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Everything posted by Cornman

  1. Thought I would offer them here before I list them on Craigs list at a higher price. 1986 mdl. Cabinets are a little rough, but they play fine.If interested pm or E-mail me. Cornman
  2. I love it when there is a consensus as we have on this subject. I am in full agreement about Klipch working best with tubes or some type of SS on the warm sounding side. Having gone thru this before with my Cornwalls, working my way thru various receivers & amps. The selected combinations are like night & day in satisfaction. For some reason I got the wrong notion in my mind that the Heresy was an exception to this "rule". So as always I appreciate ever ones input that has never led me wrong yet. When I get back home I will try the Heresy's with the tried & true HK930, & my Mc. with tube pre amp.& I am sure the Grin will return to my face again. []
  3. [*-)]I have loved the sound of Klipch for 40 years, and as some of you may have seen in an earlier post I purchased a pair of Heresy ll for my 85 year young father for a fathers day gift. He has been using a pair of Sansui SP5500x for the past couple of years, driven by a Pioneer SX950. So I thought I would up grade his speaker's to the sound of Klipsch. I was so excited looking forward to seeing the look on his face when he heard the Heresy's. But it was not to be, I was the one with the shocked look on his face when we A-B compared the speakers. What a disapointment, the Heresy was badly out done by the Sansui. Yes the Sansui has a larger woofer & more speakers. Was the Heresy competing with a speaker out of its class or what? I just cant figure it out... What do you think?
  4. Were these manfactured in 1986? Seriel # 8618767 Just bought a pair today for my 85 year young father. What a great father day suprise he is going to get. Cant wait to see the look on his face when he hears the sound of Klipsch.[]
  5. Yea, right on Ben, seems like most everbody loves those "Blue Mailboxes" [H] Cornman
  6. Best laugh I have had all week Duke thanks fir tht one..[].Just sold my Conrad Johnson for $300.00 + shipping new owner is thrilled with it. Good luck Spkrdctr, deal's like that dont come alone ever day & you have to be fast on the trigger. But keep watching this board they pop up ocassionally. Cornman
  7. Hey, I will triple your money & give you $30.00 for them.. yuk e Yuk..... Joe
  8. So great, sounds like this can definitely be done. Reinforcing the shelfing, adequate spacing, and perhaps adding some ventilation, with holes through the back wall that go into a closet area. Had even considered fans but was trying to avoid the harmonic possibilities. Gil, I'm not just smiling, I'm still grinning from ear to ear over your pinwheel question - and I thought I was the only one that had such silly notions. Travis, thanks for the gracious offer to bring over the VRDs - nothing better than auditioning in your own environment and system, and no we will not put them on the shelves, but out on a safe table. For I could not live with the crash either. Alen, we are still waiting with great anticipation for your review of the NOS 350B amp. And MAS - I agree, we tubies need a tax break or some kind of relief. Thebes, you lucky dog, if only I had some twins to test my shelves. Thanks again to all, Cornman
  9. Using the built in shelfing shown in photo, do you think I could replace my solid state mac with a pair of VRD's or mac 275? Or would it be too hot? Room temperature is kept at about 73F. The cary tube pre-amp seen in photo seems to run at or just below 100F measured just an inch above the hottest tube. Cooler will extend the life of course but at what point do you begin to hasten the demise? Cornman
  10. After following the great advise given here on this board, I went thru several different SS Receivers & Amps as $'s would allow me to step up. When I got my first Tube Pre. in front of any of SS gear it was all a great step forward into the direction of Audio Bliss for me. I have just purchased from another forum member here a Cary Pre Amp & will be selling my Conrad Johnson PV3 with phono that would easily fit your $ range - $325.00 - Satisfaction guaranteed or you money back. Dont wish to turn the forum into a classified - will send more details in Pm if your interested. But by all means do try a Tube pre of some type, if I had the funds I would be trying out a Peach myself. Cornman
  11. Correction, it is a DBX 224. Some days I get it ALL wrong it seems. Anyway if you can use it - it's yours. All I ask in return is for an opportunity to hear your Corner Horns someday. Joe the Cornman
  12. Travis regarding your earlier post on the DBX, I have a DBX 240 you are welcome to if that will help any? Joe the Cornman
  13. Right on, Mas - One of my all time favorite DVD's especially those "Spaces between the performance's".Never better said. One of those great modern American Storrys.
  14. My Cary SLP30 acts just like a microphone, if you ever so lightly thump the shelf it set's on ( with no input signal) it is amplified thru the speakers. No problem when playing music, I just happened to notice this microphone effect one night while turning on a micro light attached to the shelf. I am delighted with the sound of this new acquisition, thanks to a fellow forum member for such a great deal. Just curious if any one else has noticed this phenomenon? Makes me reconsider the need for isolation devices. Cornman
  15. Erick, I noticed your comment about how much you like the Trancedent Sound OTl. Have you heard the T-16 OTL? The photo in your post is the One & a half watt mdl, right? Would really like to hear from anyone who has heard the 15 watt mdl. Also from the same company has anyone read there book called "Audio Reality"? Cornman
  16. [|-)] While your at it replace those old crossover caps. Best improvement per $ I have made so far. Bob C. has some great sonicaps,,, welcome to the sound of Klipsch . Cornman
  17. I have the oppurtunity to purchase a pair of LS12-MR10 & TW35'S for the reasonable sum of $50. I am concerned about the 20 watt rating and the low sensitivity rating of 52db. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with these speakers? I was hoping to build a small bass reflex style speaker, similar to the klipsch heresy. What do you think? Thanks, Cornman
  18. Regarding Wharfendale's,,,, when you get time --- Thanks, Cornman
  19. Are the EV T-35 and the JBL 2404 mentioned by Allen and Coytee drop in rplacement's in the cornwall or is there modification required? Cornman
  20. Finally got around to replacing the 27 year old stock caps in my Cornwalls. As always you guys were giving great advice- "one of the best ugrades per dollar to be had". The sound was already good I thought, but now its just plain glorious. So clean - clear -defined- harmonic decay to die for, and all the other superlatives you can think of. Bob Crites was such a pleasure to work with, he could have easly sold me other parts that I questioned him about, but being the gentleman he is, he gave me the honest answers I needed, not the big upsale lingo you get from so many other places. For any one who has been considering this project - Go for it Today, it will make you smile from ear to ear. It's so easy my son & I completed the project in a little over 2 hrs. from disassembly to listening . THANK'S again B.E.C One step closer to audio nervana -- It's so good now if I get any closer I am afraid I might be consumed. Cornman
  21. So Bob is the break in time spoken of on the V- cap site only for signal coupling and not xovers? Also what does this- voltage conditioned capicators' phrase that Leok notes in his equipment list? Cornman
  22. In a previous post on capaciator choices (for signal coupling) there was a link provided by Anarchist that I foud very informative. Does any one have a similer link for speaker xover capicators? Also how is the best way to acomplish the break in time on these caps, without putting my tubes & ears thru the lengthy hours required by some manufactures? Do I hook up one of my solid state tuners to the speakers & let it run white noise between stations for the required break in time or what? Still learning--- as always thanks for the advice. Cornman
  23. OH yea - right guys. Let, don't forget to give brother Duke a big sloppy kiss while were all in this simpatico mood. And it's not even April yet-- com on spring time Cornman
  24. Dean, the Audiogon link for these crossovers only gave the price for type A, what's the price for the type B for my 1980 Cornwalls. Thanks Cornman
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