sony CDP CX-400 as a gift a few years ago. Although I haven't really had any problems w/ it, I think I would rather have a higher end single disk player or even a multi disk player that allows you to change disks while you are playing another. The biggest problem I have w/ my 400 disk changer is the amount of time it takes to change from one disk to another...seems like forever! There are some good points such as various groupings that you can assign and program and the ability to plug in a computer keyboard to enter disk info/titles, but I never use those features. I do however like the ability to just hit play and walk away for hours while entertaining and I do get to use both the optical digital out as well as the analog out to simultaneously feed both my HT system and 2 Ch. system so that I can get away w/ having only one sub-woofer that works w/ both systems (they are both in the same room). Good Luck Dave
  14. I have some confusion on this issue as well. I was under the impression that "EX" and "ES" were 6.1 and 7.1 formats. On my DVD of LOTR under sound set-up...the top choice is "5.1 Dolby Digital EX Surround Sound"...is this possible? If the mixer is not seperating a channel for rear xenter...is there any difference between DD and DD EX? Dave
  15. Many of my favorites already mentioned above! A few that have not: Tracey Thorn from Everything But The Girl Tori Amos Billie Holliday
  16. mkgupta89, Are you sure you are talking about a KG 3.5? They are a two way design and therefore have no separate midrange speaker...just a woofer and a horn loaded tweeter. Dave
  17. "...jeff buckley is totally the man..." You mean: ...was the man... R.I.P. Dave
  18. vddobrev, I use some similar components in my HT set-up... As for the "pop" on your sub when your receiver is turned on: Is you sub plugged into the same outlet or even the same circuit as your receiver? I have a small keg refridgerator plugged into the same circuit as my KSW 10 sub and everytime the compressor kicks in I get a pop...but not when my Sony STRDE-925 turns on. As for the hiss...well that's more likely the receiver or possibly a source or even more probable your source material. Next time you hear the hiss try hitting "pause" on your DVD or CD player...more often than not I find the hiss to be a problem on the source material. Although my Sony receiver has alot more hiss than my old 2 ch. Yamaha...I still have to turn it up above my normal listening levels (which are fairly loud) in order to hear the hiss. Good Luck! Dave
  19. Could this be the very same deviant who keeps stealing my left sock?!?
  20. HDBR - Thanks for the info on the grilles and trim Dave
  21. JMON, Is the trim around your HF section squared like killerbees' or rounded like mine? If they are squared...I wonder if anyone knows when Klipsch swiched to the rounded trim? Also, on the label on the back of my '88 LaScalas where it states "type" mine says LS FB TG (I always assumed the TG meant top grille)...do yours say TG or is that also something that might have started later? Dave
  22. killerbee, You are correct...LSBR = LaScalas, Birch, Raw. So the previous owner trimmed and finished them himself. Try to find out what he used...that is if you really want to try to refinish them. I would also ask the previous owner if he has the logo plates stuffed in a drawer somewhere. Dave
  23. killerbee, According to your serial #...that would be a 1983 LaScala not an '81...but I'm more interested in the "type" info from the label. Dave
  24. Hmmmmn...I'm afraid our friend Mr. Fini is one bite short of a sandwich...pass the smoothie! Dave
  25. DLUngurait

    Buyer Beware

    cluless, "A.I. & Final Fantasy- I don't know what I was expecting, but It was definitely more than what these movies offered." Put me in the "different strokes" camp on both of these. Certainly boths of these films had their flaws and dragged on a bit towards their endings, but I enjoyed them. Final Fantasy had some of the most realistic (human) animation that I have ever seen. After watching "A.I" I wondered about how the film would have turned out if Kubrick would have been able to direct as was originally intended. I'm a BIG Kubrick fan, but I'd bet the film would have dragged even more w/ the autuer Kubrick at the helm. As a side note Jude Law ("A.I", "The Talented Mr. Ripley", "Enemy At The Gates") has got to be one of my favorite young actors around right now. Dave
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